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The Tycoon's Vacation(25)

By:Melody Anne



He pulled up by the front doors and they climbed from the vehicle. The door opened up and a young boy came rushing out. "Uncle Drew, you're here," he said, as he launched himself into Drew's arms. He certainly had a way with children.

"Hey Buddy, I think I'm going to whoop you today in some water basketball," he said, as he ruffled his head.

"No way, I've been practicing. You're going down," the boy told him. Trinity smiled as the two of them bantered back and forth.

"Jacob, this nice lady is Trinity and this young lad here is my nephew, Jacob," Drew introduced them.

"It's nice to meet you," the boy said politely.

"It's nice to meet you as well," Trinity said. He was adorable and well mannered.

"Mom is excited for you to come. Follow me, she's in the kitchen," Jacob said and ran ahead of them into the house. Trinity couldn't stop looking everywhere. The home was huge and beautiful but Drew was right about it seeming homey. Jasmine had done a great job at making the place comfortable.

"You guys made it. I'm so glad," Jasmine said as they stepped into the kitchen. She gave Drew a quick hug and surprised Trinity by throwing her arms around her as well. She pulled back with a giggle. "I remember those days of my belly preceding me into a room," she finished with a laugh. Trinity could not help but laugh along with her.

"I know, I think I grow a foot every night," Trinity said.

"You boys go play and let us diss on you for a while," Jasmine said. The boys obeyed and left them together. The smells coming from the kitchen were amazing and suddenly Trinity's stomach let out a loud growl. Jasmine laughed, again. Trinity couldn't believe she was still hungry after eating those rich pastries but she couldn't seem to get enough. She hoped she didn't gain a hundred pounds during the pregnancy.

"I remember that as well. Sit down and let me give you a snack, while everything finishes up," Jasmine said.

"I can wait, I don't want to be a hassle," Trinity said.

"Oh, stop being so submissive. You have to learn to stand up for yourself, or seriously these Titan guys will walk all over you," Jasmine said.

"You're right, I'd love to have a snack," Trinity said, with her cheeks turning a little bit pink.

"That's a start, now get off those feet," Jasmine said with a smile. Trinity sat down and ate every morsel of food Jasmine put before her. It was incredible.

"You seriously should open up a café," Trinity told her. "Your food is too good to be wasted."

"I've been told the same thing from these handsome men but I don't want to lose my love of cooking and if I had to do it for the long hours it takes in order to succeed, I'd no longer enjoy it," Jasmine said to her. 

"You know, I've always wanted to open a floral and gift shop, with a little café in it. I thought it would be great to have a section of books people could buy and they could come in and eat, read and order flowers or gifts. If you do ever consider a café, then I hope you'll talk to me," Trinity said shyly.

"Seriously that's something I'd consider. Let me finish our lunch and we can do some research," Jasmine said with excitement.

"I meant in the future sometime," Trinity said, a little shocked at her enthusiasm.

"There's no time like the present," Jasmine told her. The women continued to talk, while Jasmine finished lunch. As if the men had built in radars, they showed up as the last of the food was finished cooking. Everyone sat around the table enjoying the great food and even better conversation. Trinity was more relaxed than she had been in a very long time.

"Now you boys are on clean up duty. Trinity and I are going to the library to do some research," Jasmine said mysteriously and the two women took off. Drew looked over at Derek with a question in his eyes and he just shook his head as if he didn't understand women any more than the next guy did.

The two ladies went into the library and Trinity gasped as she looked around. It was a beautiful room, with books from floor to ceiling. She walked along the shelves noticing there was a little bit of everything. Any reader would be happy to step into this room.

"It's pretty great, huh? I still have a long way to go before these shelves are filled but I get a few more each week. This library is what sold me on the place," Jasmine said with excitement. She was pleased to see Trinity loved the room.

"This is amazing. I don't think I'd ever leave this room," Trinity finally said.

"I feel the same way. Take your time looking around. I'm going to jump on the computer and do some research," Jasmine said, as she sat down on the comfortable looking couch and opened up a laptop.