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The Tycoon's Vacation(37)

By:Melody Anne



The cook brought them some lunch and they ate while going through the many catalogs. Once they were finished with the decoration items, Jasmine pulled out a bag with a bunch of other catalogs.

"Ryan is halfway finished with the remodel work on our shop, so now comes the fun part. We can start ordering some supplies. I think I brought everything over you'll need to set up your floral department. This company will bring the coolers out and set them all up. It's a bigger space so you'll have more display area. I also found this great company for gift items. I know my portion is supposed to be the café but I'd love to help with the gift section too. I love this type of stuff," Jasmine said, with enthusiasm.

"I've always wanted to have a bigger shop but I'm in the dark with what needs to be done, so I'm more than happy you want to be a part of it," Trinity said.

The two women looked over the magazines and got more and more excited as they looked at everything. Drew and Derek came in a couple times and then decided to leave again, instead of getting suckered into looking at the myriad of items the women thought were so great. They were used to dealing with mergers and buildings; they always left decorating to other people. They just agreed with the women the items were to die for and snuck back out.

Jasmine had been right about him not caring about the purchased items, though. He hadn't even blinked when she'd shown him the huge order. She couldn't possibly think of what she could do to get under his skin.

Once the women were finished purchasing half the items in the catalogs, it was getting late. Trinity was a little worried as the costs kept going up and up but Jasmine reassured her their location was phenomenal and they'd sell out in no time and need to place even more orders. Trinity was thinking they could be really successful with this shop. She was beyond excited.

By the time the baby came everything would be ready to go and she'd be able to enjoy working in her shop. The great thing about being a business owner was she could take her daughter with her because there was no way she wanted a stranger to raise her child, while she worked all day.

The two girls would be very close, growing up together. She was grateful they'd have each other to play with. Ryan was even building a play area, which would benefit their daughters and their clients children as well. It was something she wouldn't have even thought about.

By the time they finished supper, she was exhausted and ready to go to bed. Jasmine gave her a big hug and headed out with Derek, then she was left alone with Drew for the first time that day. She started to get a bit nervous, as she thought about the night ahead. They had never discussed sleeping arrangements.

He led her up the stairs and opened the doors to the master bedroom and she was very impressed. The boys had been busy while her and Jasmine had been lounging around and spending money. 

"Wow, Drew this room is really spectacular," she told him as she looked around. She stepped into the huge closet and noticed it was filled with both his and her clothing. "I don't think it's a great idea for us to share a room," she finally said.

He wrapped his arms around her and looked down into her eyes. "I know things haven't been perfect and I've kind of bullied you into this situation but we've been sleeping in the same bed and it's very nice. I won't pressure you into sex before you're ready but I'm not budging on the sleeping situation," he said. He said the words with steel in his voice but his hands were gentle, wrapped around her body.

She didn't like being told what to do and was tempted to kick him in the shin and go find another room, just for the spite of it. As if he could read her mind he smiled down at her.

"I knew you'd try and fight me on this, which is why there are no other beds in the house," he said a bit smugly. She glared some more at him. There were some comfortable couches she could sleep on. "Oh come on, it's not that bad to sleep with me," he said on a sigh of frustration.

"Fine, I'll sleep in here for tonight because I'm exhausted but I'm not snuggling with you," she said. She knew she sounded like a pouty child but it was frustrating how he always seemed to get his way. He shrugged, as he started stripping from his clothes.

Trinity couldn't breathe when he stood before her in nothing but his boxer shorts. The man was so incredibly sexy, standing before her, with his Adonis chest and abs. As her stare continued down his body, her breath sucked in at the site of his very obvious arousal stretching the front of his boxer's. When her eyes snapped back up to his face, he smiled wickedly at her.

"All you have to do is ask and we could both go to sleep feeling pleasured tonight," he suggested. She was far too tempted to take him up on his offer. She was fighting with herself on what to do. She really wanted him and just looking at his beautiful body had sent her pulse rate skyrocketing and the heat flowing towards her core. She didn't understand how he could possibly want her, with her stomach sticking out a mile but he obviously wasn't turned off by her ever expanding body.