Reading Online Novel


A muscle ticked in his jaw. “I disobeyed orders. Took my team in.”

“You saved them.”

“No. Most of them were already dead. I think Anders knew I was on to him.”

Her chest tightened. And it still haunted Declan to this day. “You did the right thing.”

“Anders got off. Not enough evidence. Because I disobeyed orders, the bastard avoided jail.” Declan shook his head. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to get into all this. Look, Rush, I know things aren’t working out how you wanted, but I know you can pull through this. Hell, your dedication and enthusiasm alone—I’ve never seen someone so packed with those two qualities.”

Warmth spread through her chest. “Thank you.”

“So, what’s left with the scroll?”

“Nothing. I’ve translated it all.” She tore out the sheet with her notes. “It’s all right here.” She tucked it into her pocket. “For anyone crazy enough to follow it out to the middle of nowhere, in one of the most unforgiving deserts in the world.”

“You should get some sleep. We’ll make an early start in the morning to Luxor. I’ll put the scroll back in the safe.”

She nodded. “Good night, Declan.”

“Night, Rush.”

When Layne got to her tent, she realized just how tired she was. She managed to get her boots off and then fell, fully clothed into her sleeping bag.

Sleep took her and the dreams took over. A jumble of crazy images she couldn’t pull apart.

When someone slammed a hand over her mouth, she thought it was part of the dream.

But then she came awake with a jerk, her scream muffled against a large hand. She was jerked backward against a hard, male body.

Panic fired, her pulse spiking. She wasn’t letting whoever this was kill her or get their hands on the scroll.

Layne started struggling and slammed her head back, the back of her head colliding with her attacker’s face.

Chapter Nine

Dec muttered a curse. “Shit, Rush, it’s me.” He kept his voice a whisper. “Now be quiet.”

The struggling woman in his arms stilled. When he judged she was calm enough, he uncovered her mouth.

Her head whipped around. “Dammit, Declan.” She was pissed, but keeping her voice down. “What the hell are you doing?”

“There’s a team infiltrating the camp right now. We spotted them coming.”

She gasped. “Anders.”

“Yeah, and I’m guessing he’s got some not very friendly people with him. We’re outnumbered.”

Dismay covered her face. “They’re coming for the sarcophagus and the scroll.”


She swore under her breath. “We need to get to the safe and get the scroll and the set-animal amulet. And Aaron’s still here. He didn’t leave for Luxor—”

Gunshots echoed in the night.

Declan cursed. “No time. We have to go. Now!” He pulled her toward the entrance. “Boots. And grab your emergency pack.”

Even though he could sense her fear, she followed his orders. She got her boots on and slipped her pack onto her back.

Dec already had his, and he pulled out his SIG Sauer.

Layne eyed the handgun. She took a deep breath and followed him out.

Outside, he saw flashlights arcing through the dig. Two vehicles stood, lights on, illuminating the main excavation site. He saw shadows moving at the storage tents.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the action and into the shadows. There was a brisk wind blowing.

Dec touched his ear. “Everyone okay?”

His team checked in.

“All clear,” Morgan said.

“Idiot stepped on Hale,” Logan said. “But we’re fine.”

“Okay. Where are you?”

“Eastern side. Five hundred meters out of camp and watching the show.”

Shit. He and Rush were on the other side of the camp.

“Roger that. Anyone see Stiller? He was in his tent.”

“That’s a negative,” Logan said.

Not good. “Okay. Get to safety. The doc and I are on the western side. Let’s lay low, and then rendezvous at the prearranged emergency point.”

The wind blew harder, spitting sand in their faces. At least it would muffle noise, and hopefully help conceal their footprints.

“We need to get out of camp and meet up with my team.”

Rush nodded. “I hate leaving these bastards with free range of my dig—”

“Yeah, sorry I misplaced my army, otherwise I’d take them down.”

A hint of white teeth in the dark. “And there go all those superhero delusions I had about you.”

“Come on, Rush. Even while I’m rescuing you you’re busting my balls.” He tugged her down a dune and deeper into the desert.