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By:Anna Hackett

She cast one longing glance at her work tent.

Dec’s gut clenched. Hell, that look on her face, the longing. It got to him. Made him wonder what he needed to do to make her look at him like that.

Damn. He was getting hard.

“Oh, I left the scroll on my workbench—”

“I’ll lock it away myself.”

They walked down to the personal tents. Everyone was heading back to their sleeping bags. Outside of her tent, she hesitated.

“What is it?” he asked.

She sank her teeth into her bottom lip. “I’m not sure I can sleep. Finding Karim like that…”

And the memories of her parents. Hell, he’d seen the file on her, knew her parents were deceased. But it hadn’t mentioned that she’d found their bodies, or carved a career and a life for herself, all on her own.

He touched her hair. “The adrenaline will fade soon, and you’ll crash. You’ll find you can’t stay awake.”

She tilted her head. “Speaking from experience?”

“Yeah.” He reached out and stroked her jaw.

Her eyelids fluttered. “I used to have nightmares, after my parents. That their killer would come for me.”

Her soft voice made him want to sweep her into his arms. “I’ll watch over your tent, Rush. Nothing’s going to happen to you.”

With that reassurance, she unzipped her tent. “Declan, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He pushed her inside. “Now rest.”

Chapter Eight

Layne headed over to the kitchen tent for a coffee. She’d slept surprisingly well, but she guessed she had Declan to thank for that. Just knowing he was outside, watching over her like…well, not a guardian angel. Declan Ward didn’t inspire images of halos and wings, more like a fallen angel. He had a face perfectly suited for that, a fallen angel ready to sweep a girl into sin.

She shook her head. Okay, maybe she didn’t get as much sleep as she’d thought. And the dull headache was a reminder of what had happened the night before.

“Hey, Doc, are you all right?” Piper appeared, concern stamped all over her face.

“I’m fine. Declan and his security team did their job very well.”

“I can’t believe you found Karim like that.”

Layne stepped around Piper and entered the tent. She poured herself a black coffee and studiously tried to not think about that moment when she’d found Karim.

“It’s Karim and his family who need the sympathy.” She noted that there was still a lot of breakfast food on the table. She frowned. Usually everyone devoured it in minutes.

When she turned back, Piper was rubbing the back of her neck and looked uncomfortable.

Layne’s heart sank. “Spit it out.” She took a bracing sip of coffee.

“When everyone heard what happened, that Karim was dead, well, everyone blamed the curse. Saying the spirit of the mummy rose up to take revenge for disturbing his eternal rest.”

Layne released a long breath and pressed a finger to her throbbing temple. “Well, the guy who beat Karim to death sure wasn’t a spirit.”

Piper winced.

Instantly, Layne felt bad. “Sorry. Sorry, you didn’t deserve that. I’m just frustrated and tired. If I hadn’t known Declan was watching my tent, I probably wouldn’t have gotten any sleep.”

“Oh.” Piper’s eyebrows rose. “So, the sexy security man provided a personal security service.” Now those eyebrows waggled.

Layne took a hasty sip of her coffee. “Why did I ask you to join this dig again?”

“Because I’m brilliant, am one of the few assistants who’ll put up with your workaholic ways, and you like me.”

Layne made a harrumphing sound. “I’m sure you’re mistaken.”

“Oh, and I do all the boring, dirty jobs so you don’t have to.”

“Ah, that was it.” Layne drank more coffee.

Piper touched her arm. “I really am glad you’re okay.”

Layne smiled. “Thanks, Piper.” She glanced out towards the main excavation. It seemed eerily quiet. “Is everyone down in the dig?”


Layne groaned. “What now?”

“It’s what I was trying to tell you. It’s the curse. Most of the workers have left and returned to Dakhla. They refuse to work if there is a—”

“Curse. Got it.” She absorbed the impact and looked over at the work tent. Right now, she needed to work. “I’m heading back to work on the sarcophagus. You and Dr. Stiller work out the most important work to do next, and set whatever workers we have left doing that. Can you handle things down there?”