Three Thousand Miles(120)
“Are you okay?” He asks awkwardly. I smile at him, as I feel guilty that he is worrying about me.
“Yes, I am fine it is nothing that a few pills wont sort.” Adrian shakes his head as he leads me into the living area of our suite. He places me onto the sofa and then he walks over to the dining table and lifts a plate of food for me. I lean back and Adrian hands me the plate. I smile at his kind gesture and then I reach out for him. He smiles at me and then he leans down to my level. He softly pushes my hair from my face just before he kisses me gently. He breaks free and he runs his fingers through his hair.
“Baby, I have to work today, but your friends will be here soon and please don’t leave the hotel today, okay?” I smile at his words and I instantly agree.
“Okay doll,” he kisses me again and then he heads out the door.
My mind is numb from the events of last night. I take a bite of the eggs but I feel too emotionally drained to eat. I set the plate to one side as I curl up on the sofa. The room is quiet and I feel alone – even though I have two massive bodyguards standing by my door. I close my eyes as I feel that they are watching me and as I do my mind races. How could Chad do that to me? He wanted to hurt me because of his jealousy towards Adrian. Zara was the ultimate bitch and she would have slapped me if Adrian had not of caught her hand. Then there is William and I do not know how I feel about him. I love kids and he seems like an amazing child but I don’t know what I will do if he is Adrian’s son. I couldn’t cope with Zara being around us all the time but I know that she will be if she is the mother of Adrian’s child. My heart breaks at that thought as I feel that it should be me. Adrian and I were meant to grow up and have our own kids. Now if he already has a son then that has shattered my dreams. I will not be the first woman to have his baby and he will always have a first child. Although marriage is always on his mind, I feel that children are too. He longs to have a family of his own and he wants to be a great father. What kind of person would I be if I denied him that pleasure? If William is his son, then Adrian will be in his life. But the question I keep asking myself is, can I accept it and can I love William because he is Adrian’s? So many thoughts buzz my mind and I wish that I could put all of them out of my head.
I jolt from the sofa as I there is a soft knock at the door. I make my way to the door and I open it reveal Sophie and Katharine. Sophie leaps into my arms and I fall slightly back from her force. She pulls back from me and her face is tense, I take a deep breath and I realise that she knows about what happened?
“Oh Alanna are you okay?” She gushes as she hugs me again. I let out a creaked laugh as I pull away from her.
“Yes I am fine,” I say as I signal the girls to walk with me into the room. Katharine and Sophie take a seat next to me on the massive, leather sofa. I look over at the bodyguards and I wish that I could have some privacy.
“Um can I please have a minute with my friends?” I ask in a gentle tone. The two men gaze at each other and then one of them turns to look at me.
“I am sorry miss but that is out of the question.” I sigh at his words and I again turn to face my friends. Sophie looks concerned and surprisingly I notice that Katharine looks happy. She is smiling hard although she is trying to hold it in. I gaze at her and I wonder what has her in such a good mood.
“Alanna what happened?” Sophie asks as she reaches for my hand. I take a deep breath as I try to explain.
“It was awful, Chad is Michael’s brother and he attacked me. I was tied to a chair and he had a gun.” Sophie gasps and her face is distressed.
“Oh my god Alanna why would he do a thing like that?” I again take a deep breath as I begin to tell my friends that Adrian had an affair with Chad’s wife. Unsure of they will react to a thing like that my heart begins to race.
“He wanted revenge on Adrian because he had an affair with his wife.” Sophie’s eyes bolt from her head at my revelation. I can see that she is not impressed by this and I fear what she might say.
“Wow, when was this?” She asks firmly.
“About five years ago, she is a lot older than Adrian and I don’t know what I can say. I know it was a horrible thing for him to do but he was young and desperate for love.” I try to protest before Sophie goes on a rant.
“Alanna that’s no excuse for what he did. But I can understand – I think. Adrian is a wonderful guy and he loves you to pieces. But sometimes he scares me and I have a feeling that he has secrets that he might not be sharing with you. I guess I can understand what he did because he had such a terrible childhood and it has left him with many flaws. But Alanna I want you to be with him so if you have to forget that he cheated with his brother’s wife then do it.” I smile at Sophie as I take in her words.