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The Reluctant Vampire(40)

By:Lynsay Sands

Drina didn’t realize the music had changed again until Harper broke their kiss and spun her away from him. Sound came crashing back, and she blinked her eyes open to see the others moving to the more frenetic beat. Harper drew her back then, not turning her to face him but pulling her up against his chest so that her bottom now pressed into his groin. He slid his arms around her waist, one atop the other directly below her breasts, and bent his head to her ear to whisper, “You’re trembling. Are you cold?”

The words were soft and teasing, and he nipped at her ear as he said them. Then he let one hand drift down over her stomach to her pelvis, where he pressed gently, and murmured, “Shall I warm you?”

Drina couldn’t have responded had she wanted. He was still moving them to the music, which was good because if he’d stopped, she would have simply stood there like an idiot. But while she was sure anyone looking would simply see two people dancing, it didn’t feel like dancing. It felt like foreplay.

“Our waitress is coming with our drinks. Shall we go sit down?” he asked by her ear, and Drina nodded at once, hoping she would regain some equilibrium if he wasn’t holding her.

Harper shifted his hold, not releasing her but moving her into his side so that his arm was around her back, and he could usher her off the dance floor.

Drina spotted their waitress almost at once. She’d come to a halt halfway between the doors to the lounge and the dance floor, but now turned and moved back to the doors, leaving them to follow. By the time they pressed through the swinging doors, she was setting their drinks on their table and melting away.

Harper ushered her to the table, and Drina slid in, then moved farther over to make room for him when he started to slide onto the bench seat beside her rather than claim the opposite bench as he had earlier. The moment they were both settled, he caught her chin in his hand and turned her face up to his for a kiss. This time it was a quick, hard one, almost a brand of possession, and then he released her and reached for his Sweet Ecstasy.

He took a healthy swallow, and then set it back and rested his arm on the edge of the table in front of her. Following his lead, Drina reached for her own glass and took a drink. It was as she was setting it back on the table that she felt something feather across her right nipple. Glancing down, she saw that he’d extended his fingers, the tips feathering over her hardened nipple visible through the thin material of her bra and dress.

As she watched, he did it again, just extending his fingers and letting the tips brush across the excited nub. Drina bit her lip and glanced around, but the way he’d positioned himself blocked anyone from seeing what he was doing. When she met his gaze, he asked, “Do you enjoy being a hunter?”

Drina blinked, her brain slow to absorb the idle question. Finally, she nodded.

“Yes.” The word came out in a husky whisper, and she cleared her throat before adding, “Sometimes it gets disheartening, but mostly I feel like I’m helping people, if only by stopping rogues from hurting anyone else.”

“They’re lucky to have you,” he said quietly, and then raised his hand to run one finger along the edge of her neckline, following the V-neck over the curve of her breast and down to where the material met between her breasts. “What do you do for fun besides dancing?”

Drina licked her lips and forced her attention from what he was doing to try to answer the question. “I find reading relaxing, and—” She paused and bit her lip, her body going still as he leaned forward and nuzzled her ear.

“And?” he prompted, his breath tickling across flesh suddenly alive with nerve endings.

“And what?” she breathed, turning her face to find his lips.

Harper kissed her, a long, lazy kiss this time, his tongue sweeping in and then withdrawing before he drew back. His hand drifted away from her neckline, and he reached for his glass again.

Drina shivered at the loss of his touch and reached for her own drink.

“The way you move on the dance floor is incredibly sexy. I found myself watching you and wondering if you were wearing one of the new bra and panty sets Stephanie helped you pick out today.”

She’d just raised the glass to her lips and her eyes shot to his over the rim. His expression was casual, as if they were discussing the weather, but his eyes were fierce. She took a gulp of her Sweet Ecstasy and merely nodded as she swallowed.

He smiled and set his glass down, then returned his fingers to her neckline, running the tips lightly along the edge again. “Which one?”

Drina hesitated. She then smiled slowly, and said, “I think I’ll leave you to find that out for yourself.”