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Too Broken(48)

By:JR Hunter

His pace is fast, but I match it thrust for thrust. Soon we are both  panting and sweating, our bodies slipping over each other's as we give  in to our animalistic need to mate. While I know it's not true, I  pretend this is Ian claiming me for his own, marking me so no other male  will interlope. I relish the feel of his body over mine, in mine. I  claw his back, dig my nails into his ass, and bite his shoulder. I will  mark him too, for he is mine and I will let no other woman have him.

It becomes harder to stay in sync, each of our thrusts more erratic than  the one before. I am quickly approaching another orgasm and my inner  muscles tighten, clenching around him. He grunts and pushes harder, no  longer pulling out as far, instead keeping up a steady pressure  punctuated only by short, sharp thrusts.

His head is hanging down beside mine and I turn my head and bite his  jaw. He turns and gives me a kiss, his tongue delving into my mouth  before pulling back to suck on my lower lip. With a firm bite to my lip,  I come.

My back arches off the bed and I cry out loud and long. Ian continues  thrusting, speeding up even more which I'd find hard to believe if I had  been paying attention. But I'm not. I'm in the middle of the best  orgasm of my life. It radiates out from my core in rippling waves that  reach my entire body - from the tips of my toes to the roots of my hair.  There is a second wave, and a third, and even a forth. By this time Ian  is coming too, and my attention is drawn back to him as he freezes  inside me and lets out a strangled cry of his own. He begins convulsing,  a few last spastic thrusts into me as he releases, hot spurts shooting  up into my womb.

The feeling brings tears to my eyes and I begin crying. Even though I  have an IUD, all I can think about is how it would be to carry Ian's  baby, to be the mother of his children. My love for him is so strong,  and our situation so hopeless, that I completely break down.

He lays on me a few moments before he realizes I'm crying. Lifting  himself, he looks down at me, worry in his eyes. I curse myself then.  I'm so fucking stupid. I just had earth-shattering sex with the man I'm  sure is my soul mate and instead of enjoying a post-coital glow, I'm  blubbering over our non-existent babies.

Trying to salvage the moment, I quickly say, "I'm okay, I'm okay.  Really. Don't worry." But it's too late. His curtain has already  shuttered his heart from me, and I see regret take hold in his gaze.

"No," I say as he pulls out of me and begins to get up. "No, Ian,  please." I'm sobbing now, wanting so badly to have him stay. "Please,  come back to bed for a few minutes. I don't want this to be over yet.  Please, Ian!" I sound pathetic and I'm angry at myself for begging, but I  have no other choice. I need to be in his arms again. I need to feel  his breath on my neck. I need to be with him. Always.

Ian dresses quickly, not bothering with underwear or socks, pulling on  only his jeans, a shirt, and a pair of shoes. The next minute he's out  the door.

I stare at it for a moment, shocked. He left me here, in his house,  without a word. He left me. Alone. Again. Heavy, heart-wrenching sobs  take control of my body and I curl up into a fetal position and give  myself over to my misery.

I'm not sure how long I cry, but I finally stop. Not because I feel  better, but because I'm suddenly hollow. There is nothing in me. Except  in my womb. Ian's semen is still there and I'm loath to move least it  slip out. I stay curled in a ball on his bed, cold, alone, and broken.

Without the distraction of unabated wailing, reality slowly seeps in. I  need to get up. I need to go to the bathroom and get dressed. I need to  leave Ian's house and get home to my apartment.                       


I force myself to move. I do not want to be here when he returns,  although I'd put money on him not returning until he was sure I had  left. He's probably hidden somewhere across the street, waiting to  return as soon as I'm gone.

Not wanting to keep him from his home, I move as quickly as my trembling  limbs will allow. I'm unsteady and shaking, but manage to dress, use  the bathroom, and gather my things. I'm about to leave when a thought  strikes me.

I turn around and search for a piece of paper. Finding a pad on the counter, I grab a pen from my purse and write,

Sunday, January 10th


Dear Ian,

Thank you for making love to me tonight. It was the most amazing experience of my life.

I love you now, and I will love you always. I want you to know that. I  know you think you are too broken for love, but I have felt your love  and it has made me whole.

I came to L.A. in search of my perfect life, and I found you. While not  perfect, you are exactly what I've been searching for all these years  and although we cannot be together, I will always consider this move a  success.

I will never regret meeting you. You will always have both my heart and my soul.

I love you.


Tucking it behind a magnet on his fridge, I let myself out and walk home in the misty, silent night.

Chapter 11: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

I arrive at the pub at 6pm that night, as usual. I've spent the entire  day crying and sleeping, and it's obvious: my nose is red and raw from  all the tissues, my eyes are puffy and have the dead look of a Great  White shark. But I'm here, and I'm going to act my ass off, pretending  nothing is wrong. My smile may not reach my eyes, but I've plastered one  on my lips.

I enter through the front, needing to have the lay of the land, but  praying I'll spend the night in the kitchen. Upon entering, I do a quick  sweep: Hal's clearing tables and Ian's behind the bar; no one else is  in sight. The only crew member in attendance is Ben and I thank the  heavens for that.

I give Hal a quick smile and then head behind the bar. Eyes on the ground I walk up to Ian.

"Hey boss, where do you need me tonight?"

"Tracey's out so you can take the kitchen," he says. I can't bring  myself to look at him but his voice sounds gravely, a bit hoarser than  normal.

"Right," I say and quickly turn and enter the kitchen, breathing a sigh of relief. I put my stuff away and get to work.

It's a relatively slow night and by 10pm there are no orders for stew.  I'm out making a sweep of the tables, which are all cleared, when Ian  calls me over.

"It's dead, why don't you head home. Hal can walk you."

"Sounds good," I say, going into the kitchen. Unfortunately, Ian follows.

As soon as we are alone in the kitchen he asks, "Are you ever going to look at me?" His voice is thick with emotion.

Still looking at the floor, I say, "I assume I will at some point, but I wasn't planning to today."

"Kelli," he grabs me as I move to leave the kitchen.

I snap. "What the fuck, Ian?" I yell at him, finally looking him in the  eye. He looks like shit, but I don't have a lot of sympathy. "What do  you want? Tell me!"

"I want you to look at me. I want you to talk to me!" he says, his voice rising in anger.

"Oh really?" I say, even louder than him. "You want me to talk to you?  Is that why you bolted - from your own fucking house - the minute we  finished making love? Oh wait, am I not supposed to call it that? Am I  just supposed to say fucking? Because you aren't capable of love, so how  could you possibly make love to me?"

I pause for a breath, fully intent on continuing my tirade. It feels  good and I want to scream at him until I'm blue in the face. A movement  catches our attention and we both turn to look to see Hal frozen in the  doorway, his mouth open, as if about to say something.

"Not a good time, Hal," Ian barks. Hal, nodding his agreement, backs out  the door. The minute it swings shut behind him, Ian starts to lay into  me.

"I have never pretended we were more than we are, Kelli. You knew that  last night was a one-time thing and that it wasn't going to happen  again," Ian says, glaring at me.

"I never accused you otherwise," I yell at him. "But did that mean you  had to race out the door the second you had come? Really, that's pretty  low, even for you."

"Oh, even for me? What the fuck does that mean?"

"Never mind, Ian, just never mind," I say. I'm quickly losing my fight.

"Why were you crying?" he asks quietly. "When we finished, why were you crying?"                       


I force myself to finally look into his eyes. They are sad, and hurt, and definitely confused.

"I was thinking about how you had just come inside me. I was thinking  about how, if I didn't have an IUD, how perhaps we could have started a  life. And I was thinking about how much I would love a child of yours.  Of ours," I correct myself, tears threatening. I sniff, and blink until  they've retreated.