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The Tycoon's Vacation(21)

By:Melody Anne



She pulled the door open and looked at him expectantly. He looked at her with narrowed eyes, trying to decide what to do. He was really considering that shot gun wedding idea. It was becoming more and more appealing.

He finally walked over to the door and pressed his body up close to hers. He was happy when she didn't back down but glared up at him instead. Her passion turned him on. He smiled down at her and kissed her before she knew what was happening. It was a short kiss, to show her he was far from giving up.

"I have some errands to run today but I'll be back," he told her with promise. She stood there and watched him walk down the street. She had a mixture of relief and sadness, watching him walk away. She was determined to protect herself but the man was so confident and had so much sex appeal it was hard for her to remember who she even was when he was around.

She closed the door and went back to work on some bouquets. She had a wedding coming up and it was a lot of work getting all the arrangements ready. At least it wasn't prom season, she thought with relief. The money was always good but her hands were done for by the end.

Drew walked down the street and climbed into his car. His forceful approach was obviously not working, so he was going to have to try something new. His father had always liked to say you caught more flies with honey than vinegar, so maybe he needed to change his methods of trying to catch her. Of course, he really didn't understand that saying, since he didn't know why anyone would want to catch flies. He drove to his hotel and forged a new game plan.

Chapter Six

Trinity got ready for the new day, not wanting to step outside her tiny apartment. She knew Drew would most likely be there and she didn't know how long she was going to be able to resist his charm. It was easier for her when he was being demanding and arrogant but when he turned on the sex appeal, she was a goner. She was hoping he'd take the hint and disappear for a while, so she didn't have to fight him and herself too. The baby kicked her hard in the ribs, as if she didn't like the thought. She rubbed her belly and whispered soothingly to her daughter.

She was always starving in the mornings but didn't have the energy to fix much, so she grabbed a muffin and poured herself a large glass of milk and got ready for her day. She'd be alone at the shop all day and noticed it was starting to bother her. She needed to hire a couple people but she didn't want to pay out the money until she absolutely had to. She was thinking it may be a better idea to work for someone else so she could at least be around other employee's. Even though it had been her dream to own her own place, she was finding it lonely.

She walked the few blocks to her shop, looking around everywhere, a bit disappointed not to see Drew. She scowled at herself for that thought as well. She didn't want him to be around and she needed to always remember that. She blamed her disappointment on her hormones, since they were going crazy. 

She turned her key in the lock and flipped the open sign around. She always took such pride when walking through the front doors because it was all hers. She had worked hard to make her dream come true and took a lot of pride in the small but beautiful shop. Her touch was present in every square inch of the room.

She put her purse away and stepped back to the floral station, to begin making some bouquets for walk in clients. She had a few orders needing to be delivered but other than that, it was a slow day.

The bell over her door rang and she looked up to see Drew striding inside, looking far too good for so early in the morning. She should've known he wouldn't wait long before stalking her again. She was surprised though, by the instant quickening of her heart.

"Good morning, how are you today?" he asked her, as if they were strangers. She looked at him suspiciously, wondering what he was up to.

"I'm fine and yourself?" she asked.

"I'm wonderful. I'm in need of several bouquets," he responded, before sticking out his hand. "My name is Andrew Titan but my friends all call me Drew. I own several resorts and am in need of a new florist," he said with a completely straight face.

"What are you up to, Drew?" she asked, far too tired for games.

"I decided we need to start over from scratch, so here I am, being completely honest," he told her, with a twinkle in his eyes. She found it really hard to resist the man when he was acting so charming. She decided to play along for the moment.

"It's nice to meet you, Drew. I'd love to help you with some arrangements," she said and took his still outstretched hand. She wasn't prepared for the fire that shot down her arm from his simple touch. She tried pulling away but he held on tightly. The man should have a warning label attached to him. He was seriously dangerous to the female libido.