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The Tycoon's Vacation(27)

By:Melody Anne

The person picked out a couple of pre made arrangements and was soon on their way. The door rang again and a young girl walked in.

"Can I help you?" Trinity asked her.

"I just graduated floral school and would like to apply for a job," the girl said shyly. Trinity spoke with her for several minutes and liked her instantly. She was eager and excited. She took her in the back and had her show some of her techniques. The girl had a really good eye for colors and picked up on designs quickly.

"I was planning on waiting another month before hiring but you have come in at a really good time because my back is hurting more than usual," Trinity told her. She hired the girl on the spot and she'd start the next day.

"Thank you so much," she replied excitedly and rushed out the door.

"I'm glad you decided to take on an employee," Drew told her. She got back to work and soon it was time to leave for the doctor's office.

Drew led her to his car and she climbed into the luxurious interior. It was really nice to be taken care of and she was fighting the urge to just let go completely and lean on him. They made it to the office in no time and soon they were being taken back to a private room.

The doctor came in and Drew introduced himself. "I bet you're excited to hear the heartbeat," the doctor said to him.

"I am," Drew confirmed. She was fixated on his face, as the sound of their child's heartbeat filled the room. He had such a look of wonder on it tears sprung to her eyes. "Can we do that picture thing?" he asked the doctor.

"She had an ultrasound a couple months ago and everything checked out. They are a pretty expensive procedure, when it's not needed," the doctor explained.

"I don't care how much it costs, I really want to have it done," Drew said. The doctor sent them to a different room.

"Drew, I can't afford to have one of those done," Trinity tried to explain to him.

"I'm taking care of all the baby's expenses," Drew told her and his tone said the issue wasn't up for debate. She didn't have any insurance and had been struggling to pay for the whole thing but she didn't appreciate his taking control of her pregnancy.

"You don't need to take care of everything but if you want another ultrasound then you can take care of that," she finally conceded.

"I'm in far too good of a mood to argue, so we'll leave that discussion for another time," he finally said. She lay on the table and glared at him for a moment. Soon another doctor came in the room and began rubbing some cold goo on her stomach.

"Have you seen one of our three dimensional ultrasounds before?" she asked them both.

"I had one done a couple months ago," Trinity said.

"I saw the picture but I wasn't here when it was done," Drew said as he stared at the screen. Suddenly his child's head was there in front of him. She was moving around and he saw the profile, then the back of her head. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in his life. He could stare at that monitor the entire day and never get bored.



He couldn't believe how much it showed of his daughter. It was like he was looking through a glass bowl or something. It was amazing. He wanted to reach out and run his fingers along her delicate cheekbones.

"Your daughter is healthy and active. Do you want to take home some more pictures?" the woman asked.

"Yes please," Drew answered enthusiastically before Trinity had a chance to speak.

"It sounds as if your husband is excited to be a father. This must be your first child," the woman said with a smile.

"I can't believe she will be here in a few short months," Drew said. Trinity was silent. She wasn't going to bother trying to correct the woman and she was finding it pretty endearing how excited Drew was.

She printed off some pictures and sent them both back to the doctor's office. He came right in. Trinity guessed it was helpful having Drew with her because she'd never had such quick service.

"The baby is healthy and everything is right on schedule but you're not doing as well. Your blood pressure is too high for my liking and puts you at risk for getting toxemia. I need to put you on bed rest for at least two weeks, then we can reassess. You also need to eat more because you're feeding the baby well but not yourself. You're under what I'd like to see your weight at," he told her.

"I can't take work off," she tried to argue with the doctor.

"If you don't take my advice, you're risking yourself and your baby. You could go into early labor and the chances of survival aren't good at this point in your pregnancy," he said sternly.

"She will go on complete bed rest doctor," Drew said and looked over at her. She wasn't happy with him or the doctor at that point but she wouldn't let her own temper harm her child. She'd just have to close the shop for a while. She couldn't imagine what that was going to do to her income.