Reading Online Novel

The Yeah, Baby Series Volume 2(27)

"Fine," I huffed good-naturedly and rattled off my number. He typed it in, his fingers flying over the keys. My phone buzzed a moment later with a text message notification. Pulling it out of my purse, I was surprised by what he'd sent me.

See you at 7. Dinner at Charleston. Jax.

"I might be new to town, but from what I've heard Charleston is a special occasion kind of restaurant."

I watched as he uncoiled from his chair and prowled around the table to pull mine back and help me up with his hand at my elbow. "It's our first date."

"And that makes it a special occasion?" When his hand slid around to my lower back, my voice came out shaky.

We'd made it to the front door, and when his free hand reached out, I expected him to open it. Instead, he tugged on my shoulder and pulled me into him. His head dropped down, his mouth covering mine in a kiss. My lips parted in surprise, and he took full advantage. My thoughts scattered as his tongue swirled slowly in my mouth. Just as my legs began to shake, he lifted his head and stared down at me. "What do you think, sweetheart?"

It was going to be way more than just dinner if I wasn't careful, that's what I thought.

Chapter 2


I'd been told my whole life that I was born a smooth talker. I coaxed a kiss out of Jenny Palmer in kindergarten, even though she swore she hated boys. As a teenager, charming my way out of trouble was common place. In college, I was king of the campus. Women wanted to fuck me and men wanted to be my best friend.

I realized how arrogant that sounded, but it wasn't like I was a manwhore (well, maybe in high-school, but you have to cut my over-active teenage libido some slack) or used my talents to blur the lines between right and wrong. It was simply fact. A fact that made me a damn good lawyer. One who'd only lost a handful of cases in the decade I'd been practicing law.

When I met Natalie, for the first time in a long while, I changed the focus of my charm from judges, juries, and opposing counsel, to a beautiful woman. With her long, honey-blonde hair in some kind of twist, her elegant neck was exposed and immediately I had a craving to run my tongue along every line. Her eyes were hidden by adorable, small, rectangular, black-framed glasses, perched on her small, upturned nose. High cheek bones and luscious lips that were pink from being chewed on as she stared hard at the paperwork in front of her. All attached to a modest but mouthwatering pair of breasts, pressing against her white silk blouse, a tiny waist, and endless, tan legs that stretched out from her thigh length skirt.   


I'd managed to tap into my talents to procure her phone number and a date. When she entered the restaurant, she took my breath away and for a moment, I worried that I'd lost my powers. But, I was drawn to her like a magnet seeking its other half and as I met her at the door, I felt my confidence return. Thank fuck. Though, it was a close call when she finally looked up, and I momentarily lost all ability to think or even breathe as I drowned in the most beautiful green eyes I'd ever seen.

Natalie Gardner. Even her name was sexy. We spent the night getting to know each other. I wasn't really surprised, but definitely happy to find that she was as sweet and beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside. Her wry sense of humor had me laughing, while her body had me on the edge of coming far too often.

Learning we shared the same profession only made everything seem so much more perfect. It didn't take long for me to be convinced. Natalie was the woman I didn't know I'd been waiting for. I hadn't recognized the void in my life until it was suddenly filled by her.

There was a moment of panic when she mentioned what law firm she'd recently started at. Smith, Yates, and Warren. Fuck. I'd spent my early career with them, back when it was only Smith and Yates. Things went south, and I ended up leaving to start my own firm. Circumstances being what they were, I took most of my clients with me, so there was a lot of bad blood between us.

With less than twenty-four hours under my belt, I couldn't stomach the thought of scaring Natalie away with the shitty details of that situation. I needed more time with her, so when I finally told her, she would trust my side of the story. It wasn't like we'd find ourselves facing off in court. Junior associates rarely made it there unless is was smaller cases, like housing court.

I realized the jeopardy I was putting myself in by holding back, the possibility that I would come off looking like a complete asshole. But, I found justification in my reasoning, enough to put it off one more night anyway.

Treading carefully and not wanting to push too hard, at the end of the evening, I walked her to her car and then gathered her into my arms. My mouth crashed down onto hers. A soft moan escaped her mouth, giving me the perfect opening to plunge my tongue inside and fully taste her. Peaches. Just like last time, she tasted like fucking peaches. My favorite.

At last, I pulled back and smirked with satisfaction at the flushed state of her skin and the desire swirling in her eyes.

"I need to see you again tomorrow, sweetheart," I rasped.

She shook her head, seeming to clear away the fog. Biting her plump lip, making me so jealous of the thing, she stared at me with indecision. "I don't know. Work is so crazy right now. I really don't have time-"

Kissing her again, I swallowed her protests and only retreated when I knew I was almost to the point of no return. "That wasn't a request, Natalie," I growled. "Tomorrow."

Her eyes locked with mine for a moment before the corners of her mouth tilted up and she nodded. "Okay, but it will have to be quick so I can get more work done."

"How about I cook for you at my home?"

Her pretty little mouth rounded into an O, making me chuckle. "You cook?"

"I do. Unfortunately, I don't have time for it much, but I enjoy it when I can."

She looked exasperated for a minute, then her head dropped back and she stared at the sky, muttering something like, "more than just dinner." I grinned when she looked at me once again. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I wanted to pump my arm in victory, but I restrained myself. Instead, I quickly kissed her mouth once more, then her nose, before helping her into her car. It was a reliable sedan, but the vivid teal color was an indicator of her bright personality.

"I'll send you my address. Text me when you're home so I know you got there safe, sweetheart," I purred. "See you at seven." I shut the door before she could respond and stood back to watch her leave. Only when she was out of sight did I make my way to my own vehicle. I sent her my address and then headed home.

After parking my Jag in the detached garage behind my historic Federal Hill townhouse, I'd barely walked in the door when my phone chirped from my coat pocket. Glancing at the screen, I grinned at the name displayed there.

Sweetheart: Home safe. Thank you for dinner. I had a great time.

I slid my finger over the screen and typed an answer.

Me: My pleasure. Have sweet dreams about me, beautiful. xxx

Sweetheart: You too.

Me: Oh, my dreams about you aren't sweet, Natalie.

I could practically see her blushing and my dick hardened at the thought of that pink flush all over her naked body.   


Me: Should I tell you about them?

Sweetheart: Um, I don't think so.

I laughed because somehow, I knew she was lying, but I decided to let her off the hook. I fully intended to reenact some of my naughty dreams with her tomorrow night. It was fast, but the willpower to resist her escaped me.

Me: You're right. Show is better than tell. See you tomorrow. ;)

Sweetheart: That's not what I meant!

Damn she was adorable.

Me: Goodnight, sweetheart. xxx

My phone didn't beep again until I was sliding into bed.

Sweetheart: Goodnight. <3


At ten after seven, I was debating whether to call a friend in the FBI to get Natalie's address, but the doorbell chimed and I sighed with relief.

How was it possible I'd missed her after less than twenty-four hours apart? And, though my cock was making it quite clear it had missed her most, it wasn't just her body I craved.

Opening the door, my eyes swept up and down her figure. Her hair was down, spilling over her shoulders, highlighted against the black of her trench coat. The belt was cinched in tight, emphasizing the sensual swell of her hips. Her jacket ended mid-thigh, showing off her gorgeous legs. I tried not to think about the length of the skirt she must be wearing underneath because if she'd worn it all day, I'd go crazy thinking about every motherfucker who'd looked at her. I was already hard as a fucking rock, but when my eyes landed on the strappy, black, sky-high heels on her feet, all the blood left in my brain rushed south and spots danced before my eyes.

Taking a deep breath, I stood back and swept a hand out towards the house. "Come on in, sweetheart."

Natalie peered up at me through her lashes with a secretive little smile. Gripping the lapels of her coat, I dragged her against me, lowering my head until our lips were a breath away. "Keep looking at me like that, Natalie, and we won't make it to dinner." I warned darkly.

Her arms slipped up around my neck and her face shifted to the left, whispering in my ear, "I'm not hungry for food anyway."



Chapter 3


Jax Croix was a silver-tongued devil. It was the only logical explanation for his ability to make me act completely out of character. In fewer minutes than I wanted to admit to, he'd managed to talk me into a date when I'd planned to stay away from guys until I was fully settled in Baltimore. Then I hadn't even put up much of a fight when it came to accepting another date the very next night-at his home no less! Judging by the location of his townhouse and the Jag he'd driven to the incredibly expensive restaurant we'd eaten at, his charisma had taken him far as a lawyer too.