Reading Online Novel

The Tycoon's Vacation(30)

"Are you insane lady, give me the bag now," the man said, with bulging eyes, as he pulled a knife out. She started to shake all over but she couldn't make her arm let go of the bag. He sliced the knife out towards her and she felt a stinging in her arm. He then shoved her hard and she stumbled backwards, landing on her butt.

Pain shot up her spine from the impact and her arm was throbbing. He took off running and her only thought was she still had her purse. She then looked at her arm and saw the blood streaming down and the sight made her pass out cold.

"Trinity talk to me, are you okay, please be okay, wake up," she heard Drew yelling at her, through a bank of darkness. "Please baby, open your eyes. The ambulance is coming right now, please just wake up, you have to tell me where it hurts," he continued to yell in a panicked voice. She couldn't understand why he was yelling. She was just trying to sleep.

"I'm tired," she finally managed to mumble and she felt his hands roam all over her body. She tried to push him away because she just wanted to sleep. He passed over her arm and pain shot downward, waking her right up. Her eyes flew open, to look into his terrified eyes and the whole thing came back to her.

"Ouch," she finally managed to get past her tight throat.

"They will be here in a few more seconds, do you hear the sirens?" he told her as he continued running his hands up and down her body.



"He tried to take my purse. I tried to let it go but my hand wouldn't listen to my brain," she tried to explain to him.

"I should've been with you, I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry. If anything happens to you or our daughter I'll never forgive myself," he sputtered as he rubbed her face and head. "Tell me where it hurts," he pleaded.

"My arm and back hurt," she told him with a grimace.

"I'm so sorry baby, he cut your arm and someone said they saw him push you down. Does your stomach hurt?" he asked her, terrified of what her answer would be.

"I don't know Drew, my back hurts really badly, I can't tell if it is my stomach too," she said, as tears started streaking down her face. "My baby," she cried out, as her hands groped her stomach.

The ambulance pulled up and the paramedics rushed out. They asked her a few questions and placed a neck brace on her, before lifting her up to the gurney. Drew never left her side the entire time. He rode next to her in the ambulance whispering reassurances and holding her hand.

They rushed her into the emergency room and a doctor came over immediately. They hooked all kinds of monitors up to her and soon she could hear the sound of her baby's heartbeat. Both her and Drew breathed out a sigh of relief at the strong sound.

"The baby doesn't seem to be in any immediate danger but your blood pressure is through the roof. You were supposed to be on bed rest, from these notes I'm reading and had no business out on the streets," the doctor scolded her.

"I'm sorry, it was just a small walk," she tried to explain but she was feeling a lot of her own guilt and would do whatever the doctor asked of her.

"We're going to stitch up your arm, You're staying overnight so we can monitor you and the child. If we can get your blood pressure down, then you can get released tomorrow but only if you're on strict bed rest. That is you go from your bed to a couch and back again. You're not to take walks, you're not to work, you're to be waited on hand and foot," the doctor told her sternly.

"I understand," she said, too afraid to argue with anything the man said. They poked and prodded her before she was finally moved to a room. She breathed a sigh of relief, as the pills they gave her kicked in and she drifted off into blissful sleep. She couldn't understand how the day could start off so well and end so badly.

Drew made calls to his family and knew they would be there in no time. His cousins would drop whatever they were doing to be there for each other. Family was number one to all of them. This was his future wife, with his child, lying in a hospital bed and they would've been angry with him if he hadn't called so they could be there. The second she'd conceived his baby, she had become a part of that tight family circle. 

He got a call while he was pacing the halls the bank accepted his offer. He called in some connections to speed the process up. He wanted to get moved in within a couple of weeks, where he'd be able to take care of her much better.

He called up his normal temp agency and had them start performing interviews for a staff. He wanted things ready as soon as he got the keys. As he continued to pace the hallways he saw Derek and Ryan round the corner. They spotted him immediately and walked over. He explained everything to them and they talked him into going with them for some much needed coffee.