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The Tycoon's Vacation(13)

By:Melody Anne



"I think we should do it before the baby is born. If you want a big wedding that's fine, it's all up to you. I want your wedding day to be special and you know money isn't an issue. We'll have a good marriage and I don't want you to have regrets about the wedding itself," he told her.

"No, we can just do it at the courthouse, I don't have anyone I'd invite to a real wedding anyway," she said a bit sadly. He reluctantly agreed with her and they started to head down the street together. Her apartment wasn't far away. Their hands slipped together as they made their way down the sidewalk. That was a natural thing, as they were comfortable touching one another. Heck, she'd fallen asleep in his arms before, while watching movies. They were comfortable with each other, which was why their friendship had always worked out.

"I didn't even think about getting you a ring. I'll do that tomorrow," he said as they climbed the stairs and turned the corner. She hadn't thought about a ring either, as she didn't really think of the marriage as real. She really had to fight back tears because she was settling and making him do so as well.

"I don't need a fancy ring Damien, just a simple band," she told him, right before they turned the corner.

"What do you need a ring for?" she heard Drew ask, before she stopped suddenly and looked up at the deep blue eyes she hadn't seen in five months. Her world seemed to stop spinning for a moment and she felt the panic start deep inside her gut. She hadn't expected to see him again and certainly not in this situation. She couldn't believe the rush of attraction washing through her from just the sight of him. Why couldn't she feel the same with Damien?

"What are you doing here?" she was barely able to whisper at him.

"I asked you a question first," he said, as he glared from her to Damien and then down to her stomach. Drew had thought of no other but her over the last five months and wasn't happy to find her with another man and very obviously pregnant. Had she gotten over him far more quickly than he would've liked? She was very pregnant and it was either his, or she had jumped into the arms of another man right away. Either way he wasn't happy with her at that moment.

She could see he was trying to figure out exactly how far along she was. She heard her neighbor's door, across the hall, open and she wanted to get away from her nosy neighbor, before having this personal conversation.

"I'm tired Drew and don't want to talk right now. The shop is open tomorrow, why don't you come over there around noon," she said, as she opened her door and stepped inside. Damien followed behind her slowly, with Drew right on his heels. She glared at him, as he entered her sanctuary and looked around. 

"I think we'll talk now and I'd still like to hear why you need a ring," he stated to her. She couldn't believe she'd ever thought the man was simply a resort employee. He exuded raw power, in both manner and dress. She was horrified at her traitorous body for its response to him. He was even more impressive than she remembered, if that were possible.

"We're getting married," Damien said, since it was obvious she wasn't going to say anything. Damien could tell at once this was the baby's father. He'd stand by her side no matter what, but he had a feeling their story wasn't quite finished. He stood aside to offer his support but if Trinity could work things out with the man he'd be happy for her. He hated to admit it to himself but he was somewhat relieved the man was stepping back in the picture. He loved Trinity and would do anything for her but he knew she deserved so much more than a passionless marriage.

"I see it didn't take you long to bounce back after our relationship, or is this the man who cheated on you?" Drew sneered. Damien was close to taking a swing at the man but he didn't want to make the situation worse for Trinity. He didn't like being compared to the bastard who broke Trinity's heart.

"None of it is any of your business Drew. You need to leave now, we have nothing to talk about," she said, as she glared at him. He looked down at her rounded stomach again, then back to her face and she could feel the heat redden her cheeks. His eyes narrowed even more.

"How far along are you Trinity?" he asked her. He was well aware their first time in the pool, they hadn't used protection. He was never so stupid as to have unprotected sex but he'd lost his mind a lot that week. He'd thought she'd get ahold of him if there were consequences from their week. Hell, for that matter, he'd tried calling her for a month. He wasn't used to being rejected and hers had wounded his pride, more than he'd ever admit.

He had also decided after five months, her anger would've been cooled off. He couldn't get his mind off her and finally decided he had to see her again. She'd just have to get over the fact he owned the resort. If she found out he actually owned many resorts, she'd probably really freak on him.