Reading Online Novel

Too Broken(36)

I'm crying out loudly with each thrust of his tongue but it doesn't  matter. The Fighting Irish have their amps turned all the way up and  nothing can be heard above the wail of Bernie and the guitar and fiddle.

"Please, Ian, please," I say, my need to come consuming me. He pulls  back for a moment and I quickly open my eyes, checking to see why he's  stopped. He is looking at me with such an intensity of emotion that I  lose my breath. Our gazes locked, he slowly leans forward, his tongue  out, his eyes never leaving mine. He softly runs his tongue over my  clit, a long slow lap that has me holding my breath, my mouth open. He  licks again, deepening the pressure slightly but just as slowly. Instead  of breaking contact, this time he slides his tongue back down, applying  more pressure on the downward stroke. He continues this, picking up  speed and I begin to shake.

I suck in a few shallow breaths, but my body is so tightly coiled there  is no room in my lungs for the air. He's watching me closely but I roll  my head to the side and squeeze my eyes shut. Right on the edge, he  suddenly pulls my clit into his mouth with a strong suck and my passion  finally breaks. A long, low cry escapes me and my body twitches as the  orgasm pulses through me, wave after wave of pleasure radiating from my  center out to my limbs.

He eases the pressure of his sucking as I slowly come down from the  orgasm until he finally lifts his mouth from me. I look at him then and  instantly experience another surge of desire at the heat in his eyes. He  looks a little animalistic, a wild glint indicating he has only a thin  hold on his control.

I wiggle my hips and try to lift my leg over his head to get him to  release me. He holds my hips steady and ducks below my leg again,  setting my naked ass gently on the cold floor. I quickly flip around to a  kneeling position and push him up onto the couch. Much to my surprise,  he allows me to reposition him and I scoot quickly so that I'm lodged in  between his thighs. I attack his jeans and within seconds have his  erection free.                       


"Wait," he yells, trying to push my shoulders back, but it is too late.  My lips are around his cock and I'm sucking with all my might.

"FUCK!" he yells, throwing back his head, his hands now in fists by his  sides on the couch. I take advantage of his incapacitation and ease my  pressure, slowly removing my lips from his head to take a long lick  along his shaft.

Like his abs, his cock is as glorious as I thought it would be. Easily  eight inches and nice and thick, my fingers barely touch as I wrap them  around its base and slide them slowly up and down. I stare at it another  moment before leaning forward and licking it again. My tongue glides up  the vein that runs along the underside of the shaft as my hand pushes  gently down. Ian moans and I look up at him and grin.

He looks down at me and a tremor moves through my body. His desire is so  fierce my breath comes out in an unsteady shudder. Keeping my eyes on  his, I copy him and slowly lower my mouth to him. I quickly lick my lips  and then press down on his head, letting it force my lips apart. Once  his head is in my mouth, I gently begin sucking, moving my head up and  down in small pulses. Ian's closes his eyes and I return my full  attention to his cock. I raise up so I can take more of him in my mouth  and begin a sucking rhythm timed to the stroke of my hand. I feel him  pulse and know he's close. Deciding to torture him as he tortured me, I  pull my mouth off him and look up at him again. His eyes spring open and  he's open mouthed and panting. Grinning, I place my hands on his thighs  and raise myself up to kiss him.

I can taste myself on his lips, and as my tongue runs along his, my core  begins to pulse again with arousal. He brings his hands up to cup my  head and after a moment the kiss is broken and he's gently urging me  back to my knees, his hands still wrapped up in my hair. I surge forward  for one more kiss, and then lower myself down to the floor.

I return my hand to the base of his shaft, and my mouth to the tip, and  this time he holds me still as he thrusts up into my mouth. I try my  best to not move, but he's too big and his thrusts are causing me to  gag. I pull back and use my hands to wrest his from my hair and return  them to his sides. With a look that says to keep still, I lower my head  again, taking him into my mouth at my pace. My hand around his shaft, I  feel another pulse and know his orgasm is imminent.

I go at him then, hard and fast, my mouth and hand working in time to  bring him swiftly to the edge. With a shout, he comes in my mouth,  jerking and grunting with each squirt. I gently suck until he's done.

I look up at Ian and take him in. His head is resting on the back of the  couch, his mouth open as he draws in a few ragged breaths in quick  succession. His hands have relaxed by his side, his chest glistening  with a sheen of sweat. He looks glorious and I feel magnificent.

He raises his head and we stare at each other for a moment. The look  speaks volumes and is filled with all the emotions he refuses to give  voice to. Then I see the wall go up, cutting him off from me in an  instant.

He looks down and begins to put his cock away.

"God dammit, Ian, no!" I yell, as I push off his thighs to a standing  position. Feeling extremely exposed with my pants down around my knees, I  pull them up quickly and fasten them while looking at him. "Don't do  this! Don't you dare pull away again. Why the fuck won't you let me in?  Dammit!" I conclude with a stamp of my foot.

Without a word he gets up, moving me out of the way and quickly  unlocking the door, flees out the back. I follow him to the office door  and as I start to step towards the back door, the roar of Bernie's  vocals grows louder and I look to my right to see Tracey standing in the  doorway. She takes in my half naked form and her eyes grow wide.

Shaking my head, I throw up my hands and yell, "Fucking ass!" before returning to the office to finish getting dressed.


I text Ian the next morning as soon as I wake up.

You are going to have to speak to me, you know that, right? Call me.

No response.

I decide to take a jog to the park only to find he's already been there.

I go home and take a shower, grab some breakfast and head to the pub.  It's only 9am, but I figure he'll be there. He isn't, and neither is  Pappy; the place is locked up tight. It's weird not being able to get  into the pub and it makes me melancholy.

I had been doing pretty well, all things considered. Yesterday Ian  finally touched me after weeks of keeping his distance. Not only that,  but he let me blow him and it felt fantastic. I'm uncomfortable with him  only pleasuring me. It feels lopsided and unfair. But he freaked out.  Okay, that isn't a shock, but it is disappointing. So I gave him some  space, hoping he'd be fine this morning. Clearly he isn't.                       


I walk a block to a coffee shop and order a drink. If I sit by the  window, I can see the door to the pub and will know when Ian arrives. If  he comes through the front that is, which is unlikely.

My agitation intensifies and I decide to give Rachel a call. It's  Christmas Eve and even though she's probably working, I figure it will  be slow enough that she can chat.

She answers on the first ring, "Hi honey! Merry Christmas Eve! I miss you!"

Her enthusiasm brings a smile to my face, "Hi Sweetie. What are you up to?"

"Oh, you know, working. We have this huge case we thought was going to  settle, but it didn't, and we are preparing for trial on January 4th.  There goes my Christmas break; it's horrible! We were supposed to fly  out to see my mom and sister but I had to cancel. Dan's happy because it  means we are going to spend the day with his family, but I'm bummed,"  she concludes.

"I'm sorry, Babe! That sucks. I'm sure your fam understands though," I try to console her.

"Well, my mom seemed pretty pissed, but I know she'll get over it.  Anyway, enough about me, how are you? Are you headed out to Vermont  today?"

"No," I say. "I plan to leave early tomorrow morning. I have a shift today."

"How are things going at the pub? How's Ian?"

"Funny you should ask …  I'm not really sure. I gave him a blowjob last night and I haven't heard from him since."

"What!?" Rachel says after a huge, extremely dramatic intake of breath. I  love Rachel. I knew she'd give me a reaction that'd make me smile.

I chuckle into the phone. "Yeah, it seems the Fighting Irish - that's  the band we saw on the beach - is an aphrodisiac for him. They played  the pub last night, and like one song into their set, he's standing  behind me pushing his cock into my ass." I pause there, knowing Rachel  will want to exclaim, and she doesn't disappoint.