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The Tycoon's Vacation(43)

By:Melody Anne

As he held his daughter and looked down at his wife, everything felt so perfect. He knew he couldn't possibly live without either of them. He'd fight to the ends of the earth for them. He could now understand what his cousin Derek had been through and felt a bit of guilt at how much he had teased the poor man.

He had all the money in the world but he'd never felt truly rich until this moment in time, with his newborn daughter in his arms and his wife looking up at him with love in her beautiful eyes.

"It's time to move you back to your own room," the nurse told them. Drew laid the baby back in her arms for the transport. She gladly held her and didn't take her eyes off the baby the entire way. She wouldn't have noticed if the building was falling down around them, she was so fascinated by her daughter's tiny features.

They got into the room and the nurse helped her sit up in bed, then brought in a tray of food. She realized she was starving for the first time in over a week. Drew took the baby back in his arms and sat in the chair next to her bed while she ate.

"Are you going to be nursing, or should I make up a bottle for her?" the nurse asked.

"I'm nursing," Trinity told her. She knew it was a natural thing but she still blushed, since Drew was sitting there in the room with her. She'd never discussed any of that with him and didn't know how he felt about it. She just knew it was important for the baby to get all the added help she could, especially with her being born early and weighing so little.

"After you're done with your meal, we should try and get her to eat. She won't be very interested in it at first but she will soon gain an appetite," the nurse told her.

"Okay," Trinity answered shyly. She was a little nervous to be talking about such a personal thing with a stranger but glad to have some help, as she didn't really know what she was doing.

She finished her meal and the nurse helped her with the process of getting the baby to latch on. It wasn't an easy task but Trinity had all the patience in the world for her daughter. After some time went by, she finally managed to latch on and get some food. Trinity was beyond proud of her little girl.

Drew stepped out of the room, to give her some privacy and to let his family know his baby girl was born. They were all in the waiting room, most likely pacing. He let her know he'd give her about an hour before bringing them in to see the newest family member.

They arrived soon after she finished and nobody could get enough of her, commenting on how beautiful she was. "Oh my gosh, she makes Britney seem so big, now," Jasmine said, as she cuddled the baby close to her. "I want to have ten more of these Derek," she said with a smile of longing.

"You can have as many as you want," he told his wife and kissed her. "We can get started tonight in fact," he added with a look of lust in his eyes. Jasmine giggled and passed the baby over to Ryan. He gently cradled her in his arms, with a look of complete awe on his face.



"She's just so tiny," he whispered. She looked even smaller against him. One of his hands was the length of her body. "I'm afraid I'll break her," he finished nervously, as he looked at Drew with panic.

"Don't look at me, I'm afraid I'll break her too," he said with just as much awe.

"You guys wouldn't do anything that would harm her, not in a million years," Trinity told the men. They soon handed her back to Trinity and she greedily took her in her arms. It hadn't been that long but she'd missed her sweet scent already.

"What's her name?" Derek finally asked.

She and Drew looked at each other. They hadn't really discussed names and in all the excitement since the birth, neither of them had thought about it. She hadn't the slightest idea what she wanted to name her little girl.

"I have a favorite aunt named Stephanie. I've always liked that name," Drew suggested to her. She tried the name out and it seemed like a fit.

"Okay then her name is Stephanie," she agreed with him, which earned her one of his heart-stopping smiles.

"Hello there Stephanie Titan, welcome to the family," Ryan said as he brushed his hand against her soft head. Trinity really liked the sound of that. Her beautiful baby girl, Stephanie Titan had arrived safe and sound and healthy.

She started to yawn and the family said their goodbyes so she could get some rest. Drew carefully picked up Stephanie and laid her in the basinet next to the bed. If she made a peep then Trinity would wake up and be able to tend to her. She fell asleep before the last family member left the room.

Drew looked at his beautiful wife and sleeping baby and felt so much overwhelming love for them he didn't understand how his heart didn't burst. He knew they had a hard road ahead of them but at the moment things were too perfect to even imagine anything bad could happen.