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The Tycoon's Vacation(45)

By:Melody Anne

"Are you ready to head out?" Jasmine asked her.

"Yes, I want to get going before I lose too much steam. I'm afraid I'm going to spend far too much time in that heavenly room Ryan built us," she said, with a laugh.

"I was so excited to see that. He thought of everything. The man is an absolute genius at building," Jasmine agreed.

The two women climbed into Jasmine's car and drove the short distance to their shop. Trinity still felt awe as they pulled up to the front doors. It was beautiful, inside and out, due to the creative building skills of Ryan. He was doing some final painting to the outside of the building, as they stepped from the vehicle.

He dropped what he was doing as soon as he spotted the ladies. "You're arriving a bit late," he said, as he opened the back door and pulled out Stephanie's car seat. She thankfully, was fast asleep so Trinity could get things done.

"It's so hard to get out the door when you're dealing with babies. They need changed and fed and then when you think you're ready to go, they spit up all over you and them and you have to start all over again," Jasmine said, with fondness. She adored being a mother.

"I wouldn't know anything about that," Ryan said. His words may have said he was relieved but the way he adored his nieces and nephew contradicted his words. At that moment he was carefully carrying Stephanie inside, gazing at her as if she was the greatest thing in the universe. The two women looked at each other with knowing eyes.

"Yes Ryan, you're a confirmed bachelor, for sure," Jasmine said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Do you want me to take her out of the seat and put her in the crib?" he asked Trinity.

"No, she's comfortable in there. Just undo the latches and tuck her blanket around her. I just changed and fed her, so she should sleep for a couple hours," she answered him. He seemed disappointed by that. She'd have to keep an eye on him, to make sure he didn't wake her on purpose just to carry her around. She'd noticed all the men doing that. "Don't you dare wake her, Ryan," she added. 

"I won't," he said with a slight pout. How could she not love these strong, masculine guys, when they absolutely adored her daughter? She gave him a hug, then wandered around the building.

Ryan truly had done an amazing job. The floor space was huge, with custom built display shelves. Her coolers were framed in wood and there was so much color everywhere she looked. She wandered over to the play area and smiled. It was safe and completely enclosed so the girls wouldn't be able to sneak out.

She walked behind the custom made counters and was still amazed by the amount of space. She had a huge work station to make any kind of bouquet she wanted. Beyond that area he had not only added a large bathroom but had created a break room. There was a soft sofa, she had the feeling she'd take many naps on, a changing table, two cribs and a luxurious rocking chair.

She and Jasmine would never need to leave their business. It was already stocked with full supplies so they wouldn't have to tote diapers or rags back and forth. Everything was there and easy to use. He'd even made a small nook for a stackable washer and dryer, to clean their bedding right there in the shop. For a confirmed bachelor, he sure was smart when it came to the needs of the new mothers.

She reluctantly walked from the break room and over to Jasmine's side of the shop. She had the most perfect kitchen imaginable. The counter matched Trinity's, except it was longer and had stools attached in front.

She already had several glass cases set out, just waiting for her goodies to fill them up. The kitchen had top of the line appliances in it and plenty of room for several people to move around. She had a very limited menu and was only serving breakfast and lunch but Trinity had the feeling she was going to be full day and night because her food was excellent.

"What are you working on?" Trinity asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"I'm getting the soup of the day ready for tomorrow. This one is much better if it has a night to sit in the fridge and marinate before it's cooked. I'm making a few pots because I think we'll be busier than normal tomorrow. It will slow down after our opening weekend though," she said.

There were a couple of people busy working on different things for the next day but Jasmine was huge on freshness and some things had to wait till the next morning. She had bread rising, which would be ready for the ovens in the morning and more pastries than she could imagine.

"I've got to get out of here and set up fans to blow the smell away from me because I'll never lose this weight with you cooking such amazing food," she said, then practically ran from the kitchen. Jasmine's laughter followed her across the shop.

She soon got busy setting out the last of her gift items on the pristine shelves and with the help of her two employees', began making several bouquets. She wanted the cases full of everything imaginable, from single rose vases, to huge baskets. She'd be incredibly happy if she sold even half of the display. It would be her biggest day ever.