The new girl(6)
Smiling, Eva told her "Well, you don't have to miss out on it any more unless you want to", and the two of them quickly hugged each other. Charlene's head was toward me, and I could see how happy and pleased she was about how Sis was acting about the whole thing.
When they finally released each other, it was so they could get into their respective nightgowns. I watched a little longer to see if anything else was going to happen, but all they did was break out some magazines and start comparing what they thought of the guys in them.
After using my shirt to clean the semen running down the wall in my closet, I undressed down to my underwear and went to bed. Laying there in the dark, I stayed awake for quite a while as I thought not just about how lonely and isolated Charlene must have felt growing up, but what I thought and felt about her physical difference, too. It took a little while, but I finally got things settled in my mind: first was that it wasn't like she chose to be born that way; it was more like Mother Nature played a particularly cruel practical joke on her. Second was that I'd decided she was a nice, smart person with a really pleasant personality and keen sense of humor before finding out that there was anything
physically different about her… so there really wasn't any reason to change how I thought about her.
Finally, she was pretty good-looking if I could put her difference out of my mind — which gave me pause to think about her condition and what I really thought about that. After a lot of back-and-forth and wrestling with the idea in my mind, I finally decided that it really shouldn't matter; as she'd said, it wasn't something she had any control over, and she certainly seemed female enough in every other way. Not figuring that there was any chance in hell that I was ever going to do anything else with her, there was nothing for me to do but just treat her like just another one of my sisters girl friends.
When the two of them came dragging out of Evas bedroom late the next morning, they acted as though they'd been best friends forever instead of having known each other not even a year. They were sharing private jokes with each other, and judging from the way they'd share just a brief look before smiling or laughing, had gotten onto the same "wavelength", too. I just responded to them the same way I did any other time one of Evas friends spent the night: ignoring them as much as possible, and returning whatever comments they directed my way in kind.
After Charlene went home shortly after lunch, Eva stopped by my room (where I was putting together a plastic model of an airplane) and asked me what I thought. I didn't have a problem telling her "I guess I did learn a few things, after all. Yeah, Charlene's different — but not in any way that's really important.
I'm cool about it, and everything."
Pleased (though faintly blushing, I noticed), Sis told me "I'm glad to hear that, Billy. She really is a good person, and this is the first time she's really been able to break out of the shell she built around herself. I'd hate to see anything happen to mess it up for her."#p#分页标题#e#
"Well, if anything like that does happen, it won't be because of me", I assured her.
She just smiled, and left.
After that night, Eva and Charlene became even better friends. Sis got Charlene to participate more in the things she and her friends did in and out of school, though never to the extent of getting involved in anything that risked revealing Charlenes condition. The only one Charlene was really willing and comfortable about seeing her less than fully dressed was Eva, and it didn't take long before the two of them were spending a lot of nights together, either at our place or Charlenes. Mom and Dad got concerned about it, called Charlenes folks, and learned that they were more than delighted to have Sis at their house as often as she was, and had been concerned that Charlene was visiting us too often. It didn't take long for all of them to reach the decision that since neither side was feeling "put-upon" (and would say so if things changed), there wasn't any reason not to let the two girls continue.
I certainly didn't mind, since it meant that I'd almost certainly get chances to check out Charlenes nude body, as well as Evas.
That proved to be the case, and it didn't take long for me to accept the presence of a small finger of flesh protruding from Charlene's pelvis — regardles of what state that protrusion happened to be in.
As was to be expected, there came the time that I happened (not by accident, either) to run across Charlene in the hallway as she was making a (braless) bathroom visit one night. I didn't make any pretense of not looking her over before saying "Nice boobs, Charlene!" and continuing on my way. I learned the next day that I'd responded perfectly: I'd obviously seen the over-full condition of her panties, and then calmly proceeded to ignore it in favor of complimenting Charlene on her breasts.