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The Tycoon's Vacation(39)

By:Melody Anne

"No regrets," she finally answered breathlessly. He pushed inside her with a fast thrust, which caused all the air to whoosh out of her lungs. How could she possibly have any regrets, when she felt so full? She wanted to stay that way forever. She could no longer imagine her life without him in it, she knew she was in trouble but as he moved within her body, she could no longer think about anything.

He felt so good inside of her it made it difficult for her to breathe. He wasn't slow any longer in his movements and grabbed hold of her hips so he could thrust in and out of her tight opening. He gripped her firmly in his hands and pushed faster in and out, making her cry out in pleasure. She tightened around him as the orgasm shook through her once again, even more powerful than the last one.

He yelled out, as his own body pulsed inside her. She could feel the pumping of his release, which intensified her own pleasure. The moment stretched on, for what seemed like forever, as they both tried to get their breathing under control. He finally pulled free of her body and turned her over.

"I'm sorry, Trinity. That was far too rough. I seem to lose all sense of control with you," he said as he rubbed her gently all over. "Are you okay?" he asked her with real concern radiating from his expression.

"Mmm," was all she managed to get out. She was more than okay, she was completely satisfied. She couldn't even keep her eyes open as the pleasure washed through her. She drifted off to sleep with his hands still fluttering over her soft curves.

Drew pulled her against him and held her tightly in his arms. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have found her. She was beautiful, passionate and so intelligent. He rubbed his hands over the mound of her stomach and was filled with wonder, when his child pushed against him. He kept rubbing the spot and his face split with pride. His child must be restless because she was pushing out against his hand.

He was once again filled with pure joy as he thought, soon he'd be able to hold her in his arms. He knew she wasn't ready to come into the world yet but he could hardly wait.

Trinity could not get comfortable the next day. She was sitting in the living room, with a movie playing and feeling restless. Her back had been hurting all morning and seemed to be getting worse. She figured it was just typical pregnancy pain and didn't want to alarm Drew but as the day was progressing, it seemed to be getting worse. She figured it would be a great time to take a warm bath.

She slowly stood up from the couch. As she finally got to her feet, a cramp ripped through her mid-section, causing her to double over, right as Drew walked in the room.

"What's wrong?" he asked in a panic as he came over and put his arms around her.

"I don't know, I'm sure it's nothing," she panted through the pain.

"It doesn't look like nothing. We're going to the hospital now," he stated and picked her up, like she weighed nothing at all. She tried to protest but he wasn't listening. He gently placed her in the car and must have broken every speed limit, in his haste to get her to the hospital.

He pulled up in front of the emergency room and rushed her inside. He told the doctor she was having some pain and they rushed her back to a room, where she found herself hooked up to a bunch of machines once again.



Her stomach continued to cramp every few minutes and she was starting to worry she was going into early labor. It was too soon. The baby wasn't ready to come yet.

The doctor looked over her charts and listened to the baby, with a worried expression on his face. "You have gone into early labor but don't panic. You got here early enough we should be able to stop it," the doctor told her and she couldn't understand how he'd think she wouldn't panic at his words.

She looked over at Drew, who was trying not to look worried and failing miserably. He paced the room, as the doctor placed an I.V. in her arm and they administered a drug to try and stop the labor.

"This should stop the labor but if for some reason your little girl decides to make her entrance into the world early, her chances are good. She's a little over four pounds right now," the doctor tried to reassure them.

"What did I do wrong?" Trinity asked with real fear.

"You've done nothing wrong. Sometimes our bodies just don't realize it's not time for the baby to be born," the doctor tried to reassure her. She lay almost completely still for the next several hours, not wanting to do anything to make the labor progress. Finally the drug seemed to be working because the contractions stopped. She fell into a fitful sleep, as she continued to lie in the hospital bed.

Drew stayed by her side the entire time. He was just as worried as her, if not more. He was frustrated there wasn't more he could do to help her and the baby. He was supposed to be their protector and couldn't do anything to stop her pain. He was also feeling incredibly guilty about their lovemaking. He knew he'd been too rough with her. He questioned the doctor about it and he reassured Drew the lovemaking wasn't to blame but he didn't believe him. He'd never forgive himself if something happened to his child or Trinity.