Reading Online Novel

Two is a Lie(26)

“Think of it this way. We just shared the last kiss of our first relationship. Cole got one of those four years ago.” I push back until his arms loosen. “We’re starting over. Right now.” I slide off his lap and kneel on the seat beside him. “This is ground zero.”

The muscles in his face tense.

“I’m going to go slow.” I touch his jaw. “With both of you. It’s a new beginning and…” A smile pulls at my lips. “I have a feeling this beginning will be a thousand times better than our last one.”

He closes his eyes, but I don’t miss the shadow of guilt in the depths.

“I love you, Trace Savoy.” I open the door and back out of the car. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Not nearly as much as I love you.” He reaches out and grazes a knuckle beneath my chin. “And I’m counting down the minutes.”

With a nod, I close the door.

This time, when the car motors away, I don’t feel as panicky. The sensation is still present, gnawing inside my stomach, but he knows I love him. He knows this isn’t over.

I hurry back to the front yard, my toes turning purple in the nippy air. But instead of heading toward the front door, I veer down the driveway alongside my house, expecting to find Cole outside.

Sure enough, he crouches beside his motorcycle, surrounded by a clutter of tools.

He looks up at my approach, his face lined with unbridled interest as he scans me from feet to tits, making a slow study of my skinny jeans and off-the-shoulder sweatshirt. When he finally lifts his eyes to mine, I’m standing a few feet away with my eyebrows arched.

“When do you start your new job?” I ask.

“In a couple days.” He rises to his full height and wipes his hands on a rag.

He’s not as tall as Trace, but he’s still almost a head taller than me.

I angle my neck to hold his warm gaze. “Got any plans today?”

The shake of his head is slow and somewhat absent, like he’s not really paying attention to my words. It’s the flirty smile that makes me suspicious. Whatever he’s thinking is private in nature and probably dirty as hell.

I’m reminded that he hasn’t had sex in over four years. Without Trace here, it’s going to be a harrowing test of will to keep all that pent-up hunger out of my bed.

A sigh ripples past my lips. “There’s somewhere I need to be. Do you want to see what I’ve been up to while you’ve been gone?”

“I’d love to.” His smile explodes in shards of light, popping his dimples and vanishing the shadows between us. “Where are we going?”


“Heightens the pleasure.” He winks, making me melt. “We’ll take the bike.”

“I hoped you’d say that.”

“Let me clean up, and I’ll be ready to go.”

Fifteen minutes later, I wait for him in the driveway, huddling against the chill in the faux-leather jacket, gloves, and boots he gave me shortly after we met. Black leggings, made to look like leather, complete my outfit.

I’m not a biker chick, but I always felt kind of badass when I rode behind him dressed like this. I’m giddy with excitement to experience that nostalgic rumble between my legs. God, it’s been so long.

He steps out, carrying our helmets, and covered neck to toe in faded denim and leather. With an animal of prey in his movements and a glowing fire in his eyes, this is the man I met on the street all those years ago. I’m as lost in his potency now as I was then, shivering against a frenzy of surreal emotions. I never thought I’d see him again, let alone ride on the back of his bike.

Setting his half-helmet on the seat, he lifts mine and adjusts it on my head. He takes care to gather my hair down my back, his fingers tenderly gliding across my face and along my neck, prickling my skin with goosebumps.

The gentle touches are so chaste for Cole, a sign that he’s capable of behaving himself. But for how long? He’s never had to restrain himself with me, and I wonder if this celibacy rule will eventually break him.

“Did you encounter beautiful women while you were away from me?” I chew on the corner of my lip.

His hands still on the straps that dangle beside my face, his expression perplexed.

“Yes,” he says cautiously. “Why do you ask?”

My mouth has no filter. That’s why. “I’m not trying to be accusatory. I’m just curious about the time you spent away from me.”

He has an insatiable sex drive. How has he gone so damn long without? Surely, he was tempted.

“I already told you, Danni. There’s been no one else.” His tone resonates with all the nuances of we’re done talking about this.