Reading Online Novel

The Teacher and the Virgin(33)

Gripping the steering wheel, I downshifted as I turned into my driveway, then waited for the garage door to slide open.

Thank fuck she agreed to come home with me. If she’d insisted, I would have taken her to her door, brushed the hair off her face and kissed her sweetly as I said goodnight. But that wasn't what either of us wanted.

There was nothing wrong with a woman going after what she wanted. Pleasure was just as much a woman's right as any man’s. But Emma was a good girl, perhaps a little too good, and needed me to guide her. That was not a problem, as long as she let me lead her into my bed, her long, sexy legs wrapped around my waist as I buried my cock in her body. No one else would have her. Ever.

I turned off the car as the garage door slid closed, the soft light from the opener in the ceiling allowing me to see her face. And the rest of her. She was just as prim and proper as always, hands folded in her lap, but her skirt rode a little up her thighs and I knew another inch and I'd see the tops of her stockings, her garters.

“Tell me what you want, Emma.”

She turned her head so her pale eyes met mine, the blush that stole up her cheeks indicating her innocence. “You know what I want,” she whispered.

Slowly, I shook my head. I shifted in my seat, as if that would make my cock any less painful. “There are so many things I want to do to you. Very dirty, very naughty things that would probably scare you away.”

She licked her lips and I couldn't hold off any longer. Cupping my hand behind her neck, I pulled her toward me for a kiss, found her tongue, teased it. Reaching down, I unclipped her seatbelt and pulled her over the console so she was half in my lap.

Lifting her head ever so slightly, she whispered against my mouth. “I think I might like very dirty.”

My thumb stroked over her cheek as my other hand cupped her ass. “What about very naughty?” I asked.

“Doesn't what we did in the restroom count?”

“Having my finger in your pussy? Wouldn't you like my cock instead?”

She bit her lip and nodded and I couldn't help but groan.

“You want to feel my cock stretch you open?”

She whimpered. Oh yeah, she was a dirty girl all right.

“I’ll take care of you, Emma. I’ll make you feel good.”

A breathy sigh escaped her lips.

I let her go, helping her to settle back in her seat. I'd gotten her this far, I wasn't going to take her in my car. I climbed out and went around to open her door. I took her hand and helped her from the low profile sports car. The bucket seats forced her to bend at the waist and her skirt rode up to reveal those naughty little garters.

She laid her hand in mine and I led her through the house and up to my bedroom. The trust she placed in me made my heart pound. Standing before my bed, she was right where I wanted her to be, where I'd wanted her to be for a year. She was mine. This bedroom was ours. She was the first—and only—woman who would ever be in this room, in this bed.

“You said something about liking dirty. Are you a dirty little virgin?” I asked.

Her hands fidgeted, but she wasn't afraid. Definitely aroused if her nipples poking against her blouse was any indication. She gave a slight shrug.

“You rode my fingers in the restroom bar with only a flimsy lock keeping people from seeing you come.”

Her lips parted and she started to breathe more quickly.

“I think you're a dirty girl—” I walked up to her, tucked a lock of her blond hair behind her ear. “—but just for me. I think that's a secret you haven't shared with anyone else. Is that right?”

She nodded as my knuckles stroked her cheek.

Lowering my hands to the tiny pearl buttons, I began to open her blouse. “Time to see what's mine. Has any man ever seen your body before?”

She held her breath as my fingers ran over her bare skin as it was exposed before pushing the garment off her shoulders so it dropped to her feet.

“Fuck,” I murmured, taking in her gorgeous breasts in that lace and silk concoction. Her bra was a pale pink and cut so that only the lower half of her breasts were covered, the upper swells plump and available for my mouth. Shit, if she just breathed deeply, her nipples would pop free. How had they not already?

Using the tip of my finger, I ran it along the line of her shoulder, over her delicate collarbone to slide back and forth over the silkiest, softest skin I'd ever felt. These breasts were more than a handful and real. She sucked in a breath and I dipped my finger into the cup of the sexy bra so that her nipple was exposed. While her skin was so creamy and pale that I could see little veins beneath, her nipple was a dark pink, like a little raspberry eager to be tasted. Moving to her other breast, I tugged that cup down. She was revealed and lifted, her pert nipples eager for my mouth.