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The Tycoon's Vacation(16)

By:Melody Anne

He walked through the front doors, not bothering to knock and followed the sounds of laughter. He could tell they were all out at the pool. Good, he could use a swim.

He stepped through the patio doors and spotted little Jacob in a splashing war with Derek. Jacob was the first one to spot him.

"Uncle Drew, your back," Jacob yelled and jumped from the pool and gave him a very wet hug. He loved every second of it.

"How you doing, Squirt?" he asked his nephew.

"I'm good. I was totally beating dad," he said with excitement.

"Hey, I was catching up," Derek said as he stepped up beside his son and shook Drew's hand. "You're back in town early," he finished with a raise of his brows. The cousins knew each other well and Derek could tell something was wrong.

"Hey Buddy, can you let your mom know Drew is here and see if she can make us something to eat?" Derek asked Jacob. He agreed with enthusiasm and ran back into the house to search for his mom. "What's going on, Drew? You look like your world has been flipped upside down?" he asked. 

"I'm going to be a father," Drew blurted out. He didn't need to ease into things with his cousin. It was better to just get it all out there.

"That's great Drew, I'm really happy for you but why are you looking so stressed? Being a father is about the greatest thing that's ever happened to me," Derek said.

Derek had only found out about a year and a half ago he was a father. Jasmine had been his childhood sweetheart and circumstances had kept them apart until recently. Once they'd found each other again, Derek also found out he had a nine year old son and vowed to not lose any more time with him. He'd also realized he still loved Jacob's mother and they had married and now had a beautiful daughter added to their family. Drew wouldn't be surprised if they had a couple more kids as well because they both loved being parents.

"I'm still in shock. You remember the girl I told you about five months ago at my resort, well I decided to pay her a visit and found her extremely pregnant. She wasn't going to tell me and she was planning on getting married to her best friend. I want to strangle her about as badly as I want to pull her into my arms," Drew said, as he blew out a frustrated breath.

"I understand," Derek said as he let out a chuckle. He had dealt with every type of emotion when he and Jasmine had found each other again.

"Just be careful how you proceed, Cousin because you don't want to spook her. That's your baby and you're lucky to have found her so soon. Just think, in four months you'll be watching your son or daughter come into this world," Derek reminded him.

"It's a girl. I'm having a daughter," Drew said with real excitement.

"That's so great," Derek said and slapped Drew on the back. Jasmine stepped through the doors, with Britney in her arms. Drew immediately held his own arms out to take his niece. She was so tiny and precious and he couldn't get enough of cuddling with her.

"What's so great?" Jasmine asked as she handed over the baby. Drew immediately began blowing bubbles on her little tummy, making her giggle in her tiny baby voice.

"I'm going to be a father," Drew said as he looked up at Jasmine. She was an amazing woman and he was glad she and Derek found each other again. Hell, he hadn't thought it was possible to find a woman as great as her until he'd met Trinity.

"That's so great, Drew," she said, as she threw her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. "Why have I not met this woman?" she then questioned him, seeming a little hurt.

He explained the story to her and she seemed a bit appeased but not completely. "I insist on meeting her right away," Jasmine said with her typical stubbornness. Drew figured it was good to have her on his side. He gave her the address of Trinity's floral shop. He knew Jasmine would be there first thing in the morning.

"You boys watch the kids and I'll make a celebratory dinner," Jasmine said as she turned towards the kitchen. Drew's mouth started to water because Jasmine was a phenomenal cook.

He sat in one of the lounge chairs, cuddling his niece close to his chest. She let out a little yawn and closed her eyes. He continued to rub along her tiny back and smiled as she let out a soft sigh. He couldn't believe in only a few short months he'd be holding his own little girl. He never thought he'd want to be a father but knowing he was about to have a child, completely changed things. He could hardly wait.

He watched as Derek and Jacob splashed around in the pool, then his stomach growled as the smells started drifting out from the kitchen. He knew he'd made the right decision coming over. He finally started to relax and then make plans for how he'd win Trinity. He was a business man; he didn't lose his head over any situation.