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Varney the Vampire 1(126)

By:Thomas Preskett Prest
"Why," said the old woman, "he thought you meant what you said."
There was a long pause, during which all gazed at the blazing fire, seemingly wrapt in their own meditation.
Henry Bradley, the son of the apparently aged couple, had left that day two years, and wherefore had he left the home of his childhood? wherefore had he, the heir to large estates, done this?
He had dared to love without his father's leave, and had refused the offer his father made him of marrying a young lady whom he had chosen for him, but whom he could not love.
It was as much a matter of surprise to the father that the son should refuse, as it was to the son that his father should contemplate such a match.
"Henry," said the father, "you have been thought of by me, I have made proposals for marrying you to the daughter of our neighbour, Sir Arthur Onslow."
"Indeed, father!"
"Yes; I wish you to go there with me to see the young lady."
"In the character of a suitor?"
"Yes," replied the father, "certainly; it's high time you were settled."
"Indeed, I would rather not go, father; I have no intention of marrying just yet. I do not desire to do so."
This was an opposition that Mr. Bradley had not expected from his son, and which his imperious temper could ill brook, and with a darkened brow he said,--
"It is not much, Henry, that I trespass upon your obedience; but when I do so, I expect that you will obey me."
"But, father, this matter affects me for my whole life."
"That is why I have deliberated so long and carefully over it."
"But it is not unreasonable that I should have a voice in the affair, father, since it may render me miserable."
"You shall have a voice."
"Then I say no to the whole regulation," said Henry, decisively.
"If you do so you forfeit my protection, much more favour; but you had better consider over what you have said. Forget it, and come with me."
"I cannot."
"You will not?"
"No, father; I cannot do as you wish me; my mind is fully made up upon that matter."
"And so is mine. You either do as I would have you, or you leave the house, and seek your own living, and you are a beggar."
"I should prefer being such," said Henry, "than to marry any young lady, and be unable to love her."
"That is not required."
"No! I am astonished! Not necessary to love the woman you marry!"
"Not at all; if you act justly towards her she ought to be grateful; and it is all that is requisite in the marriage state. Gratitude will beget love, and love in one begets love in the other."
"I will not argue with you, father, upon the matter. You are a better judge than I; you have had more experience."
"I have."
"And it would be useless to speak upon the subject; but of this I can speak--my own resolve--that I will not marry the lady in question."
The son had all the stern resolve of the father, but he had also very good reasons for what he did. He loved, and was beloved in return; and hence he would not break his faith with her whom he loved.
To have explained this to his father would have been to gain nothing except an accession of anger, and he would have made a new demand upon his (the son's) obedience, by ordering him to discard from his bosom the image that was there indelibly engraven.
"You will not marry her whom I have chosen for your bride?"
"I cannot."
"Do not talk to me of can and can't, when I speak of will and wont. It Is useless to disguise the fact. You have your free will in the matter. I shall take no answer but yes or no."
"Then, no, father."
"Good, sir; and now we are strangers."
With that Mr. Bradley turned abruptly from his son, and left him to himself.
It was the first time they had any words or difference together, and it was sudden and soon terminated.
Henry Bradley was indignant at what had happened; he did not think his father would have acted as he had done in this instance; but he was too much interested in the fate of another to hesitate for a moment. Then came the consideration as to what he should do, now that he had arrived at such a climax.
His first thoughts turned to his mother and sister. He could not leave the house without bidding them good-bye. He determined to see his mother, for his father had left the Hall upon a visit.
Mrs. Bradley and Emma were alone when he entered their apartment, and to them he related all that had passed between himself and father.