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The Yeah, Baby Series Volume 2(28)

By:Fiona Davenport

After spending the last twenty-one hours obsessing over what his dreams of me were, I had no choice but to do something about it. Even though I'd graduated at the top of my class and was editor in chief of the law review, I was new to the firm and hadn't proven myself yet. I wasn't going to be at the top of my game until I experienced Jax's dreams for myself.

Once I'd come to that realization, I'd devised what sounded like a brilliant plan at the time. Standing in front of him, buck naked except for some naughty lingerie under my trench coat, I was starting to reconsider it. Luckily for me, the heated look in his eyes and the outline of his hard cock pressed against his slacks gave me the courage to follow through with my plan.

Moving out of Jax's hold, I heard the door slam shut behind me. Then I felt his warmth at my back.

"Let me take your coat." His voice was a rough rasp, sending goosebumps along my skin.

My fingers trembled as I loosened the belt at my waist and let him tug my coat from my shoulders and down my arms. I was tempted to turn at the sound of his deep groan in response to the sight of my almost bare back, but I wasn't quite ready to show him the view from the front yet.

"Holy fuck, Natalie," he breathed out as my coat slid to the floor. He ran his palms from my neck, along my spine, and down to the cheeks of my ass. There was only a bit of lace between us, barely any protection from the searing heat of his hands. "Nobody had better have fucking realized you were practically naked under your coat but me."

I whirled around at the possessive growl. I'd meant to remind him that this was only our second date, but nothing came out except for a startled squeak when I realized the sound of tearing fabric I heard was my panties. His fingers had been clenched in the material, and the speed with which I'd turned had ripped them from my body. His gaze seared me as it swept over me, lingering at the swell of my breasts spilling out of my lacy, black bra before continuing down to my now bare pussy. Then there was no time for me to say anything because he'd lifted me up and tossed me over his shoulder as he marched through the foyer, across the living room, and up the stairs. By the time I'd gathered my wits about me, I was flying through the air as he tossed me onto a king-sized bed covered with a cream-colored comforter.   


I landed facedown, my hands stretched out towards the headboard. Turning my head to look over my shoulder, I found Jax with his pants hanging from his hips and his cock in his hand. It made me even wetter, to the point that I could feel it dripping down my thighs, and I whimpered. He gave himself a couple strokes, his eyes locked on my ass, before he shoved his pants down and climbed onto the mattress to kneel behind me. Sliding his hand in my hair, he snatched my head back and kissed me deeply, until we were both panting.

"Are you sure you want it like this, sweetheart?" His grip on my hair tightened, and I moaned in response. "Because if not, I'll find a way to stop. Put some clothes on you. Feed you dinner. See where the night goes. Maybe send you home so you can get the work done that you said you needed to do."

"I'm sure," I whimpered, tilting my hips to brush up against his cock.

"You'd better be damn certain. Because once I start, I'm not going to be able to stop. I want you too fucking much. It won't be gentle. Not this first time."

"Save gentle for later. I need you, too."

He took me at my word, pushing me forward against the mattress, one hand grabbing hold of my wrists while the other raised my hips up as his legs forced my knees apart. His body caged me in as he whispered into my ear. "Considering I've already ripped your panties off your body and I haven't even gotten inside you yet, I'm not sure how much later it'll be before I'm able to go gentle with you. But I'll give you so much damn pleasure that you won't care."

The hand at my hip slid to my pussy, two fingers pushing inside and stretching me open. "Fuck, sweetheart. Your pussy is so damn tight and wet. Dripping for me."

I clenched tightly around his fingers, making him groan before he pulled them from my body. Then his hips slammed into me, his cock pushing in and stretching me impossibly wide, until his entire length was buried inside my pussy. He hadn't been kidding about not being gentle. There was no other warning. No pretty words. He pinned me down with his body and gripped my wrists tightly, pressing them against the mattress above my head, while he fucked me. Hard. Rough. And exactly the way I needed.

His cock pumped inside me as I writhed desperately under him. His free hand popped the clasp on my bra so he could squeeze my tits, plucking at one nipple and then the other before drifting lower.

"Please, Jax," I moaned when he reached my clit and circled around it.

My body shook with my impending orgasm as his cock slammed into me mercilessly. Then his big fingers slid to the side and he rubbed my clit hard. My orgasm tore through me as my pussy clenched around his cock. He was unrelenting, drawing my climax out as long as he could, until I thought I might pass out. With my body shuddering beneath his, he finally started to come.

"Damn, sweetheart," he groaned when he collapsed against the mattress at my side. "I wasn't expecting that."

I was too worn out by the biggest orgasm I'd ever had to even consider being embarrassed. "You started it with all your talk about showing me what your dreams were."

"The reality of you in my bed is better than I could have possibly imagined."

"So damn smooth," I mumbled, my breath caught in my throat for a reason other than the workout he'd just given me.

"Don't move," he ordered me as he slid off the mattress.

I didn't bother responding, just buried my head in one of his pillows as I got comfortable, since it wasn't like I even had the energy to go anywhere. I heard his footsteps as he padded into the master bathroom, followed by the sound of running water, and then he was headed back my way. My hips jerked at the swipe of something cool between my legs, and I rolled to the side to see what Jax was doing. He'd grabbed a washcloth and was cleaning me up.

Cleaning me up because we hadn't used a condom. "Well, shit," I sighed.

"First time I've ever gone bare," he murmured softly, looking up at me. "Seeing you like that? I lost my damn mind and couldn't think of anything except shoving my cock deep inside you."

"I've never gone without a condom before either."

"Fuck," he hissed, his eyes clenching shut. I thought it was because of the enormity of what we'd just done, but I was wrong. "Stop talking, before I decide I need to make you come so hard you'll forget there's ever been anyone else but me."

If my torn panties hadn't been lying on the floor of his entryway, they would have spontaneously combusted at his threat. But I couldn't focus on how badly I wanted him to follow through with it because we needed to talk about what had just happened. "We have bigger things to worry about than my past."   


Chapter 4


The jealousy threatening to consume me was uncharted territory. I'd never felt such murderous impulses, wishing I could make any man who'd touched what was mine disappear.

"Jax, I'm not on the pill. This is a major problem," she insisted.

I shoved it away as best I could and focused on her worry. Swiftly striding to my hamper, I tossed the rag in and then made my way back to the bed and the exquisite woman sprawled on top of it. I pulled back the covers and lay down, gathering Natalie into my arms.

She'd stayed patiently quiet, but as I settled, she stared at me with a raised eyebrow. It was adorable.

"I know you just started at your new firm and having a baby is probably the last thing on your mind," I started.

"You think?" she snapped.

I frowned at her, a little irritated that she seemed so put out. I mean, was it really the most awful idea? The thought of Natalie carrying my baby sent streaks of happiness straight to my heart. I couldn't wait to marry her and start a family.

"Whatever happens," I attempted to adopt a soothing tone, "we'll be together and we'll make it work. I wouldn't ask you to give up your job. Couples manage to have careers and families all the time."

At her dubious expression, I tightened my arms and glared at her. "Since we've only known each other for a couple of days, I'll overlook your insult in assuming I wouldn't stick around and take responsibility. Because, sweetheart, you had best understand right now," my voice became like steel, "baby or not, I'm never letting you go."

Some of her stiffness abated, but she was clearly still wary of our situation. I supposed only time would clear away the rest of her qualms.

The silence was suddenly interrupted by the growling of her stomach. I laughed and kissed her forehead, before moving to climb off the bed. "Come on, hot stuff. I've been remiss and need to feed my woman."

I held out a hand to help her, smiling like a fool at the pleasure in her eyes and sweet blush on her cheeks. Holding her hand, I began to guide her from the room, but she tugged me back at the door.

"I'm naked," she whispered. I chuckled at her embarrassment, keeping her voice low, as though someone might hear that she was nude and be utterly scandalized by it.

"Trust me, sweetheart. I am well aware of your spectacular body on display. All the more reason to hurry and eat before I lose all control and fuck the hell out of you again."