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Varney the Vampire 1(93)

"Yes; I've met a better man more than once before. It can make no difference to you."
"I don't know that, Admiral Bell. One generally likes, in a duel, to face him with whom one has had the misunderstanding, be it on what grounds it may."
"There's some reason, I know, in what you say; but, surely, if I am willing, you need not object."
"And is your nephew willing thus to shift the danger and the job of resenting his own quarrels on to your shoulders?"
"No; he knows nothing about it. He has written you a challenge, of which I am the bearer, but I voluntarily, and of my own accord, wish to meet you instead."
"This is a strange mode of proceeding."
"If you will not accede to it, and fight him first, and any harm comes to him, you shall fight me afterwards."
"Yes, indeed you shall, however surprised you may look."
"As this appears to be quite a family affair, then," said Sir Francis Varney, "it certainly does appear immaterial which of you I fight with first."
"Quite so; now you take a sensible view of the question. Will you meet me?"
"I have no particular objection. Have you settled all your affairs, and made your will?"
"What's that to you?"
"Oh, I only asked, because there is generally so much food for litigation if a man dies intestate, and is worth any money."
"You make devilish sure," said the admiral, "of being the victor. Have you made your will?"
"Oh, my will," smiled Sir Francis; "that, my good sir, is quite an indifferent affair."
"Well, make it or not, as you like. I am old, I know, but I can pull a trigger as well as any one."
"Do what?"
"Pull a trigger."
"Why, you don't suppose I resort to any such barbarous modes of fighting?"
"Barbarous! Why, how do you fight then?"
"As a gentleman, with my sword."
"Swords! Oh, nonsense! nobody fights with swords now-a-days. That's all exploded."
"I cling to the customs and the fashions of my youth," said Varney. "I have been, years ago, accustomed always to wear a sword, and to be without one now vexes me."
"Pray, how many years ago?"
"I am older than I look, but that is not the question. I am willing to meet you with swords if you like. You are no doubt aware that, as the challenged party, I am entitled to the choice of weapons."
"I am."
"Then you cannot object to my availing myself of the one in the use of which I am perfectly unequalled."
"Yes, I am, I think, the first swordsman in Europe; I have had immense practice."
"Well, sir, you have certainly made a most unexpected choice of weapons. I can use a sword still, but am by no means a master of fencing. However, it shall not be said that I went back from my word, and let the chances be as desperate as they may, I will meet you."
"Very good."
"With swords?"
"Ay, with swords; but I must have everything properly arranged, so that no blame can rest on me, you know. As you will be killed, you are safe from all consequences, but I shall be in a very different position; so, if you please, I must have this meeting got up in such a manner as shall enable me to prove, to whoever may question me on the subject, that you had fair play."
"Oh, never fear that."
"But I do fear it. The world, my good sir, is censorious, and you cannot stop people from saying extremely ill-natured things."
"What do you require, then?"
"I require you to send me a friend with a formal challenge."
"Then I shall refer him to a friend of mine, and they two must settle everything between them."
"Is that all?"
"Not quite. I will have a surgeon on the ground, in case, when I pink you, there should be a chance of saving your life. It always looks humane."
"When you pink me?"
"Upon my word, you take these affairs easy. I suppose you have had a few of them?"
"Oh, a good number. People like yourself worry me into them, I don't like the trouble, I assure you; it is no amusement to me. I would rather, by a great deal, make some concession than fight, because I will fight with swords, and the result is then so certain that there is no danger in the matter to me."
"Hark you, Sir Francis Varney. You are either a very clever actor, or a man, as you say, of such skill with your sword, that you can make sure of the result of a duel. You know, therefore, that it is not fair play on your part to fight a duel with that weapon."