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The Tycoon's Vacation(42)

By:Melody Anne

She wanted to bash his head in. It was really easy for him to tell her to give it all she had. He wasn't the one trying to pass a child through a small opening. Drew rubbed a cloth over her sweating brow, then the next contraction hit with the force of a tornado. She didn't see how she wasn't ripped in half from the horrible pain.

She screamed as she bore down and pushed as hard as she could. She felt nothing but the burning pain as the baby's head came out. The doctor was doing something and then the next contraction hit even harder and she pushed again, without any words from anyone and she felt more burning. She thought she may die right there on the table, before she even saw her daughter.

The contractions were right on top of each other and she barely had time to catch her breath before the intense urge to push again hit her. She did it a couple more times and she felt relief as her daughter passed through her body.

She looked up to see the doctor stick something in her mouth and then the most amazing sound in the world surrounded her, the angry wail of her daughter's intense displeasure of being taken from her warm home of eight months.

The nurse quickly wrapped her in a blanket and lay her down on Trinity's chest, then she was looking into the squinting eyes of her baby girl. She was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen in her life. She was trying to open her eyes but the lights were far too bright, allowing her only to open them to tiny slits. She was crying in the most pathetic little voice Trinity had ever heard and she sobbed right along with her.



She was so tiny, lying there on her chest she didn't see how it was possible she could be okay but she looked pink and beautiful beneath the slimy paste on her body. Trinity looked at Drew and was amazed to see a tear slide down his own cheek as he touched his daughter for the first time. Her heart swelled even more for the man, in love with their little girl.

"We need to take her over here and make sure she's okay. We'll bring her back right away if all her vitals check out," the nurse told her kindly, before picking the baby up. Trinity's tears fell, at the empty feeling of not having her daughter in her arms.

"She looks healthy and strong Trinity, you did a really good job," Drew reassured her, as he once again bent down to kiss her softly.

"I hope so," she said, not taking her eyes off her daughter laying helplessly under the warming lights. The nurses didn't seem to be in a panic as they checked her vitals, which was reassuring.

The doctor gave her some kind of shot that numbed her as he cleaned her up. She realized she must look pretty frightening but Drew was looking at her like she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. It filled her with warmth, which she needed, as she couldn't stop shaking now that things were all over.

The nurses cleaned her up and lifted her onto a new bed, which caused more pain for a moment. The heated blankets under her and on top of her made the pain worth it though because she was finally starting to warm up.

"It looks like you kept her safe inside for long enough because she's healthy. Her lungs are fully developed and she won't need oxygen. She's a little underweight at only four pounds eight ounces, so we'll want to keep her here until she's over five pounds but other than that you have a healthy, beautiful baby girl," the doctor finally said.

Trinity was filled with relief at his words. Their baby was going to be just fine. She would've stayed in the bed for the next month straight if she could've given her more time but she was still going to be fine.

"Can I hold her again?" Trinity asked them.

"Of course you can," the nurse said, as she brought her over and placed her back in Trinity's arms. She was now wrapped up in a warm blanket and mother and daughter watched each other in fascination.

"How are you doing, Princess?" she said to her as she rubbed her head. She looked back at her with those beautiful blue eyes all newborns had. She blinked a few times and Trinity couldn't believe she was actually holding her in her arms. "Do you want to hold your daughter?" she finally said to Drew.

"I'm afraid I'll break her. I've never held such a tiny baby," he admitted with a worried frown between his brows. 

"You'll be perfect at it," Trinity told him with confidence. He leaned down and gently picked her up and cradled her to his chest. The complete look of overwhelming love on his face made more tears fall down Trinity's cheeks. It was more than obvious he adored his daughter and she knew she'd done the right thing in marrying him so they could all be together. Even if he never loved her, he'd always love his little girl and that meant more than anything else.

"She weighs nothing, it's like I'm holding nothing but a blanket," Drew said in awe as he held her close to his chest. He couldn't believe how unbelievably beautiful his baby girl was. She was so tiny but so perfectly formed. He had never in his life loved something so much, as he loved his daughter. It was overwhelming in its intensity. He loved his family and he loved Trinity, although that was hard for him to accept but the love for his daughter was unlike anything he'd ever experienced.