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Too Broken(42)

By:JR Hunter

"Ian, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to start my new year with you, Baby," he says and my resolve  weakens. Of course, I want to start my new year with him too, but having  him sober might have made it a bit more meaningful. I'm betting he's  downed a fifth of whiskey. After yesterday, I can't imagine him coming  here without some severe alterations to his blood chemistry.

"That seems a little at odds with what you told me yesterday," I say frostily.                       


He scrambles up then and comes to stand in front of me. His head  hanging, he puts his hands on my hips. "You know why I said all of those  things yesterday, don't you?"

"Yes, Ian. You said them because you fucked up once, however many years  ago, and now you have to live the rest of your life in purgatory. I get  it," I say the last bit with sarcasm, because I really don't get it. I  understand it must be hard to forgive oneself for something as intense  as rape and murder, but he's been seeing a therapist for years. How long  does it take?

"Baby, you make it seem like I want this life. I don't want this life. I  want a life with you. I want a life with you where we make pretty  little babies," he says and begins to nibble my earlobe.

"Then why aren't you willing to try and have that life?" I ask.

"Because Kel, I'm fucked up! Don't you see? It's a crazy circle! I can't  have you because I'm fucked up and I'm fucked up because I can't have  you!" he says this as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.

Of course, his logic doesn't hold; he's not fucked up because he can't  have me. He's fucked up because he can't let go of what he did in Iraq.  But there's no point arguing when he's this drunk.

"Alright Ian, you need to sleep this off. It's late, so why don't you  get in bed and we can talk about this in the morning," I say.

"I say yes to bed!" Ian proclaims happily and quickly begins to take off  his clothes. I watch the show appreciatively. His body is glorious!

When he reaches for his boxer briefs, I still his hand. "Leave those on, buddy."

He smiles over at me, "Right, yeah, okay." He climbs into my bed,  landing face first on the pillows. I consider sleeping on the couch for a  moment, but it really is more like a love seat than a couch and this  may be the only time in my life I'll be able to sleep beside Ian and I  don't want to pass it up.

I crawl in beside him and pull the covers up over us. I lay on my side,  staring at Ian. His breathing is slow and steady and I wonder if he's  actually passed out, or simply fallen asleep. It doesn't matter, so I  close my eyes and fall back to sleep listening to his breathing.

I'm dancing on the deck of a ship. The music is slow and rhythmic and my  hips sway back and forth in time. It's an arousing dance and I'm  getting turned on. I turn around and see I have an audience. They appear  to be all men but I can't see their faces. Slowly, one comes forward,  his pace matching the timing of the music. He stops right in front of me  and I can see it's Ian. Without a word, he lifts my dress over my head  and lays me down on the deck, immediately filling me with his cock. I  cry out, and he thrusts again, strong and hard and my arousal builds  quickly. I'm approaching my climax and he begins speaking to me. "That's  it Baby, you can do it. Come for me Sweetheart. I want to feel you  come." He keeps up a steady stream of encouragement but I'm focusing  more and more on my body, the feel of him inside me, the building  pressure at my core.

Suddenly my eyes fly open and reality hits me; I'm in my bed, not on a  boat, and it isn't Ian's cock in me, but his fingers. He is encouraging  me though, and I am about to come. His thumb is working my clit; it  feels fantastic and hearing him coo in my ear is too much. I come quick  and hard, my body jerking as my orgasm breaks. He keeps pumping his  fingers until I put my hand on his wrist, signaling him to stop.

He rolls over onto his back and begins loudly licking his fingers.  Without thinking, I push my pants the rest of the way off and then  straddle him, pulling his erection free from his underwear and impaling  myself on him. I'm hot, and wet, and I take him all the way in on the  first stroke. I stop at the bottom and allow myself to adjust to his  significant girth. He feels amazing and I open my eyes to look at him,  and my blood turns to ice in my veins.

He looks absolutely terrified. He's gone perfectly still - I'm not even sure he's breathing.

"Ian," I say, leaning forward and touching his face. He doesn't move. "Ian babe, what's wrong? Ian, what's happening?"

He doesn't say anything, he just begins shaking his head vehemently back  and forth on the pillow. Soon his entire body is shaking. I begin to  freak out myself and quickly scramble off to kneel beside him, stroking  his face and calling his name.

As soon as I'm off, he begins to breath again and his shaking lessens.  Soon his eyes refocus and he finds mine. As our gazes lock, it hits me.

"You haven't been inside a woman since it happened, have you?" I ask on a whisper.                       


He shakes his head no, still hyperventilating a little bit.

"Oh my god, Ian, I am so sorry! I shouldn't have done that! I'm so  sorry, Baby, please, please forgive me," I'm crying now, hiding my face  in my hands. He didn't want that; he didn't want to fuck me and I forced  myself on him.

I jump off the bed, grabbing my pants and run into the bathroom. With  the door closed, I slide down it, folding myself around my knees and try  to pull myself together. I can't believe I just did that to him. He's  going to hate me. I hate me.

It takes me about ten minutes to finally stop crying. I stand up and  pull my pants on. I splash some water over my face and dry it in the  dark. Quietly, I re-enter my room and see Ian curled up on his side on  the bed. I can't stand the thought of being near him, of how that might  affect him, so I pull the throw off the back of my couch and curl up  into a ball and fall into a troubled sleep.

The next time I awake it's morning and I'm back in my bed. Ian is asleep  on his back beside me, one hand thrown up above his head, the other  hand resting on his belly. He's still shirtless, and I can see he's  sporting some morning wood. The instant my mind goes there, I blanche. I  still can't believe I climbed on top of him last night. What the fuck  was I thinking?

"Morning Kel," Ian says in a sleepy, extremely sexy, voice.

I look up and see him looking down at me. "Hey," I say, propping myself up on one arm. "How do you feel?"

"Like crap," he says.

I nod, "I bet. You were pretty toasted. What do you remember?" A surge  of hope courses through me; perhaps he was so drunk he won't remember  what I did.

"I remember everything," he says evenly.

I can't decide what to do. Do I bring it up? Do I apologize? He thinks  he remembers everything, but maybe he doesn't. What if I apologize and  he doesn't know what for and then I have to explain what I did?

"You can stop freaking out, I'm alright," he says. My eyes fly to his  and he does look calm and unflustered. "It took me by surprise is all. I   …  I wasn't expecting …  Well, I wasn't expecting to feel you around my  cock and it startled me."

"I know, I'm so sorry Ian! I can't believe -" I rush into a tumbled apology but he cuts me off.

"Stop!" he says sitting up and placing his hand on my arm. "Really, just  stop. It's alright. I was the one who initiated everything. You were  asleep, and I should have left you alone, but I couldn't stop thinking  about making you come. I'm kinda obsessed by the thought," he admits  sheepishly.

"By what thought?" I ask, confused.

"The thought of making you come," he says. "I think about it all the  time. With my hand, with my mouth, with a vibrator. In the pub, in my  truck, on the beach. In my head you've climaxed just about everywhere in  Santa Monica." He laughs a little at this and I stare at him with my  mouth hanging open. He grows serious, "I'm sorry, Kelli, I shouldn't  have come here last night. I was drunk, I was hurting, and I really  wanted to be with you. But I know I can't lead you on like this." He  shrugs then, "I just don't know how to stay away from you."

I'm at a complete loss for what to say.

He gets up then, climbing over the top of me to get out of the bed. He  grabs his clothes off the floor and starts to put them on. My mind is  racing, thinking of ways to try and get him to stay. What can I say? How  do I make him stay with me just a few moments longer?

Then I snap back to reality. I don't make him stay a few moments longer.  I let him go. He needs to go. He doesn't want to be with me. I need to  let him go. It's January 1st - the beginning of a new year. The Year of  Kelli! I'm going to find a different job, I'm going to volunteer more,  I'm going to exercise and eat well. I'm going to change my life one day  at a time until I'm happy.