“What do we do now?” I asked him as the moon shone above us.
“We do something we couldn’t do for many months,” he replied in a sexy voice. “Something I’ll always remember.”
Brandon drew me into him and playfully nuzzled his stubbly cheek against mine and then nibbled my neck softly with his fangs. Then he kissed me with the roaring passion of a pack of werewolves and the romance of many full moons.
I am so grateful to these wonderful people:
Katherine Tegen, who has made my dreams come true, and for invaluable advice in continuing to guide my writing career.
Ellen Levine, for your amazing direction, kindness, and everything you do.
Sarah Shumway, for your suggestions, humor, and friendship.
I’d like to thank my wonderful mom; my awesome brothers, Mark and Ben; my in-laws, Jerry, Hatsy, Hank, Wendy, Emily, and Max; and my best friends, Linda and Indigo.