Reading Online Novel

Natural Law(15)

“Then don’t do it. I’ll be worth the wait.”

“Nice try. I should give your ass a good beating, trying to give orders to a Mistress.” She gave his face a light swat with her nails, was not surprised a bit when his eyes shot fire at her.

“No, Mackenzie,” she said, her lips thinning into a straight line. “You don’t want to fuck me for the right reasons. You just want to erode my control, make me lose my senses so I’ll go easier on you next time. But I’m keeping the reins. I’m not giving up a bit of it, and I’m going to keep pushing you until I have all of you, not just the cock you’re so free with. It’s time you start realizing that having a Mistress means everything is hers, as I said before. Your heart, your mind, your soul and your body. Cock, ass, whatever I want of you is what you give me, and if you can’t get that through your thick skull, it’s going to get way rougher before it gets easier.”

“You’re the one making this harder,” he said, with a look in his eyes she was beginning to anticipate. “You’re a cock tease.” Violet tossed the towel to the side.

“You know, you get mean when you get scared, Mackenzie, but you’re not going to drive me off. You want some punishment? You got it. I can be the bitch of your dreams, sugar, but I can also be so much more. If you’ll stop being such a chicken-hearted bastard, you’ll find that out.”


Joey W. Hill

She went to her bag of personal belongings and withdrew something she hadn’t anticipated using tonight. Something that made his eyes go dark with apprehension.

“You’re not putting that in me.”

“Really? Of course not. Not if you say the words. And you know the words, Mac.

Are you ready to use them?” At his fury-laden silence, she nodded, went behind him.

She placed a hand on his backside, fingered him despite his futile attempts to jerk his ass away from her touch. “Still well-lubricated. Well, then.” He bucked up and she neatly reached under him, caught his balls and twisted, just enough to freeze him in place as he realized to move further would cause him excruciating pain. She slid the plug all the way in, to the flared wide tip. He had a tighter ass than she expected, which suggested his tension and that he did not do anal play often. She stood, took the remote and programmed it, then set it down on her chair, putting it just out of his reach.

“Now I’ve programmed that for three twenty-minute sessions,” she said, meeting his enraged glance as she turned it on. The twitch that went through his body, the jump in his cock, told her she had seated the plug right where she should. “It will build, get stronger and stronger, then go back to a low speed, then build again. I suspect it will make you come each time.” She nudged the pail under his stiffening cock again. “As regular as milking a bull for sperm. I’ll ask the staff to come release you at the end of an hour.”

His head snapped up. “You’re not staying to watch?”

“No, I’m not. They will.” She hit the ceiling switch and the darkening feature reversed. It would be a full house. Even with the soundproofing, she sensed all eyes would be riveted on the handsome male specimen below, left bound and being jerked off for their entertainment.

“Violet, don’t do this.” His face was wild, desperate, and she saw his legs trembling, already starting to feel the effects of the vibrating plug. Sweat was shining on his brow, those magnificent muscles glowing.

She continued as if he had not spoken. “At the half-hour point, I’ll send Mariah down to give you water. She’ll force feed it to you if necessary. I won’t have you dehydrated. At the one hour mark, she’ll come and release you, and you can clean up after yourself and go home. If you’ve never held a plug this long, be sure and wash yourself out with this.” She put a bottle of salve next to the remote. “It will soothe the tissues, so you’ll be ready for Friday.”

“Friday,” he said, staring at her.

She hadn’t intended to extend the invitation, or at least that’s what she’d told herself, but now she knew she’d planned to take him from the very beginning. She was nuts. She could barely control him. If he were free now, he’d have her slammed down on her back in an instant. The thought made her thighs tremble.

“Friday,” she repeated firmly. “There’s a group of Female Doms from The Zone who are bringing their current slaves to a weekend place on the Gulf that belongs to a 54

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friend of mine. I want to bring you. You don’t have to go,” she added. “If it’s too soon for you to go off site, I’ll understand, and we can keep playing here.” She softened her tone, stepped forward, and dared to get close enough to twist his hair in her fingers. He licked her wrist, bit down on her palm, the jerky movements of a man being pushed to climax and fighting to hold back.

She hesitated, then plunged forward, ignoring all sense, caution. She focused only on those beautiful eyes, so angry and needy, all at once. “If you’ve still got the guts, meet me out in front of The Zone, at 4pm.”

“It’s too soon for you,” he said, surprising her. “You don’t know me well enough.

You should be more cautious about going off alone with strange men.” She squatted, met his burning gaze, and felt his fingers strain against his bindings, whisper at her ankles to caress her. “I can handle you, Mackenzie. Now, you think about tonight and what you did to deserve this punishment, and maybe you won’t have to go through it again in front of four Doms this weekend, but I suspect you will. You’re just that goddamned stubborn. Bring that plug with you Friday. If you’re a good boy, I’ll just put it back in my bag.”

Her lips twisted at the expression on his face, one step away from murder. “I’ll be thinking of you when I’m in bed tonight,” she murmured, “making myself come with the fingers touching you right now.” She pressed her lips to his, the briefest of contacts, before she drew back, taking her ankles out of his reach, and stepped toward the door.

“Mistress…Violet…son of a--- don’t do this.”

“Good night, Mackenzie.” She glanced up. “Looks like a large crowd tonight. I think they’re going to enjoy the show.”


Joey W. Hill

Chapter 7

Five times. God, her knees were too weak to get her out of the car and take her into her house. She’d stayed, stuck to the shadows alone with her glass of wine, and watched over him as the hour passed. No way would she ever leave his care to someone else, unsupervised, but he hadn’t needed to know that. The plug had brought him to orgasm five times, a tremendous response rate, and she had sent Mariah down with water for him at two twenty minute intervals instead of only once. He’d mesmerized the club crowd, positively stolen the show of other open rooms. Who could resist watching a powerful man, a gladiator restrained, sexually stimulated to climax again and again? The build up of the sensations until he could not help himself, until he had to let his ass plunge and clench as if he were thrusting into a woman, the broad shoulders flexing, back muscles rippling, the head pressed down hard against his chest, refusing the natural desire to throw it back and let them see his face. On the fourth time, he had ten minutes left to go and she didn’t believe he could go again, not without full collapse.

The body was the locked gate to the soul. Break the body, and the soul would have to defend itself. She wanted that vulnerability, wanted to show him what gift that truly relenting to a Mistress would bring him. She believed she’d done the right thing, but then the fifth climax took him and his body merely shuddered through it, a man too tired to resist the inevitable. When Mariah released him, he simply lay down on the floor. She felt eyes look toward her, felt judgments being weighed as to what she’d done.

She wanted to be down there helping him, but with a grim smile through the tears welling in her eyes, she watched him shrug off Mariah’s help, snarl away the two male attendants she’d sent down. He snapped at them like a pit bull in truth, struggled to the room controls on his own and darkened the ceiling, shutting them all out. But not her.

She could feel his exhausted heart pounding in her own chest, feel his trembling muscles in her own thighs. This was either battle or courtship, or both, and though the ultimate outcome was uncertain, she knew she had won this battle. At least she thought she had, unless he didn’t show Friday. Then she would have lost the war.

Her body actually shook with pent-up desire all the way through the drive home.

When she walked up her stairs and let herself into the house, she felt as weak as a person with the aftermath of the flu.

She chose a hot bath as her release, wanting its comfort and the sensual, deep bone pleasure and tranquility it offered. Her emotions were too wrung out to seek her toys.

Toys sought for non-playful reasons simply heightened stronger, more painful 56

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yearnings. She had no desire for release except through means of the man she had just left.

Violet had taught herself to accept that someone with her proclivities would likely always have relationships only within the confines of a place like The Zone. Two sessions with Mac, and she wanted more. She wanted it all again. Despite his easy invitation, she knew it would actually shock Tyler to the bone that she’d invited her new slave to do something outside the club area so soon, invited him to get to know her life, because she wanted to know his.