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The Tycoon's Vacation(46)

By:Melody Anne

She was just finishing a basket when the monitor signaled Stephanie was waking up. She went to get her but Ryan beat her to it. He was pulling her out of the seat and talking baby talk to her. She blew bubbles at him, as she stared up at her uncle with her big blue eyes. He carried her around for a while, until she decided it was time to eat and he reluctantly handed her over.

Trinity was more than happy to take her back to the break room and have some alone time with her daughter. She sat back in the rocking chair and enjoyed the sounds of her hungry slurps, as she gulped down her milk, like it was the last meal she'd get. Her daughter had liked eating from day one. It was a good thing for her putting on weight. Trinity rubbed her head, as she sang softly to her.



She could feel her eyes getting heavy as she finished feeding her and raised her to her shoulder for burping. She couldn't wait until she was back to having full energy again because she hadn't made it through one day since the birth without a nap.

The two women finally were satisfied everything was perfect for their next day and headed out of the shop. They were both worn out but had a great sense of pride at what they accomplished. The shop looked spectacular and they knew it would be a success. The men had hung up huge Grand Opening signs and she'd noticed several cars driving by slowly to see what the new business was.

As Trinity laid Stephanie down for the night and slipped into her huge bed all alone, she had to fight back tears. She had really wanted Drew to be there with her for the Grand Opening. She knew her little business was nothing compared to the billion dollar resorts he owned but it was special to her. She knew he had to be away but she was still saddened. She fell asleep with a tear on her cheek.

"You guys have done an excellent job at getting this cleared up in time. I won't be available to come back over here for at least a month, so anything you need will have to go through the home office," Drew told the table of men surrounding him.

He'd been stuck on the small island off the coast of Spain for two weeks and had to leave within the next hour or he was going to miss the Grand Opening of his wife's shop. She hadn't pled with him to come back but he knew it meant a lot to her and he wouldn't have cared if it ended up costing him the deal, he was leaving one way or the other that day.

He shook hands with the men and headed out the door. His driver was waiting and the jet was ready. He could barely contain his excitement as he boarded the jet. He'd never had such urgency to return home before. He'd missed his baby girl more than anything he could've ever imagined. He had also missed his wife. He needed to tell her how important she was to him and he needed her to accept they were going to stay together forever. If the last two weeks were any indication, he knew he couldn't possibly live his life without his two girls in it.

They'd become such a huge part of his entire being and the thought of any distance from them ripped him apart. He'd started conducting interview for a new executive who would do the majority of the traveling because he was done. He was excited because the man he hired to do the job had accompanied him on this trip and he was perfect. Drew knew he'd be able to rest well, knowing the man wasn't only competent, but eager and hungry.

He didn't think he'd be able to sleep but before he knew it the captain was coming over the intercom stating they were preparing for landing. He looked out the window as the sun rose in the sky and could hardly wait to pull both Trinity and Stephanie close to him. Heck, the baby was only a month old and he could hardly wait to watch Trinity grow large with his second child. He had become like Derek and could picture their house with ten children running around. The more the merrier, he thought. He decided he'd better wait a little while before suggesting that to Trinity. She was still pretty tired after giving birth to their daughter. 

The car picked him up from the airport and he was soon heading towards the shop. It was to open in an hour and he had about a forty minute drive to get there. He told the driver he'd get a five-hundred dollar bonus if he got him there in thirty. The man hit the gas and Drew smiled because money always talked.

They pulled into the parking lot and Drew was thrilled to see a line outside the door. He could imagine both the women were brimming over with excitement to see the eager crowd. He slipped around back and let himself in the employee entrance and headed out to find his wife. He spotted her at the counter, looking over some paperwork and his heart swelled. He'd missed her so badly.

He snuck up behind her and wrapped her in his arms. She stiffened for a minute until she turned around and saw it was him. Her face split wide open in a huge smile. They stared at one another for a few moments, then Drew bent his head to take her lips. He'd missed her so much and as he deepened the kiss his body came fully alive. He knew it was too soon for them to make love but his body wasn't listening. It was a good thing there were a lot of people around, or he may have done something stupid.