Reading Online Novel

Too Broken(21)

Frank is very knowledgeable about the collection and even lets us into  an ‘employees only' area where we can see a new Egyptian piece that is  still being curated. I've always loved museums, and to go behind the  scenes thrills the art lover in me beyond belief. Ian is standing next  to me, his head bent over the piece Frank is explaining to us. I put my  left hand into his right hand, pulling it towards me. His head  immediately jerks to the right to look at me, his eyes wide with  something akin to alarm. I lean forward and whisper in his ear, "Thank  you," before kissing him on the cheek and releasing his hand.

Our physical contact over, he seems to relax and he gives me a warm,  "You're welcome." A flush washes over me and we stay staring at each  other for a moment.

"Well, do we have time?" Sean asks impatiently, clearly having repeated the question.

Both Ian and I look between Sean, Rachel, and Frank - all of whom are looking at us expectantly.

Trying to cover for not having heard the discussion, Ian says, "Yeah, sure, I think we have time. As long as we make it quick."

What they had asked is if we wanted to tour the herb garden. I am very  glad Ian said yes, because it's lovely, and once again I am transported  back in time, imagining I'm walking beside Fernando. At one point I get  so lost in the fantasy that I almost reach out and grab Ian's hand.  Luckily I pull it back just as I make contact. He notices, but I  pretended I was shooing a bug away and walked faster.                       


"I feel like I'm in Kenneth Branagh's production of Much Ado About Nothing," I say, linking my arm with Rachel's.

"Me too," Rachel agrees. "Do you want to be Hero or Beatrice?"

"Beatrice, of course! Besides, you are the nice one, so you'd have to be Hero. Plus, you're younger too."

"Alright, but I'd rather end up with Branagh than that guy Hero ends up with. What was the actor's name again?" Rachel asks.

"Oh, he has three names …  he was in Dead Poet's Society … " I'm trying to remember but it isn't coming. "Patrick something … "

"Robert Sean Leonard," Ian says, surprising us.

"You've seen it?" Rachel and I ask at the same time, my voice a bit more incredulous than hers.

He laughs and shakes his head. "No. I just knew that actor's name. I really liked Dead Poet's Society."

"That is a great movie," Frank agrees. "Now this lemon tree is actually  from an orchard in Sorrento that they brought over for authenticity.  Once a year we harvest the lemons and the head curator makes  limoncello."

"Hey, I've had limoncello before!" I am proud of my actually having had a  particular alcohol. Of course, Sean shakes his head in disgust. What?  Just because it tastes more like a lemon drop than alcohol. Still, it is  potent stuff! You gotta be careful - too much and not only are you  drunk, but on a crazy sugar high.

Ian looks at his watch and comments that it is one thirty; time to  leave. We lament our departure quite vocally, but no one puts up a true  fuss since we knew about the time constraint from the beginning. Frank  welcomes us back any time and we all pile into Sean's Corolla to head  back to the pub.

Upon our arrival, Ian turns to me. "I know I said I needed you tonight,  but we can handle it. You should go out and enjoy your last night with  Rachel in town."

"Are you sure?" I ask. Of course, I desperately want to spend my last  night with Rae, and not working, but I don't want to leave him in a  lurch either.

"Yeah, I'm sure." He affirms. Turning to Rachel, "It was nice meeting  you. I hope you come back out again very soon." He reaches out to give  her a hug and Rachel looks at me with wide eyes as they embrace. I am  instantly jealous. I don't think Ian has ever given me a hug!


We leave the guys at the pub and head to the beach, which is only a  couple blocks away. We walk in the surf and enjoy the sunshine.

"Ian's kinda terrific, Kel," Rachel says, breaking the comfortable silence we had been in.

"Yeah, I know," I agree. "But there's something off, don't you think? He  holds a part of himself back. I always feel like he's not fully  engaged, and that he's doing that on purpose."

"I can see that. He is pretty aloof. But that may just be the way he is. Not everyone is super outgoing, you know."

"I know, but I don't think that is the case with him. Sometimes for  moments, for brief moments, he lets go and is full of life and I swear  Rachel, he's the most magnificent man I've ever seen in those times. Of  course," I pause considering, "he's the most magnificent man I've seen  at any time. But when he's laughing, really laughing … " I can't finish.  There are no words.

"You know you're in love with him, right?"

I look at her sadly and shake my head. "Maybe, I don't know. I'm  extremely attracted to him, no question. And yes, I'm a little obsessed  too. But you know me, I don't believe in love at first sight. I believe  you have to know someone, know all their faults and flaws before you can  claim to love them. I don't know him, Rae. There are things he's  hiding, I'm positive of it. And until I know what those things are, I  can't claim to love him."

Rachel nods her head. She's a true romantic, but she long ago accepted that I didn't share those sentimentalities.

"Or," she starts, "he could be like me - completely flawless. I know you  fell in love with me at first sight." We smile at each other and laugh.  I always joke that I thought Rachel was gay at first because she was so  affectionate with me from the very beginning. She was always touching  me, and trying to sit on my lap.

"Um, I think you have that backwards. You fell in love with me at first sight, Rae!" I remind her.

The sun is beginning to set so we head back to my place to get ready for  dinner. We're off to Hollywood & Highland - a revitalized area with  delicious restaurants and plenty of shopping and people watching. Due  to my lack of a car, we use Uber and end up getting pretty smashed after  dinner, knowing we don't have to drive back. In our alcohol-induced  stupor, we decide I need to go give Ian a piece of my mind. He needs to  be in love with me, and we need to date, and that's that. He needs to  get his ass onboard with this.                       


We stumble out of the Uber in front of the pub and Hal is by himself at  the front door. It looks pretty busy inside, but happily I don't see any  frat boys.

"Hey Big Man!" I shout at him before giving him a hug. He's a gentle  giant, that Hal is. Clearly sensing our extreme state of inebriation, he  placates me with a hug and a pat on the back. Rachel beams up at him  and walks straight into the pub.

I follow her inside and stop by the door. Ian is at the far end of the  bar, flirting with two scantily clad women. They are laughing and  flipping their hair, and he's clearly entertaining them with some tall  tale. I look at that Ian and try to reconcile him with the Ian I know.  My Ian isn't a showman, my Ian is relatively quiet, rather intense, and  thoughtful. Which is the real Ian? Mine, or this one?

He looks up then and sees me standing by the door. Having paused his  story, both of the women turn and look at me as well. Their gaze is cold  but I don't give a shit. He's mine, I'm here to claim him, so they can  step the fuck off.

Mentally fired up, I strut my way over to the end of the bar. I'm  wearing tight, dark, low-rise jeans that make my ass look phenomenal. On  top I have on a gold silk halter that shows off my muscular shoulders  and ample cleavage. Big gold hoop earrings let the world know I'm ready  for trouble. Yep, I'm gonna get myself into some trouble right now.

Ian watches my somewhat unsteady progress through the pub. When I arrive  he says, "I'd ask if you want a drink, but I'm thinking you've had  quite a few already." He pushes a glass of water my way.

I take it, down it, and then ask for a shot of tequila. Rachel, appears beside me, "Make that two!"

He eyes us both and rather reluctantly grabs a couple shot glasses. "What have you two been up to tonight?"

"No good," I say with a wink.

He shakes his head and laughs, giving us our tequila. Rachel and I toast - "¡Salud!" - and down them.

"Ian," the pretty brunette beside me smiles at him, "finish your story.  You were just getting to the good part, before we were so rudely  interrupted," she says with a glare over at me.

I look at her like she's an idiot. I didn't interrupt anything, he chose  to pay attention to me, not her. Feeling quite smug, I say in a breathy  voice, "Yes, Ian, please, do finish your story. It looked very  entertaining."