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Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(23)

By:Anne Malcom

He sighed, bringing my forehead to his. "Yeah baby."

I was curled up on our porch reading a book, or trying to read when it was yanked out of my hands.

"Hey! I was reading that." I scowled at Amy, who was standing above me, one hand on my book one on her hip.

"Oh really? Is that why you haven't turned a page in the last half hour?"

"It's a very engrossing page, I find that reading it a couple of times  brings about a richer understanding of the complexities of the  characters." I countered.

Amy raised a brow.

I sighed. "Fine!! I keep staring at the same sentence because I can't stop thinking about Cade. Happy?" I pouted at her.

She perused me for a moment, then gripped my arms and heaved me up to stand in front of her.

"No I am not happy, I am supremely disappointed at the revelations of  the other days events, while I completely agree with your decision I am  sad because I've never seen you like that with a guy, especially one  that rivals Chris Hemsworth on the hotness scale. But, you know what  they say, the best way to get over a guy is to get under another. So  lets go!" She herded me into the house.

"Where are we going? Last time I checked there wasn't any men hiding in  my closet that I could get under." Well as long as you didn't count my  vibrator.

"Har har Gwen. You're not going to attract any men wearing a football  shirt and sweat pants, so you have to change into my black Gucci dress."

"It's a rugby top not football, and if I was back at home my  appreciation for the ‘All Blacks' would have the men lining up to talk  to me." I argued as she shoved me into her closet, which was equally as  impressive as mine.

"Yeah well, I wouldn't like to know what kind of men they would be, but  here in America, a hot blooded male responds to tits, ass and leg.  You've got those in abundance." Her gaze flickered to my chest. "Maybe  not the first one, but the other two make up for that."                       


I scowled at her as she threw me her dress, but took it, pulling off my shirt.

It had been three days since my conversation with Cade on the beach. I  had kept myself busy, but he kept invading my thoughts. No matter how  much my rational self pointed me firmly away from him, other parts of my  body, like my vagina, and my heart nudged me in his direction. I almost  drove out there last night, only stopping myself when I was actually in  my car. It didn't help I'd heard the rumble of Harley's multiple times  in the past few days, and had actually seen him drive past me when I was  walking out of the coffee shop. Our eyes had locked for a quick second,  even from a distance my thighs had quivered. It took all I had not to  chase him down. Luckily I was carrying precious cups of coffee, which  were otherwise known as my sanity, so I could not relinquish them, even  to chase a sexy herd of bikers down the street. That was not normal  behavior. So maybe Amy was right, maybe I did need to look at  distracting myself with someone else, or at least consume huge amounts  of alcohol. I wasn't going near Luke, knowing that Rosie was into him.  It would be totally against girl code, and even if she didn't like him,  my feelings for him were purely platonic, no matter how hot he was. He  had called me to apologize for that day, and I had assured him it wasn't  his fault, he had said nothing about Cade, thankfully, but did turn up  this morning at the store with my coffee and lighthearted banter.

So here we were, at Laura Maye's bar, with Amy at my side. I had  expected some country themed saloon, after meeting Laura Maye, but I was  pleasantly surprised. Her bar reminded me of a trendy place in New  York. The bar sat in the middle of the room, it had a shiny chrome top,  with green leather stools along it. Floor to ceiling windows exposed the  oceans breathtaking view, with classy booths running along the windows.

"You girls finally made it! And don't you both look fine, the men in  here are going to be fighting over each other to get to the pair of  you!" Laura Maye appeared from behind the bar, kissing us on the cheeks  like old friends.

I couldn't help but smile at this woman's warm and friendly nature.

"It's so nice to see you again Laura Maye, your bar is amazing, I can't believe we haven't been here sooner." I told her.

She winked at me, directing Amy and I to a table with an amazing view right beside a group of handsome looking men in suits.

"I spect you've been busy Miss Gwen, but I don't see you with any man  tonight, so why not get to know these gentlemen, just in town for the  weekend, on business." She winked at us again. "I'll get you ladies some  cocktails, coupla my specialties, you'll like them, and they've got a  kick." She sauntered off, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor.

"That woman is something else." I exclaimed, settling into my seat, looking over at Amy.

"I know, don't you love it? I think she's the only person in the world  who can actually make head to toe leopard print work. I respect her for  that alone."

I giggled, agreeing with her. I noticed the men from next door glancing  over at us. They were pretty attractive, and in their Armani suits,  completely opposite to the biker who was dangerous to my emotional  health.

"Here we are ladies, compliments of the gentlemen at the next table  over." A waitress set two delicious looking cocktails in front of us  with a knowing smile.

Amy raised an eyebrow at me, bringing her glass up to mine. "I'll drink to that."

I clinked mine to hers with a smirk.

"No way! You like the All Blacks?" I directed a cocky smirk at my best  friend who was getting very close with Travis, a handsome advertising  executive.

"I was going to wear an All Blacks top out tonight but my friend here  assured me it would be not very attractive." I pointed with my cocktail  glass, lucky not to spill any. Laura Maye was right, these were potent.

Jeff, the guy to my right slung his arm over the back of my seat.

"Trust me sweetheart, you in an All Blacks top would be smoking." He  flirted, eying me up and down. "Not that I don't appreciate the dress."

I smiled at him and sipped my drink, feeling delightfully buzzed and  enjoying some harmless flirting with a hot guy. That's as far as this  was going. Just flirting. As much as I was enjoying myself I couldn't  picture myself actually doing something with this guy. I kept picturing a  brooding dark haired man in leather. Fuck it. Maybe I just needed more  cocktails. I drained my drink.

"Can I get you another drink Gwen?" Jeff asked, leaning in so I could feel his breath at my ear.                       


"Yes please." I replied softly back, giving him my best sexy gaze, which may have been hampered by previous cocktails.

"You won't be buying her anymore drinks." An angry voice declared from above me.

I turned my head in surprise to see not only Cade glaring at Jeff like  he was going to strangle him with his tie, but Brock who was glowering  at Amy. This could not mean good things.

"I wasn't aware Gwen had a boyfriend." Jeff said smoothly, not  indicating he was the least bit intimidated by a huge pissed off biker  and his equally huge pissed off friend.

"I don't." I said at the same time Cade growled. "She sure as fuck does."

"For fucks sake. Gwen come with me." Cade commanded through clenched teeth.

I grabbed my purse, deciding that talking to him would be the best way  to avoid these two nice men getting beaten up in Laura's lovely bar.

"I'll be back in a minute." I told Jeff, who looked uncertain to let me go.

"No she won't." Cade barked, grabbing my arm as I stood up.

Brock and Amy seemed to be having the same kind of problem as us, but  Amy looked like she would cling to the seat if Brock attempted to move  her. I let out a little giggle as Cade pulled me away disappointed I  wouldn't get to watch that drama unfold.

"What the fuck Gwen?" Cade snapped in my face as soon he pulled me into a bathroom and locked the door.

I struggled not to sway at all of the sudden motions. Why did bathrooms  have the magical power of making you realize how drunk you actually  were?

Cade's eyes ran up and down my body and the intensity of the gaze made  me instantly wet. He obviously didn't want me to answer his question  because he had me up against the wall before I knew what hit me. His  mouth was on mine, his hand fisting my hair, the kiss was wild, frantic.  His hands were everywhere, his grasp on my hair was rough and his kiss  was merciless. Without thinking I wrapped my legs around his hips as he  lifted me, hands on my ass. I moaned when he pulled up my dress,  grinding his erection into the thin lace of my underwear. My hands  reached between us, fumbling at his belt. Cade pulled his mouth from  mine, breathing heavily, eyes blazing.