Reading Online Novel

Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(14)

"Holy shit!" Rosie yelled. "This place looks amazing!!" She rushed  towards me and engulfed me in a huge hug. She released me, looking me up  letting out a whistle. "Scratch that, you look amazing, way to make us  mere mortals look like shit." She glanced at Amy, who was busy chatting  to Lucy and Ashley and making them drinks.

"Wowza, and Amy is making white look far from virginal." She declared, impressed.

I laughed lightly, "You look killer Rosie, where did you get that  dress??" I asked, genuinely wanting to know. Up close the dress was  embroidered with hundreds of little beads that sparkled in the light. I  needed something like that in my wardrobe, not counting my hundreds of  other little black dresses.

"Oh some thrift store." She waved her hand. "It was way longer, but I  gave it the chop and voilà! New dress! Enough about that. My brother is  going to die when he sees you looking like that, seriously I wouldn't  put it pass him to carry you out, caveman style," she giggled.                       


I blinked, shocked at the casual way she was talking about Cade in  relation to me, as if we were a couple together for a while, not two  people who barley knew each other apart from making out at her party.  And he was coming here, what? I definitely didn't remember inviting him  to come here, I wasn't insane. I started with the obvious question.

"Cade's coming?" I asked, my voice sounding squeaky.

"Well yeah." She said like it was the obvious answer. "I told him about  the opening today and he said him and the boys would definitely stop by,  you're here, free booze and hot bitches? Just try and keep them away."

I barely restrained a snort, hardass bikers at a clothing store opening?  Yeah right! I began to ask her if she was actually serious when Amy and  the girls came over, arms full of cocktails. Amy thrust a full glass  into Rosie's waiting hand and replaced my empty one.

"Right bitches." She completely interrupted. "I think it is time for a  toast." She thought for a second. "To new friends, new beginnings and  new clothes!"

The women laughed, we clinked our glasses and downed a mouthful of the delicious brew.

"So Gwen." Lucy started after finishing her sip. "Are you selling that  smoking dress somewhere in this lovely place or am I going to have to  rip it off your back? Because that is gorg  – goues."

"Of course we have it, just in different colours, right over here." I  directed her to a rack full of dresses as Ashley and Rosie began to look  through racks. Within the first five minutes the three ladies had  armfuls of clothes ready to try.

"Just to inform you ladies," I called over the doors of the fitting  rooms as they were getting changed. "In New Zealand we have a thing  called ‘mates rates' which I assure you all you will be getting."

"Rock on!" I heard Rosie exclaim from the middle stall and I laughed. I  had lost track of the amount of times I have genuinely laughed since  being around these women, not just the fake ones I had forced back in  New York.

Amy must have been thinking something along the same lines as she  glanced at me with a proud smile, and I saw a tiny glisten in her eyes.  Before I was able to say something, Lucy came out of the fitting room,  looking stunning in the black, shorter version of my dress and  exclaimed, "I have to have this, seriously have to!!"

"Yes you so do." I agreed.

After almost an hour of trying on, the girls decided on multiple items,  and while I was getting them sorted I informed them of their totals.

Rosie blinked at me. "No Gwen that's not right, that isn't even the price of two dresses let alone three."

"Opening night special." I shrugged.

"No we will pay full price." Lucy put in. "We have to support our new favorite store."

"And I have to support my new best customers." I said back with a smile, the girls started to argue but Amy butted in.

"Ladies take the fucking discount, you are awesome, and Gwen and I are  just grateful to meet such kick ass chicks on coming here, this is our  thank you. No arguing." She ordered.

It was then that the girls concede, thanks to Amy's no nonsense tone.

"But next time we are paying full price." Rosie decided.

I just smiled back at her, not saying a thing. At that point, the bell  chimed and some women from Roses party piled in. I greeted them warmly,  hoping I remembered everyone's name. After that people continuously  trickled in, some I recognized, some I didn't. World travelled fast in  this small town, which was something I had banked on. Everyone was  lovely, including the man who owned the bookstore next door, whom I had  met on Sunday. He brought his wife Bernie, who was in her late fifties  but wore her age well, with short red hair and a slim body, which was  wearing a lovely red skirt and blouse. People in this town were freaks  of nature with their good looks and impeccable style.

"Gwen dear, its so lovely to meet you, Evan told me all about the  ‘beautiful young kiwi girl' who loved books just as much as he did! I'm  glad as he has had trouble finding an avid reader in me." She laughed.  "Now I will definitely be coming to visit you on a regular basis, I  think." Her gaze landed on a stunning pair of heels on the shelf behind  me.

"I look forward to it." I told her before getting whisked away by Rosie  to meet more people. It was about 8:30pm, my little store was packed, I  was over the moon, men and women of all ages had come to welcome Amy and  I. I was wrapping a purchase when the bell chimed for what felt like  the hundredth time that night, hot cop Luke sauntered in. He looked  good, and so did his buddies who were trailing in behind him, these were  some fine all American specimens. He was wearing a blue button up  shirt, tucked into faded jeans, a big old belt buckle and cowboy boots. I  glanced over at Amy whose eyes were so focused on the newcomers she  didn't realize the champagne glass she was pouring was overflowing.                       


I chuckled turning attention back to Violet, the young girl buying the  dress. "You enjoy that dress honey, it looks great on you." I said  sincerely.

My eyes went back to where Luke was currently making his was towards me,  eyes twinkling, saying hello to people as he approached, shaking hands  and whatnot. I smoothed my dress stepping out from behind the counter.  He got a full look at me and his eyes darkened, I blushed slightly at  his reaction.

"Gwen." He addressed me roughly, grabbing my waist and kissing my cheek.  My skin tingled a little from his touch, I was definitely attracted to  him, but I couldn't help but compare it to the fire I felt when Cade  touched me. I mentally shook my head, focusing on Luke before my  thoughts wandered too much.

"Luke, glad you could make it." I beamed up at him.

"So am I darling, you look … " he paused, hands still at my waist,  "Stunning, although that does not adequately describe how beautiful your  are in that dress." His voice was charming and held an undertone of  desire.

I laughed nervously, very aware that his hand was still at my waist. "Stop your making me blush."

"Good, your blush is beautiful," he murmured.

I was still smiling, albeit timidly when the bell chimed yet again. I  didn't pay much notice, still focusing on how to handle this intimate  situation, and how I felt about it.

"Can I get you a beer?" I asked gesturing towards the bar, slightly stepping away from him.

I caught Amy's eye, she looked slightly panicked, I narrowed my  eyebrows, usually she would be thrilled seeing me talking to a hot guy.

That's when I felt it. The intense energy, the air almost sizzling. I  turned away from the bar and locked eyes with Cade, who was pushing his  way towards me with his eyes focused on Luke's hand, which was still  resting at my waist.

"Shit." I muttered, fully stepping out of Luke's touch. "Sorry Luke,  could you excuse me for just a second? I have something to deal with,  Amy will get you a beer." I tried to sound breezy.

Luke followed my eyes and started to look a bit dangerous himself. "You know Fletcher?" He questioned tightly.

I opened my mouth to ask him who Fletcher was, when Cade descended upon us, expression dark.

"Crawford." He spat out the name like it tasted bad, glaring at Luke. He  directed his gaze at me, eyes travelling up and down my body and I got  instantly wet at the hunger in his stare. His eyes snapped to mine.  "Babe outside. Now." He ordered.

I opened my mouth yet again to tell him to go fuck himself, but more  politely as I am at my store opening in front of the town and I wanted  to sound calm and dignified. Before I could get the words out, Luke  stepped forward, almost in front of me. Fuck, this didn't look like it  was going in any direction that was good, people started to give  sideways glances our way.