Each of them looked pleased at my assurance, and both eager and intrigued by my expressed desire please them. After several seconds, it was Charlene that asked "Does… does your stuff always shoot out like that? That hard, I mean?"
"Not usually. That time, it was stronger than most because of how good you were making me feel and how excited I was", I answered.
Then Eva wanted to know "Is there always that much of your juice?"
After looking down to where it was puddling on my belly first, I told her "If it's the first time I've had a climax for a while, yeah, pretty close. If I had another one tonight, it wouldn't be as much or as thick as this time — a guy's body only holds so much of it, and it takes a while for him to make more of it, too."
Eva followed her question with another: "Um… how long would it take before you could climax again?"
From the expression on her face and the tone she used, I knew she wanted me to cum again, and I somehow managed to keep myself from smiling as I answered "If I just waited, I'd probably start to get hard again in an hour or two." To the forlorn expression she started to get, I continued "But if something was to happen to help me, it could be anywhere from fifteen or twenty minutes to half an hour before I could start to get hard", something that had her perking up considerably. I hastened to add
"Either way, it'd take a while before I could climax, unless I got even more help."
That was when Charlene spoke up again, saying "Billy, if you want to stay here, I'll go get something to clean you off with. There's some other stuff I want to ask you, and since I'm getting a little sticky, I figure you are, too."
I just smiled at her and said "I wouldn't have any problem cleaning myself off, but if you want to do it, that's fine."
With that, both of them got off Eva's bed and headed for the bathroom. Since Charlene was going to wipe me off, I just stayed where I was until they were back several minutes later. As long as they were gone, I knew they'd taken the time to talk about what me, them, and what had happened at least a little bit. True to her word, Charlene had a washcloth and face towel in her hands, and as soon as she was seated on the bed she went about wiping up my cum — not just from my belly, but out of my pubic hair and getting my softened penis cleaned off and dried. When she was done, she wrapped the barely damp washcloth in the towel and set them aside. I was surprised to discover that having my sister and her friend both able to see my drastically shrunken penis didn't bother me as much as it would have before; whether that was because of all of us apparently used to being naked together or from them already having seen me fully erect (and climaxing), I didn't know… and didn't particularly care.
When Charlene asked me her first question, I sat up and mirrored the cross-legged position she and Eva were in; the three of us formed a rough circle, making it easy for us to see and hear each other as questions and answers were exchanged in both directions. Along the way, I noticed (couldn't help noticing, really) that Charlene's miniature penis shrank down a lot slower than my full-sized version. It was when I finally asked her about it that I learned from her and Sis that girls didn't get aroused as fast or easy as us guys — and more importantly, they were a lot slower to "come down" from being excited, too. Blushing slightly, Charlene told me "Because my glands and everything think I'm all girl, that part of me reacts like my vagina does. I'm still feeling pretty, um, excited, you know, from before, so you can see from my penis how aroused I am inside."#p#分页标题#e#
I considered that for a few moments before telling her "I guess that could work out okay for you, then. I mean, it makes it pretty easy to tell when you'd be ready to have sex, instead of the guy having to guess about it."
Eva started to give me a dirty look, but didn't when she heard Charlene answer "Yeah, I guess it does. I never thought of it that way before. Of course, that'd only happen if there was a guy that wasn't bothered by a girl having a penis — even a miniature one like mine."
"I expect you'll be able to find somebody, Charlene. I mean, you're sure pretty enough, and you're nice, and fun, and about all the kinds of stuff us guys like in a girl. If I'm okay with it, it's a pretty safe bet that there's other guys out there that it wouldn't bother, either."
That earned me a pleased smile from her, and she even went so far as to lean over and give me a hug before we picked up where we'd left off.
I think all of us were surprised when Sis looked over at her alarm clock and announced that over three-quarters of an hour had gone by. Shortly on the heels of that, I could see that Charlene was having a hard time hiding a smile at Eva's obvious desire to get me stretched out and aroused again. I certainly didn't have any problem with it, and quietly got myself situated the same way I'd been before.