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The Tycoon's Vacation(34)

By:Melody Anne

The weeks went by far too slowly in the cramped apartment. Trinity was actually excited to get out of there because the space was far too small for her and Drew. He was everywhere and the more she was around him; the more difficult it was to remember her reasons for not being romantically involved with him. She was also incredibly edgy, not being allowed outside. He promised her he'd set up a lounge outside at the new place so she could get some fresh air.

She sat on the couch while he packed all her possessions. She felt a bit self-conscious as he went through everything she owned but he approached it like she was sure he approached business. He was methodical as he packed up her things, labeling each box before moving on to the next.

"I'm actually glad to have this to do because I've got to tell you, being locked in this closet of an apartment is starting to drive me crazy," he said as he finished another box.

"You can leave any time you want," she snapped, a little irritable herself.

"I'm dealing with it and it's only for one more day," he said, choosing to ignore her bad attitude. "I called the Salvation Army and they will be here early in the morning to pick up the furniture we aren't keeping," he finished.

"I think it's perfectly fine furniture and I don't see why we can't use it," she snapped at him. Her feet were swollen once again and the place didn't have air conditioning and she was ready to bite someone's head off. Poor Drew happened to be the only person around.

"I'm not trying to put your furniture down Trinity and you know that but come on, nothing matches and a few of these pieces have duct tape holding them together," he said to her, with far more patience than she deserved.



She wasn't going to fight him too hard on the matter because she had bought the furniture second hand, at an excellent price and was sure she could pick up more if she needed it but she didn't like him putting her things down. It was simply a matter of her pride.

"You know I'm not going to be a kept woman don't you? Just because we made a child together, doesn't mean you're going to take over my life," she snapped. He grinned at her. He found her ill temper amusing. He also loved how independent she was and that she wasn't afraid to call him on his arrogance. There were too many people afraid to talk back to him. He wouldn't be falling in love with her if she was like the masses of other people in his life.

"I'd never think of you as a kept woman," he finally managed to say without laughing. She could still see the smile in his eyes and glared all the more at him for it. He turned away and started on another box. He heard her grumble something but chose to ignore it. She had been trying to pick a fight with him for two days and instead of it angering him, it was incredibly amusing. He knew they would both feel better when they got into the new place and had a bit more space. He knew it would be helpful to have Jasmine visit with her so the women could do the girl talk thing he simply didn't understand.

"I think it's time to start packing up your clothes," he said. He was looking forward to that. Her cheeks turned pink at the thought of him going through her intimate clothing.

"I can do that on my own," she grumbled.

"The doctor said complete bed rest, so you can lay in bed and direct me," he told her with a wicked grin and a waggle of his brows. That caused her to turn even more scarlet.

"You can help me with my closet but I'll take care of the dresser," she finally said with a glare. There was no way she was going to have him go through her panty drawer. He looked like he was going to argue some more but he finally seemed to realize she wasn't backing down. He shrugged his shoulders and they headed into the bedroom.

She laid on the bed and her eyes started to get heavy and before long she fell asleep, with him quietly moving around the room. Drew tucked the light blanket around her and gently kissed her on the forehead, then headed out to let her rest.

The moving company was coming in the morning and most of the house was already packed up, so Drew headed into town for a while. He had to get out of the apartment. He called his cousins and the three of them met at their favorite furniture store. He found he was enjoying himself as he picked out furniture. He normally left all decorating for his resorts up to his decorators and rarely picked his own pieces out but he'd wanted to furnish his home, himself. 

He grabbed some catalogs, so Trinity could pick out the drapes and decorative type stuff. He was mainly focused on getting furniture so they had a place to eat and sit.

They walked into the children's section and he stared around at all the baby furniture, completely clueless. He had no idea what to buy for his new daughter. Derek got on the phone and called Jasmine. She rushed down there, more than happy to help. Within an hour of her arrival they had a fully stocked nursery.