Reading Online Novel


A few steps and he felt the bottom. Together, they stumbled out of the pool.

As they collapsed on the ground, Dec’s stomach felt like it was on fire. He was bleeding badly. He pressed the sodden bandage down harder.

He didn’t tell Layne that he’d bleed to death within the next hour.

God, to think he’d survived so many battles and missions. To think he’d finally found the one woman who’d broken through his self-imposed misery and made him fall in love…

And he was going to lose it all.

“How’s the wound?” She pressed a hand to his shoulder.

“It’ll do.” He said it with all the strength he could muster. She’d found her parents dead, the last thing he wanted was for her to watch him die. Then he looked over her shoulder and everything in him stilled. “Layne—”

“God, Declan. You hold on. I’m getting you out of here.”

“Layne. Behind you. I think we found Zerzura.”

A sad smile flittered over her lips. “You think I care about Zerzura right now?”

“I think you’ve dreamed about it all your life and worked hard to find it—”

“I love you, Declan. And I know that injury is bad.”

Yeah, his woman was smart. At least he could give her this last thing. He nudged her around. “Look.”

Her face filled with wonder. “Oh, my…”

The cavern was huge and the rock lining it was a bright white. Light filtered down from above, illuminating the city that had been carved into the walls, and the large temple in the center. Flitting through the air were flocks of cave birds.

“Unbelievable,” she breathed. “No one found Zerzura because it was underground.”

“Come on. Let’s take a look.”

He kept his arm on her shoulders because he was pretty sure he couldn’t hold himself up.

The temple was still in good condition, only one corner of it crumbling.

“So easy to imagine the people who lived here,” she murmured, stroking some engravings.

Yeah, it was pretty easy to imagine people living here, making their life here.

They walked up the wide, shallow steps leading into the main temple. Each small step felt like agony to Dec but he fought it down. He was going to see Layne’s face when they went inside.

They stepped into the gloom. Huge columns rose on either side of them in a long row. Walking forward, Dec could almost imagine it was the aisle of a church.

Shit. When that thought didn’t make him start sweating, he knew Layne was his.

He pressed a hand to his side and saw the blood welling, coating his fingers. It was going to kill her that she couldn’t save him.

“Oh, Declan.”

He raised his head and the air rushed out of him. “Holy hell.”

The front of the temple was filled with treasure.

Gold statues, urns, mounds of jewelry, furniture made of gold. It was all laid out with precision, glowing dully in the light.

“So beautiful. And the historical value…” She shook her head. “This is more than I ever dreamed of.”

“You found it, Rush. It’ll make your career.”

She turned to face him. “You think I care about my career right now?”

He was going to say something, but his left leg failed and he stumbled.

“Dammit.” She caught him and kept him upright. When she eased back and saw the blood transferred to her shirt, tears welled in her eyes. “Declan, I’m afraid.”

“Listen. We need to find somewhere for you to hide. I’ll confront Anders when he arrives.”

“Maybe they won’t make it through.”

“He’ll be here soon, Layne. In the chaos, you go. Find a way out. The Zerzurans had to have an easy route to the surface somewhere. Use that clever head of yours and find it.”

Her lips trembled. “I’m not leaving you.”

Fear spiked. He recognized that stubborn look. “I will not let you die here.”

“Your gun got wet—”

He smiled. “Most modern weapons can handle a little water. Now, go.”

“I’m not letting you sacrifice yourself!”

“I’m already dead.”

His harsh words made her head rear back like he’d slapped her. Her cheeks went white.

He swallowed and lowered his voice. “I’m bleeding out, Rush. I need to be in a hospital in under thirty minutes. Even if you can call in the cavalry, it’s too late.”

“No.” A tear slid down her cheek. “I will not lose someone else I love.”

He cupped her cheeks. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I so badly wanted more. You made me want that. Now, I want you to live for both of us.”


He heard shouts and water splashing. They were coming.