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The Yeah, Baby Series Volume 2(32)

By:Fiona Davenport

I had no response. None. What could I say when one half of me wanted to climb onto his lap for wild monkey-sex, while the other, more rational, part knew damn well that the moment I left his office I was going to run again? As badly as I wanted to be his, it wasn't like I had a choice about waiting. If I were in a relationship with opposing counsel, then I was required to disclose it to my client.

My boss.

A man who seemed to be harboring more than a healthy dislike for Jax. If I could hold out until after the case was over, then I could avoid the possibility of getting fired over the person I was sleeping with, at least until I knew exactly where this thing with Jax was going. The whole situation would have been considerably easier to handle if Jax had manned up and told me who he was in the first place, because then I wouldn't have been in this deep with him already.

"Why didn't you say anything when I told you where I worked?"

Before answering me, he settled me on his lap until I was straddling him, my skirt edging up my thighs. "I couldn't risk the chance that it would scare you away."

"It's bad, isn't it? From the way Mr. Warren spoke about you-"

He didn't give me the chance to finish. His hand was sliding under my skirt and startling a gasp out of me, which cut off my sentence.

"I'm barely holding on to my control, Natalie," he warned. "Talking to me about that asshat-reminding me that he had access to you while you were dodging my calls and refusing to see me-is the easiest way to make me lose it."   


"This isn't losing it?" My hand fluttered between us and then around his office. "You had your partner's wife trick me into thinking I'd met her and forgotten who she was. In front of my boss, who was thrilled to let me know who she was, just as much as he liked the idea that I might be able to pump her for information over lunch. Then you dragged me into your office, kissed the hell out of me, and spanked my ass!"

"You want to see what me losing it looks like? You've got it, sweetheart."

His fingers slid higher, dipping under the lacy material of my panties to touch me. I was so fucking wet, and there was no hiding it from him, not when his fingers were slipping through the proof between my legs. Closing my eyes, my head fell back as I moaned. My hips lifted slightly, giving him better access. With a sharp tug of his hand, my panties were ripped from my body-another pair biting the dust to our frenzied passion.

His fingers grazed my clit before diving back down to dip inside me. Two of them thrusting and twisting as he made me shudder and moan. His other hand glided up my back to tangle in my chignon, using his grip on my hair to pull me in and kiss me hard. My lips parted at the slide of his tongue against them, and his fingers and tongue moved in rhythm with each other as he drove me wild.

His hold on my hair tightened as he ripped his mouth from mine with a growl. "Tell me you're mine. Say it. I need to hear the words from these sweet lips."

The lust and outright need in his tone had me leaning in to whisper in his ear. "You know I'm yours, Jax."

His fingers flexed inside me, making me squirm as his thumb swept across my clit.

"This pussy is mine."

He yanked his hand away, and I whimpered in protest until he guided my hips lower, bringing my center flush against his crotch. I felt his cock straining through his pants, pressing against my core. Hot and hard as I rocked into him, desperate to come.

"Made for my cock."

He jerked his hips upwards twice before holding me in the air until I was balanced on my knees and sliding two fingers deep inside me.

"My hand."

Then his head dipped low, his other hand shoving my blouse up and yanking the cup of my bra down, until I felt his hot breath against my sensitive skin.

"My mouth."

His tongue flicked out, circling my nipple, pushing me closer to the edge of an orgasm. I rolled my hips and arched my back, my hands falling backwards to clench against his thighs as I rode him shamelessly. His fingers and mouth driving me higher and higher, each stroke faster than the one before it. Then he sucked my nipple into the back of his mouth while he pinched my clit, and I flew over the edge-shattered as I shuddered in his arms, my whole body spasming as he continued to finger fuck me.

My teeth were biting down on my lip so hard I could taste blood, but it was the only way I was going to remain quiet through my intense orgasm. My heart was pounding in my chest, and Jax was breathing just as heavily as I was. His hips jerked upwards and the look on his face was one of utter shock.

"Fucking A," he breathed out, pointing to the wet spot on his lap. "I came in my damn pants. Like a teenager. That's how desperate I am for you."

I giggled as I leaned forward to kiss him softly. "It's not like I'm any better. I'm going to have to walk out of here and go back to work with my hair totally messed up and without any panties. I'll be starving too, because I haven't eaten anything all day and my boss thinks I went to lunch with your partner's wife." I didn't mention the reason why I'd skipped breakfast-I was too nervous to eat because I knew I'd be seeing him.

"I can't do anything about the lack of panties, but you're more than welcome to use my bathroom to fix your hair." He helped me off his lap and gestured towards a door on the other side of his office.

Spotting a dry cleaner's bag hanging on the inside of the door, I grumbled to myself. "So unfair! You have a spare pair of pants while I have to walk around without panties all day."

"I don't have extra boxers, though," he chuckled, grabbing the pants. "If that makes you feel any better."

"It does," I sighed. "But only a little."

I did what I could to repair the damage he'd done to the twist of hair at the back of my neck and used a washcloth to clean myself. When I walked back out, I was surprised to find a picnic basket opened on his desk with a couple of sandwiches, chips, cookies, and drinks spread out for us. It was so damn sweet of him, and would only make it so much harder to do what needed to be done when I left.   


"A picnic?"

His cheeks tinged with the slightest hint of pink. "Yeah, Eden tucked it under my desk earlier. She told me that if I was going to hijack you like this then I'd better actually feed you too."

His partner's wife sounded like she'd make for an excellent friend. The food was amazing, and I relished the time we had together as we ate, knowing it was going to have to last both of us for a while. Staying away from Jax wasn't going to be easy, but it was necessary. We finished our food too quickly, the moment bittersweet as I helped him clean up the mess.

"If you run from me again, I will find you," he warned me, as though he knew exactly what I was thinking.

I had no doubt he would-but hopefully not too soon, if I did a good enough job of hiding this time around.

Chapter 8


Natalie's vibrant-green eyes observed me warily, but then she adopted a neutral expression, her "lawyer" face, and nodded in response to my caution.

"Don't push me, sweetheart," I scolded, closing the distance between us and wrapping her up in my embrace. Plunging a hand into her hair, I gripped the strands, dislodging all the pins, and yanked her head back. Lowering my mouth to hers, I kissed her until her knees buckled and I had to hold her up. Breaking away, I grinned smugly. Her walls were down again, and I could see the indecision swirling in her emerald pools.

"Be at my house tonight by eight and bring a fucking bag," I growled. Then I nudged her towards the door of my office with a soft pat on her delectable ass. If I didn't get her out of there, it was likely I'd throw her over my shoulder and take her home, tie her to the bed and keep her there. Indefinitely. I hated sharing her, especially with the son of a bitch she worked for. "Eight."

I followed her down the hall and watched her get on the elevator, controlling my primitive urges, the ones that could get me arrested for kidnapping. When the doors closed, I felt my chest tighten, almost squeezing the breath out of me. I fucking hated being away from her and as much as I didn't want to admit it, I knew she was going to run.

Returning to my desk, I picked up my phone and called in yet another favor. This one resulted in my ending the call with Natalie's address scribbled on a notepad.

I gave her until ten before I drove over to her apartment. She lived in one of the smaller buildings near Smith, Yates, & Warren, close enough to walk to and from work. I parked on the street in front, unhappy at the thought of her coming home in the dark by herself, even if it was only a ten-minute walk. This piled onto the reasons I needed to get her moved in with me asap.

At her door, I rapped sharply on the hard surface with my knuckles. I was met with silence, not even the faint rustle of someone moving around inside. I knocked again, a little louder this time. "Natalie. Open the door," I barked. Still nothing.

Normally, I wouldn't want to bother her neighbors, but all bets were off with me when it came to my woman. This time, I pounded hard with my fist. "Natalie!" I bellowed. "Open the fucking door."

Someone popped their head out of the apartment next door, and I tried to calm down in case I needed to sweet talk my way out of having them call the police. Turning, I spotted a young Asian woman with an irritated frown marring her pretty face. When her dark eyes landed on me though, her lips turned up in an amused smile.