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The Tycoon's Vacation(35)

By:Melody Anne

He stared down at the crib, picturing his tiny daughter asleep in it and had to fight the emotions welling up inside him. He couldn't believe in a short amount of time he was going to be a father. It was coming so fast. The doctor didn't think she'd make the full forty weeks. He was hoping for her to make it to at least thirty six.

He stopped for some take-out and headed back to the apartment. Trinity was just starting to wake when he walked in the door. She came out to the living room, groggily rubbing her eyes.

"Something smells heavenly," she said, as her stomach rumbled with pleasure. Drew laughed as her cheeks turned pink. He loved how easy she was to read.

"I can't wait for this child to be born so I can go back to eating like a normal human being. I'm hungry all the time," she said a bit sheepishly. She may have been embarrassed but she still grabbed an egg roll and started eating it hungrily.

"According to the doctor, you're not eating enough," he said, as he piled her plate with food. She shook her head at him and began to eat from the plate. She didn't see how she wasn't getting enough food, when it seemed to her she was eating all the time. The baby was taking up all the room in her stomach though, so she couldn't put as much in there. When she had only finished about a quarter of the plate, she pushed it away, causing Drew to look at her with disapproving eyes. He pushed it back closer to her and she decided to just ignore him. She couldn't force feed herself and besides, she knew she'd be hungry again in about an hour.

Drew crawled in bed with her that night, as he tended to do every night and she fell into a restful sleep. He hadn't tried making love to her again but he'd convinced her the couch was too small for him to sleep on. She felt badly for him, since he was putting everything else in his life on hold to take care of her. Besides she slept better with him holding her. It felt great to be in his arms and he was great support for her back.

They both woke up late the next morning and had to rush around before the movers showed up. She had her last minute items that needed packed and she wanted to do a final search of her cupboards and drawers. She was just finishing up when the Salvation Army arrived for her furniture. She was a little sad to see the items hauled away.

The men thanked her for her donation. The apartment seemed too empty, with not much left except a bunch of boxes. The moving company showed up within minutes of the other men leaving and her apartment was cleared out within an hour. Drew sent the men ahead of them. He'd already hired some staff members who'd let them into the new home.

She wandered around the empty apartment, making sure she hadn't forgotten anything. It was completely empty. There was a knock on the door and a couple of women came in, carrying cleaning supplies. She kept the place spotless but there was a final cleaning that had to be done. Drew hadn't wanted her around the chemicals and had insisted on hiring a company to do it for her.

As much as her back was hurting, she hadn't argued with him and was relieved to have someone else doing the hard work. She turned her keys over to the manager and walked out of the place she had called home for the past couple of years.

Drew gently helped her into his car and they were off to the new house. She'd only seen pictures of it online and was looking forward to going through it. From the pictures, it was certainly impressive.



They entered the locked gate and drove down the driveway. The moving van was backed into the garage and there was another furniture company van backed up as well. He told her he'd ordered their furniture. He'd also brought her a lot of catalogs and asked her to decorate. She'd been too tired the night before but had to admit she was looking forward to going through them.

She'd never had the money to decorate the way she wanted to. She figured even if she wasn't there a long time, it would be her gift to him, to decorate the place beautifully. She knew she had a great eye, which was why she'd chosen to be a florist. It was a form of art to create a bouquet for someone's special day.

Trinity was wide eyed, as she walked through the huge front doors. The place was enormous and stunning. It was more like one of his resorts, than a home. She wandered from room to room, gasping in delight. There was even a library, similar to the one at Jasmine's house. Drew said it wasn't as large as Derek's place but she was thinking he was wrong. She didn't understand why anyone needed so much space.

She stepped through the French doors and was delighted to find an outdoor kitchen. She'd always wanted one. She could imagine her daughter playing in the swimming pool, while she barbequed dinner and then they'd eat beneath the stars. It was perfect in so many ways. It wouldn't be easy to go back to living in an apartment after residing in this home.