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The Tycoon's Vacation(47)

By:Melody Anne

"I missed you and Stephanie so much these last two weeks. I finally got that employee hired so I won't have to travel nearly as much and when I do, I'm taking you both with me because I can't bear to be apart for so long," he finally told her, when he managed to pull away from her.

"I missed you too," she admitted to him quietly. She had her arms wrapped around his back and couldn't pull away from him. It was so great to be back in his arms.

"I'm taking you out for a special celebratory dinner tonight," he told her and brought his lips back to hers and neither of them could speak for several minutes.

"That sounds perfect," she finally responded. They were then interrupted by one of the employee's letting them know the doors would be opening in just a moment. Drew reluctantly let her go and went to find his daughter.

She was just starting to stir in her crib and as he bent down to pull her into his arms, her eyes opened and he had to fight back his emotions. She was still so small but she was so beautiful and he'd missed the soft scent of her. He cuddled her close to his chest and simply breathed the scent of her into his lungs. He wouldn't be away from her for so long, again.

He walked out into the store and found his cousins. The three men stood there as the rush of people came flooding through the doors and were filled with pride for Jasmine and Trinity. The women were beaming, as they rang up sale after sale.

Trinity kept looking up, overwhelmed at the sight of her handsome husband gently cuddling Stephanie close to his chest. She was busy for the next several hours and found she wanted nothing more than to break away and simply hold her daughter, while Drew held them both. She had always wanted the shop and was proud it was having such a successful opening day but she'd finally realized being with her husband and daughter far outweighed her need for success.

She had a competent staff and would be more than happy to be there only part time. Jasmine told her she'd be working minimal hours herself, as she couldn't bear to be away from her family for long periods of time. Trinity realized there was nothing wrong with depending on her husband. Even if the man never loved her like she loved him, she'd be happy to simply be a family together.



"I'd like to order every bouquet in the shop," Damien said as he walked up and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"You said you wouldn't be able to make it today," Trinity said with a huge grin splitting her face. Her day was officially perfect with all the people she loved in the room with her.

"I threw business out the window. Today is about my best friend and beautiful niece," Damien told her. She quickly came around the counter and threw her arms around him.

"Hey, I think there are holes being burned into my back," he said with a laugh. He then dipped her low and whipped her back up, causing a giggle to escape. She looked over at Drew, who looked as if he was grumbling a bit too his cousins. She liked the thought he may be a bit jealous. It was good for him.

"Excuse me Miss, can you help me?" a woman interrupted.

"I'm sorry, Damien but it looks like I'm being beckoned," she told him. She gave him one more hug and got back to work. He walked over to the guys and she caught a glimpse of Drew slugging him in the arm. Ouch, she thought but Damien laughed and the men continued talking for a while before Damien slipped out the doors.

She broke away a few times to feed her daughter but other than that she was swamped all day and by the time they were able to leave, she was pretty dead on her feet. Drew took her home instead of out to a restaurant, then massaged her feet while she fed her daughter. She laid back and enjoyed the feel of his hands on her.

They put the baby to bed and he pulled her to their room and laid her down. Her body wasn't ready yet for love-making, which about killed her because she wanted them to share that again. She was incredibly self-conscious though of her body. He began rubbing her back and sides and she pulled away.

"I want to touch you. I know you aren't ready yet for love-making but that doesn't mean I can't kiss you and enjoy your beautiful curves," he told her before kissing her breathless.

"I'm not very beautiful right now Drew, I still have this extra weight from the baby and I never get enough sleep. I know I must look a mess," she said to him and could feel the blush on her cheeks. He pulled her chin up so he could look into her eyes.

"You're the most stunning woman I've ever seen in my life. Your body is perfect and I don't care how much sleep you lose, you're still gorgeous. Don't ever try to hide from me because I love every square inch of you," he told her with passion. He grabbed her hand and pressed it against his very obvious arousal and her eyes widened.