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Too Broken(23)

By:JR Hunter

To my surprise, he does answer. "It says ‘forgive me' in Arabic. I got it after my tour in Iraq."

"You were in the war?" I ask incredulously. So, the charity is near and dear to their hearts because of Ian!

"I don't like talking about it, Kelli," he says solemnly. His use of my  name is startling and I look at him with wide eyes. "It was a difficult  time in my life. A time that changed me forever, and not for the better.  I can't forget it, that'd be impossible. But I try and put my focus  elsewhere."

"I'm not trying to sound like a bitch, I promise," I hedge. "But why get  a tattoo on a highly visible spot, one you look at constantly for work,  if it's something you are trying not to think about?"

He gives me a sad smile, "Fair point," he says. "As I said, I can't  forget what happened, but one thing I need to remember, one thing I need  to keep praying for, is forgiveness. I  …  I did things ..." he falls  silent, unable to finish.

I reach across the cab and touch his shoulder. It is warm and strong and  if I weren't buckled into my seat, I might have slid across and laid my  head upon it.

"I get it," I say, and effectively end the conversation. Of course I'm  dying to know what happened. I have a thousand questions: How long did  he serve? What branch, unit? What was his role and how was he  discharged? What did he do that has him looking so haunted and  permanently asking for forgiveness? I want to know the answers to all of  these and more, but today is not the day.

We drive in silence a bit longer before I decide to lighten the mood.

"Soooo," I start slowly, trying to excite his anticipation. "When I was  19 years old, I came home from school for the summer. My eldest sister  was in rehab and one day they had a family picnic at a lake. My other  sister and I went to be supportive and I started flirting madly with  this guy named Mark," I pause. "Ha, I can't believe I remember his  name!"

Ian looks over and smiles, clearly bemused by the start of my story, and  perhaps a little grateful that I've changed the subject.

"Ugh, looking back Mark was a hot mess! He was only mildly attractive,  but he had long hair, which at the time, was totally my thing!"

"Right, Def Leppard," Ian says with a smile.

"Anyway," I continue quickly, not wanting to rehash that story. "I was  wearing a bikini top and capris and we were hanging out, whatever. The  picnic started to break up and it was time to leave. I got up and went  to fold the blanket I was sitting on, good Samaritan that I am."

"You're a regular Mother Teresa," Ian mutters with a smirk.

"Shut up! Do you want to hear my story or not?"

"By all means," Ian says, "please continue."

I give him a sidelong glare before continuing. "As I was saying, I was  bending over to get the blanket so I could fold it and the clasp on my  bikini top broke and my boobs come flying out!"

Ian lets out a full throated laugh, hitting the steering wheel with his  hand before swinging his beautiful head over to look at me. He was  grinning ear-to-ear, a little gleam in his eye, and I could tell he was  imagining what that would look like.

Blushing a little, I forge ahead with my story. "Well, needless to say, I  was mortified. It was right in front of Mark! I really don't know if he  saw, I couldn't look him in the face. But this other man definitely  saw. In a loud, snide, rather high pitched voice he crowed, ‘That's what  you get for trying to hold up boulders with a little string.' Oh, it  was horrific."                       


I shake my head, remembering how embarrassing it was.

"I'm sure Mark absolutely loved it," Ian says laughing. "Hell, I'm  absolutely loving just thinking about it." He gives me a grin that  speaks of dirty thoughts and I hit his arm. "Fuck you," I say without  any heat.

We lapse into silence once again, but this time it is comfortable and  almost pleasant. It's amazing what an icebreaker a little self-inflicted  humiliation can be.

I settle back in my seat and ground myself in the moment. To my left I  have the Pacific Ocean and Ian, two of the most beautiful things I've  ever seen. It is a gorgeous day, the Santa Ana winds are blowing strong  and warm. The sun is starting its descent and I can tell it is going to  be a wonderful sunset. There are so many perks to living in Los Angeles,  but the sunsets are one of my favorites. I don't think I could ever get  tired of watching them. The sunsets, and Ian. I don't think I could  ever get tired of watching him either.

After about an hour, Ian finally pulls off to the side of the road and throws the truck into park.

"We're here," he says.

"Um, yeah, okay. Where is here, exactly?" I ask looking around and not seeing a whole hell of a lot.

"You'll see," he says and jumps out of the truck, slamming the door behind him.

Startled, I swing into motion. I unbuckle and grab my purse from the  floor and turn to open the door. Once more, Ian has beat me to it and he  holds out his hand to help me down. At 5'8" I don't particularly need  assistance out of the truck, but I'm certainly not going to pass up the  opportunity to touch him. Placing my hand in his, I slide off the seat  and onto the sandy shoulder of the road.

Grasping my hand firmly, he leads me across the street, to the ocean  side of the road. This extended contact with his skin has my nipples  hard and I roll my eyes at myself. Surely, surely at some point this  will stop happening! I'm beginning to get really annoyed with my body.

We head down a sandy path to what I assume is the beach and after a few  feet I can hear that there's a party in full swing by the shore. We  crest a dune and it comes into view. There are two large bonfires about  twenty feet apart and between them a stage has been erected. At present  there are about ten bikini clad women dancing on the stage, undulating  with abandon, and a gaggle of men gathered appreciatively below them. In  all there are probably about 100 people on the beach; some young, some  old, some attractive, some regular looking. I wonder instantly how Ian  knows these people. He is always at the pub, and none of these people  look familiar, so who could they be?

"Ian man, you made it!" I follow the sound of the voice and striding  towards us is an honest to goodness overgrown leprechaun! Normally  small, and mythical, leprechauns wear little green suits and talk about  Lucky Charms and pots of gold. And while this man is easily 6'5", he is  dressed in a green t-shirt and olive cargo shorts and looks exactly like  I'd expect a leprechaun to look. He has bright orange hair, a long,  well trimmed beard with no mustache, and dancing green eyes. They are  nowhere near as brilliant as Ian's, but they are attractive all the  same. To top it off, he has a pipe and top hat. Who wears a top hat?  Clearly, leprechaun is the look he's going for.

"Wouldn't miss it, man!" Ian says as they shake hands and then half  embrace, patting each other on the back. "This is Kelli," Ian says,  gesturing to me.

"Well, hello Beautiful," he says, taking my arm and leading me towards a  large group of people. "Let me get you a drink." The group parts to let  this behemoth through and in the center is a keg. He grabs two cups and  starts to pour, handing the first one to me and the second to Ian who  has followed closely behind.

"Ta!" Ian says before taking a sip. "When are you guys going on?"

"‘Bout an hour," he says. I still don't know his name. "I think most of  the food is gone, but there's plenty of beer, so enjoy yourselves! I'll  catch up with you later." Then he strides off.

"Who was that?" I ask Ian.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't introduce him, did I? That's Bernie; he fronts the  Fighting Irish. I'm thinking of hiring them into the pub on Wednesday  nights. They've got a pretty decent following and I thought maybe they  could draw in a few customers mid-week. He mentioned they were doing  this gig and I thought it'd be good to check out their fans. I have a  feeling they get pretty rowdy and I'm not sure I want to chance damage  to the pub to sell a few extra pints."                       


I smile up at him. He's so logical and thorough. Always thinking, that  Ian. And he's so fucking hot. The sun is setting and the warm light  seems to make him glow. Dressed in his standard black t-shirt and jeans,  he is easily the most handsome guy on the beach. I wish I had known we  were going to the beach, maybe then I could have thrown on a suit and  persuaded him to do the same. Of course, that would have required him  seeing me in a swimsuit and I'd never actually let that happen. But this  is fantasy, and in my fantasy I'd do about anything to get Ian  shirtless.