Reading Online Novel

The Reluctant Vampire(21)

Sighing, she hung up her coat, and quickly shucked the new, ridiculously high-heeled, thigh-high boots that she’d also allowed Stephanie to talk her into. She then padded into the kitchen, leaving Harper still working on the laces of his second boot.

Stephanie was pulling down mugs from the cupboard, presumably for the cocoa, but Tiny was also there. The big mortal was bent over and peering into the oven at something that was emitting really delicious smells.

“You’re up early,” Drina murmured, blinking as she took in his present garb. The man wore flowered oven mitts and a matching apron. He should have looked ridiculous, but since he was wearing only jeans and his bare chest was barely covered by the apron on top . . . well it was oddly sexy, she decided with a slight shake of the head.

“I’m mortal,” Tiny reminded her with amusement. “Daytime is my time.”

“Yes, but I thought you and Mirabeau—”

“Tiny and I conked out around four in the morning and were up by noon,” Mirabeau announced, entering the kitchen from the living room. Her expression was grim as she asked, “Where were you guys?”

“We went shopping and out for lunch,” Stephanie announced happily, busily dumping a pale brown powder into the five mugs she’d collected.

When Mirabeau raised a cold eyebrow in her direction, Drina said, “Just to Wal-Mart, and I called Lucian first to be sure it was all right.” She then added, “I apologize for not leaving a note, but I thought you were day sleepers and expected we’d be back long before anyone woke up.”

“See, I told you there was nothing to worry about, Beau,” Tiny chided gently as he retrieved a tray of little circles from the oven. “Now stop looking at Drina as if she murdered your kitty and come have a cookie.”

Mirabeau blinked at Tiny’s words and then relaxed. She even managed a smile for Drina. “Sorry. I was just worried when we got up, and you were all gone. The only reason I didn’t have Lucian on the phone and Teddy Brunswick out looking for you was because Tiny checked the garage and saw that Harper’s car was gone.”

“I should have left a note, and will in future,” Drina assured her.

“And your cell number too,” Mirabeau said at once, moving over to slide an arm around Tiny and press a kiss to his bare arm. Her voice was somewhat distracted when she added, “We should have exchanged numbers the minute you guys arrived last night. Then I could have called you at least.”

“I’ll write mine down now,” Drina decided, and moved to the refrigerator, where a magnetized notepad took up a corner on the front. She immediately scribbled down her number on the pad, and then turned to hand the pen to Mirabeau, saying, “I don’t know Anders’s number, but we can have him put his here as well when he gets up, and then anyone who wants it on their phone can do so, but it will be on the fridge if anyone needs it.”

Nodding, Mirabeau slid away from Tiny, took the pen she offered, and then pulled a cell phone out of her back pocket.

“Both our numbers are new. We lost our phones in New York, so Lucian sent us new ones,” she admitted on a grimace and began to punch buttons, presumably in search of her phone number.

“My phone’s in my back pocket, Beau,” Tiny rumbled as he began to slide cookies off the metal cookie sheet and onto a plate.

Mirabeau immediately moved over to slide her hand in and dig out his phone. Drina turned away to hide a smile when she saw that while Mirabeau was retrieving the phone with one hand, she hadn’t been able to resist gliding her other hand under the top of his apron and over his bare chest.

“What smells so good?” Harper asked, coming into the kitchen from the pantry.

“Chocolate chip pecan cookies,” Tiny announced, his voice gruff as Mirabeau retrieved her hands and his phone and turned back to the refrigerator.

“That sounds interesting,” Harper decided, and moved forward to peruse the little discs. “Can I have one?”

Tiny paused and glanced at Harper with surprise, “Well, yeah sure, that’s why I made them.”

Nodding, Harper took one and lifted it to his mouth to try a bite. Eyes widening as he swallowed, he pronounced, “Mmmm. Good.”

Tiny stared at him silently. When his gaze then slid to her, Drina promptly turned away to begin collecting the Wal-Mart bags from where Stephanie had set them. But she heard him say, “Have another.” And she glanced over her shoulder to see Tiny watching the man closely.

“Thanks.” Harper took a second cookie, and glanced to where Stephanie was hovering over her cups of cocoa. “Can I help you with that?”