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Twisted Pride (The Camorra Chronicles Book 3)(67)

By:Cora Reilly

I froze. “Your mother didn’t die that day?”

“No. Even though I wanted her dead, I’m glad she survived that day or Adamo wouldn’t be here. She was heavily pregnant with him.”

I shook my head, completely at a loss over what Remo’s mother had done. “Where is she?”

“In a mental facility.” Remo’s voice dipped and turned vicious. “We are paying for it so she can live and breathe and exist, when she shouldn’t be doing either.”

“Why haven’t you killed her?” With anyone else I would have never asked something like that, but this was Remo. Killing was in his nature, and his words made it clear that he hated his mother.

Remo pressed his mouth to the crook of my neck. “Because,” he growled. “For some fucking messed up reason Nino and I are too weak to kill her. We haven’t seen her in over five years ...”

“Do Savio and Adamo know what happened?”

“Savio has known for a while. And we talked to Adamo a few months after he got initiated.”

I stroked Remo’s neck. “Have you thought about visiting her again to try and find closure?”

Remo looked up, his expression harsh. “There won’t be any closure until she’s dead. I don’t want to waste another second of my life on her. She’s already fucking dead to me. You and Greta and Nevio are what matters now. My brothers are what matters. That’s it.”

I kissed him to show him I understood. I didn’t think it was as easy as that. Their mother still dominated part of their existence, but I respected that Remo wasn’t ready to seek a solution now. It wasn’t my place to meddle. He and his brothers would have to face their mother one day, and maybe then they could move past their demons.

All I could do was show Remo a better future. A future with a family that loved him. He’d always only had his brothers, but now he had us as well.



Serafina, Leona, and Kiara were busy in the kitchen, baking birthday cakes for the twins whose first birthday was today. It was already close to noon. I doubted they’d get the cake ready in time for the afternoon, but I didn’t say anything.

“It seems like a waste of effort to create elaborate cakes in the shape of a unicorn and a car when their only purpose is to be eaten,” Nino commented as we left the kitchen to give the women their space. They’d found images of complicated cakes on the Internet, and were determined to recreate them for Greta and Nevio.

“I don’t give a fuck, but Serafina is so damn excited about the cakes, so I guess it’s worth the work. I doubt the kids will care much. They’ll only smash their hands into the cake and stuff their faces,” I said, peering down at Greta whom I cradled in the crook of my arm. She felt completely comfortable in my presence now, and it felt like one of the biggest triumphs in my life to have her big dark eyes look up at me with trust. And by my fucking honor and everything else that mattered, I’d never do anything to betray that trust. When she’d been wary of me in the beginning, it had felt like a knife to the heart. I’d always relished the fear in the eyes of others, with the exception of my brothers, but with my children and Serafina I never wanted to see it again.

“I never considered marriage an option for the two of us,” Nino said thoughtfully as we stopped beside the pool.

“I never thought I’d find a woman I wouldn’t want to kill after a few hours.”

Greta gave me a toothy grin, and I stroked her hair back. It had grown quite long and curled slightly like Adamo’s hair did.

“Hmm, mia cara, ready for your first swim?”

Nevio was nestled in Nino’s arm and as usual making grabby hands at the colorful tattoos. I could already guess what he wanted to get once he was older.

Fabiano was already lounging on the pink flamingo float Savio had used before I’d banned any kind of whoring in the mansion. I rolled my eyes at him. “That’s a disturbing sight.”

Fabiano shrugged. “It’s comfortable.”

Savio and Adamo were playing water ball close to the waterfall in the pool and bickering as usual.

It was the first swim for the babies since we didn’t have a heated pool before and only had it installed now that the babies were part of our household. Nino slowly stepped into the pool with Nevio.

Nevio let out a screech, smiling at me. My fucking heart swelled with pride. That boy didn’t fear anything. Sometimes it almost worried me how similar to me he was. He’d get himself in trouble as soon as he could walk better.

Nino moved over to Fabiano on the float, and Nevio made his grabby hands, wanting to ride on the flamingo with Fabiano. Fabiano raised his eyes to mine, asking for permission. I nodded, twisting my forearm with the tattoo. Between us it meant more than just an oath to the Camorra, more than being a Made Man. The day Fabiano had sworn himself to me, to the Camorra, he’d become family, and I trusted him with my kids. I’d never told him, but I got why he’d acted the way he did when I tried to drive a wedge between Leona and him. He wanted to protect her, wanted to protect someone who could see past the fucking darkness, who loved him despite it all.

Serafina had changed my view on things, and if it was in my nature I might have apologized to Fabiano for how I’d acted.

Fabiano held out his arms, and Nino handed him Nevio, who kicked happily with his legs until he sat in the front of the float, holding on to the neck of the flamingo.

“I hope you gave that thing a good scrub,” I called over to Savio who gave me the finger.

I went down the steps into the pool. The moment Greta’s feet touched the water her face twisted, but I made a low soothing sound and she relaxed. Shifting her so her head was level with mine, I lowered us further into the warm water. Greta held on to me, eying the water critically. After a while she smiled and hit the water with her palm. I went over to the flamingo float, but Greta tightened her hold on me when I tried to put her on it.

Nevio babbled, his tiny legs wiggling as Fabiano held him by the waist. Both Greta and Nevio were big on the babbling, but they both hadn’t said any word except for ‘Mom,’ and while Nevio was already making his first steps, Greta only crawled. She was a cautious kid and reminded me a lot of Nino.

Nevio grinned at me, squeezing the neck of the flamingo before he extended his arms with his grabby hands. “Dad. Daaad.”

For a moment, I froze, my expression stilling. Fabiano grinned and Nino squeezed my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around Nevio and pressed him to my chest. Greta pressed her wet palm against Nevio’s cheek, giggling. I waded through the water with the two, dipping lower, causing them to scream with joy.

Serafina headed toward us in a heart-stoppingly sexy white bikini, Kiara and Leona close behind her.

She lowered herself to the edge of the pool.

“Mom!” Greta called, and I handed our daughter over to Serafina. I stayed close and touched Serafina’s thigh. She raised her eyebrows. “Something the matter? You have a strange expression.”

“Nevio said Dad,” I told her.

She leaned down and kissed me, her expression so full of happiness it filled even my cruel heart with warmth.

“Dad,” Nevio confirmed, hitting the surface with his palm again and sending water everywhere.

Serafina shook her head with a soft smile as she slid into the water with Greta pressed to her chest.

“This is close to perfection,” I said, indicating the people gathered around us. “Everyone who matters is here.”

And I’d fucking protect them all with my life.

A shadow passed over Serafina’s face, and she averted her gaze, blinking. I curled my hand over her neck, bringing our faces closer together. She locked gazes with mine. “I know you miss them, especially your brother.”

She nodded. “I do, and I wish you could meet Sofia and my mom. I wish they could see you as I see you.”

Serafina saw me in a way most people never would because I’d never allow them to do so. “I can’t promise you peace. It’s not only my call to make, and there’s a lot of bad blood between the Camorra and the Outfit. I won’t back down, not when Cavallaro was the first to breach my territory.”

I still wanted to bathe in Cavallaro’s blood and I knew he shared the sentiment. Peace would never happen.

“I know, and I can deal with it. This is my new family now, and I’m happy that the babies and I are here where we belong.” She paused, sighing. “I can’t help missing my family, especially Samuel. We’ve always been so close, and now I haven’t heard from him in so long. It’s hard.”

I was used to handling things, used to things going my way, but this was one thing I couldn’t change for her. I wasn’t going to make a peace offering toward Cavallaro, even when the attack on Roger’s Arena was orchestrated by Scuderi, but the attack on our race in Kansas definitely wasn’t. He’d tortured my brother. That was another thing I couldn’t easily forget. I wanted them to bleed. At least Dante fucking Cavallaro.

Greta giggled again and Nevio fell in. Serafina’s expression brightened, and she smiled at me. Fuck. That smile got me every time.


Nevio was a small whirlwind, and it had only gotten worse since he started to walk. It was the day before our wedding and only four days since the twin’s birthday, and Kiara was busy with last minutes preparation, even though it was going to be a small affair. Adamo had babysitter duty for Nevio, which mainly consisted in running after him and making sure he didn’t break his neck or got his hands on anything breakable.