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Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(24)

By:Anne Malcom

"Gwen you're mine." He told me savagely, pushing my underwear aside, thrusting inside me.

I almost screamed, but he silenced me with a kiss, wildly pounding me  against the wall. He was rough, urgent as he plunged into me and I loved  it. I bit his lip, yanked at his hair and he growled, fucking me  harder. I felt an orgasm rip through me like wildfire, milking a release  out of Cade.

We stayed connected, both panting, damp from our exertion. Cade slowly  lowered me down, gently pulling out of me. I felt stickiness against my  thighs, realizing we didn't use a condom. Cade reached over for some  toilet paper, gently cleaning himself from me.

"Fuck I am so sorry baby, I didn't mean to get so carried away." His  hand smoothed my hair and he looked almost worried. It was quite a novel  expression on his gruff stubbled face.

"It's okay, I'm on the pill and I'm clean." I replied breezily, the alcohol giving me no reason to worry.

Cade's gaze locked with mine. "That's good to hear baby, and I'm clean  too, I promise you. I've never fucked anyone bare, no matter what." He  shook his head. "But with you, it was fucking amazing."

"Yeah it was." I agreed smiling at him, enjoying my little holiday from  common sense that these lovely cocktails were treating me to.

"Can I take you home now baby? I think we need to get you into bed." His eyes were hooded.

I smirked. "Yes I think we do."

I woke up feeling warm, too warm and like my throat was made of sand  paper. I reached blindly for precious liquid, hoping drunk me had been  looking out for hungover me. I felt the body behind me reach away and  come back handing me a bottle.

"Had a feeling you would need this." A half asleep voice grumbled.

I didn't reply, opening the cap and downing the entire bottle, silently thanking the lord for this small favor.

"Better." I exclaimed to no one in particular before snuggling back into a hard chest.

I felt the chest vibrate underneath me, and a hand reached to stroke my hair.

"You need an aspirin baby?" Cade asked when he finished laughing.

I took stock of my body, I was feeling slightly nauseous that could be  because I just necked an entire bottle of water too quickly, my head was  a bit delicate, but not too bad.

"No thank you." I replied politely, not moving my head off the muscled chest, enjoying the feeling of his hand in my hair.

"Okay well let me know if you change your mind, I didn't realize how  drunk you were until I got you on my bike last night. I was shit scared  you'd fall off the entire ride home." His voice was rough from sleep,  and seriously sexy.                       


I scoffed. "I wasn't that drunk, I managed to hold on, I'm here aren't I?" I said, feeling defensive.

"Babe, you passed out face down on my bed, fully clothed. Not that I  didn't enjoy discovering what underwear you wore underneath your dress, I  just prefer you conscious." Cade remarked dryly as I realized I was  wearing his tee and my panties. Then I groaned.

"We had sex in the bathroom of Laura Maye's bar last night." I declared,  mortified. "Oh my god, I can't believe I did that." I faced planted  into Cade's chest, hoping to stay there until my embarrassment wore off,  in other words, forever. Cade wasn't having that, he pulled me up so I  was laying on top of him and we were face to face. His grey eyes were  serious.

"Don't be embarrassed Gwen, that was hot as fuck. But I owe you an  apology, for taking advantage of you. I just couldn't stop myself, I  haven't been able to get you off my mind for three days, then seeing  that guy all over you, and you in that dress … I lost all self control."

"You didn't take advantage of me, I knew exactly what I was doing, I  just wasn't completely aware of my public surroundings." Who am I  kidding? The public surroundings made it even hotter.

Cade looked relieved, then framed my face with his hands, face still serious.

"I meant what I said last night, I've never fucked anyone bare, I'm clean."

I nodded. "So I am."

Cade's gaze turned hooded. "But fucking you, with nothing in between us,  gonna want to do that more often baby. And by that I mean every fucking  day." His hands delved into my panties, I moaned when he got to my  sweet spot.

"We are going to have words about you and that asshole who was all over you … after." He declared, pushing a finger inside me.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head. "Mmmhmm, after."

I emerged from the bathroom after some seriously amazing lovemaking to  curl back up with Cade. He pulled me close to his chest, kissing my  head. I didn't take him for a cuddler, but I dug it.

"Time to talk baby." His voice was soft, with an edge.

I groaned, feeling like a chastised schoolgirl but met his gaze.

"I was never intending to do anything with Jeff, I couldn't bring myself  to move past harmless flirting. I was only out because I was trying to  get my mind off you and to stop myself from driving out here and being  in the exact position I am now." I blurted out in one breath.

"First off babe, no such thing as harmless flirting, not with you, you  don't flirt with anyone got it?" He spoke roughly, his gaze intent on  mine. "Secondly why were you trying to stop yourself from being here?  It's a pretty fucking great position if you ask me." He smirked.

I blushed. "Yes those positions were pretty great." I stopped, trying to  find the right words to explain, without divulging my dirty past. "It  was just too much for me, your world, I didn't think I could handle it."  I glimpsed down at his chest, tracing his tattoos with my fingertip.

He grabbed my chin, drawing my eyes to meet his. "And now? You can handle it." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes I think I can handle it." I said softly.

Whatever it was between us was too strong to fight, and I didn't want to  fight it. So far I liked the way Cade made me feel, protected and safe.  And also extremely sexy and most importantly, happy. I might be making a  huge mistake, by going near this world again, but I was willing to take  the risk. I wanted to trust my instincts, and dive into something scary  but exciting

"I know you can handle it." He stated with certainty.

Chapter 7

"Baby." Cade was on top of me, making love to me, tender, slow. I moaned  throwing my head into the pillow as he rubbed me in circles while  pushing in slowly. I was close.

"Baby." Cade repeated. "Eyes, I need your eyes." He ordered.

I immediately lifted my head, locking eyes with him. I lost my breath  and his expression it was intense, full of blatant lust and awe?

"Fuck, missed you, on the road, couldn't stop thinking about you." He  thrust inside me again and I unraveled, screaming loudly, keeping my  eyes focused to his. I watched, through my own pleasure, when he came.  It was amazing to watch such a staunch strong man lose control.

Afterwards, he rested on his elbows, not giving me his full weight. He  kissed my nose, moving as if to pull out, I wrapped my legs around his  hips not wanting to lose him.

"No don't leave yet." I whispered.

He gazed at me softly, staying a beat before pushing up and walking to  the bathroom. He returned with a washcloth, gently cleaning me.                       


We had two days together after the night at the bar before he had to  leave again for a week. We had spent every possible moment together in  those two days, and most of our time was spend in bed. I had missed him a  lot, and so had he obviously. He called me every night he was away, not  that he was much of a talker, but just to ‘check in'. It was nice  knowing he thought about me while he was gone and made the effort to let  me know. When we got home, he had picked me up from the store on his  bike, taking me to his place. We were all over each other as soon as we  got in the door, much like last time, but this time, he fucked me  against the door. It was ah ma zing. He then carried my to his room,  slowly look off my clothes, then made love to me. That brought me to  now. Lying on his rumpled bed, naked, staring at the ceiling, feeling  content. I felt Cade settle in beside me, pulling my to his side. I  instantly snuggled into the crook of his shoulder, stroking his tats.


"Hmmm" I half answered, distracted by his tattoos, and his body.

"We gotta talk."

Still distracted, I muttered "Okay."

"You're going to tell me what happened to you." He spoke gruffly as if he expected something horrible.

I turned to stone. I knew he felt it because he started to stroke my back gently.

"What happened to put that fear behind your eyes, what makes you flat  out panic when the boys get too close, what made you say what you said  on the beach that day. What gave you the scars." He lightly traced the  scar my cheek, the evidence of a ring tearing open my face, then my  stomach, where the doctors opened me up because I was bleeding  internally.