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By:Anna Hackett

Layne’s heartbeat tripped. How amazing would it be if Zerzura was real? Her mother’s voice echoed in her head. You have to believe in wonderful things, Laynie. Or life isn’t worth living.

Well, Layne had stopped believing the day she’d stepped in her parents’ blood.

Declan looked at his friend. “Hasan, this man, Anders, is dangerous. Steer clear if you can, tread carefully if you can’t.”

The dealer nodded. “I appreciate the warning, although I have dealt with some unsavory characters before.”

“I bet,” Layne said dryly. “But you still do business with them.”

“Dr. Rush, the way I see it, I re-acquire artifacts from them, and in my own way, stop those artifacts from disappearing for good or being damaged. I try to sell them on to reputable collectors and sometimes, even a few museums. I’m doing the same job as you, safeguarding our history.”

Layne didn’t say anything.

Hasan grinned. “I am really just carrying on the family business—”

Declan groaned. “No, Hasan. Just keep that story to yourself.”

The man ignored Declan. “—like my grave-robber ancestors before me.”

Layne’s mouth dropped open. “Grave robbers?”

“Yes. But don’t worry, I don’t raid tombs.” He winked.

Layne couldn’t help but laugh, but she smothered it quickly. “You aren’t going to convince me that what you do is right, Hasan.”

He sighed. “I see that. Declan, sadly, your lady is not very impressed with me.”

“I think she’s pretty hard to impress, Hasan.” Declan clapped the man on the shoulder. “If Anders contacts you again, you call me, okay?”

“I will.”

“And be careful.”

“I will, old friend. You, too.”

Declan pressed a hip to the desk. “Now…how much for the artifact?”

Hasan’s lips morphed into a knowing grin.

Layne spluttered. “You aren’t paying him—”

“I paid a lot of money for it.” Hasan straightened. “And I have a family to feed.”

Declan shook his head. “Let’s negotiate.”

Layne closed her eyes and wondered how she’d even ended up here.

Darcy Ward took a sip of her chai tea latte, then reached across the desk and tapped on the keyboard. A screen on the wall flashed and the new search initiated.

She leaned back in her chair, crossed her legs and swung her foot. Nothing had popped up yet on the background searches for the archeologists. They all looked clean, well, so far. She set her favorite red mug down, her mind ticking over the things she still needed to do. She still had to look into the local workers, which was a bit trickier since they were foreign nationals. She waggled her fingers. Luckily she liked tricky.

Glancing at the farthest screen to the left, she checked on all the THS members in the field. Everyone had checked in. And everyone was out on jobs which meant the office was blissfully peaceful.

She loved having the place to herself. Just her and her computers. She’d outgrown the geeky, unbearably shy teenager she’d been, but something about being hunched over her computer, hard drive whirring, and just her wits against a problem sang to her.

While the searches were running, she needed to take care of some of the business things—accounts, expenses, payroll. She frowned. Callum had charged a speedboat rental to the company account. She rolled her eyes. She was damn sure it would have been completely unnecessary, but her brother liked to go fast. Too fast.

But right now, she was more worried about Declan. He and Anders…it was just a bad combination. She tapped the keyboard, pulling up some files. She prayed Declan didn’t take any unnecessary risks. He wasn’t the same easy-going man who’d joined the Navy so many years ago. She knew everything he’d been through had changed him, but she sometimes wished he’d smile more.

The front door clicked open and footsteps sounded, echoing in the warehouse. Prospective customers? She stood and turned with a smile. It withered away in a second.

Two men were crossing the space toward her. One, she hadn’t seen before. The other was staring right at her, his green eyes intense.

A dark suit draped his well-built physique. His thick, brown hair was cut short and he had a shadow of scruff across his hard jaw. Here was another man who never smiled. She couldn’t see the bulge of his handgun, but she knew he had a holster under his jacket.

Why did the most annoying man in the world have to look so damn good?

“Ms. Ward.”

Ugh, the way he said her name set her on edge. “Special Agent Burke.”

She watched as his gaze lifted from her and scanned the warehouse.