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The Teacher and the Virgin(28)

By:Jessa James

Instead of releasing her, I bent down and kissed the corner of her mouth, lingered to make sure she could smell the cologne I’d put on this morning and feel the heat of my body pressed close. “You want to get laid, Emma, I'm right here.”

Her eyes widened, her mouth fell open at my meaning.

“How did you—”

“You want to break open that pussy of yours, get rid of your virginity? My cock's big enough for the job.”

Those luscious pink lips fell open, closed. Her eyes widened in shock, but I saw desire there as well. Curiosity. She was interested. And panicked.

I didn’t stop her when she ran for the ladies’ room. She needed space, and I’d give her a little.

Following her, I watched and waited as at least half a dozen women entered, stayed inside for a few minutes, and reappeared.

My Emma was hiding from me. She thought the little picture of a lady in a skirt on the door would prevent her having to deal with me.

Well, I wasn’t leaving so she could flirt with some random asshole and let another man take her home. She wanted me. I’d seen it in her eyes. Which meant it was time to seduce my little virgin into admitting it. Even if it was in the ladies’ room.

* * *


I paced the restroom. Four stalls with dark rose doors, two white sinks with pink soap and fake orchids in a small green vase next to the hand towels. The music was muted, but the bass made even the floor vibrate. I glanced in the mirror and shook my head. I’d left my apartment tonight full of confidence.

Standing up straight, I smoothed my hands over my hips. The dress hugged every curve like a second skin. I wasn’t super thin, but I had a woman’s body, rounded hips and full breasts. I was more Marilyn Monroe than supermodel, but the men in the bar didn’t seem to mind.

I’d come here to find a stranger who didn’t know I was a virgin, to take him home and get it over with. I’d stupidly believed I could get some random guy to have sex with me and never even tell him I was a virgin.

But now, everything was a mess. Carter was here. Carter Buchanan. And he knew. God, he knew I’d never been with a man, and he wanted me anyway.

Offering myself to a stranger seemed so much easier than sleeping with Carter. And that was just fucked up in the extreme.

A few ladies came in, took care of business and left me alone. Their sympathetic looks just made me feel worse. Was my stress that obvious? Of course. I’d seen more than one freaked out woman hiding in the restroom in my day.

The door opened again and I ignored the sound until I heard the deadbolt click, locking me inside.

I whirled to find Carter, his shoulder leaning against the door. So casual, so at ease. “You going to hide from me all night?”

“What?” I backed up, so turned on I could barely breathe. He was in the ladies’ room. With me. And he'd locked the door. “I wasn’t hiding.”

He smiled and walked toward me. I stopped moving when my back ran into one of the paper towel dispensers on the wall.

“If you weren’t hiding, then what were you doing in here?”


“Thinking about kissing me?” He raised a dark brow and stepped close. Lifting his arms, he caged me in, his face inches from mine, a hint of five o’clock shadow making his normal dark, sexy look even more intense. I wanted to taste him, run my lips along his jaw and feel that hint of beard rub my sensitive lips.

I licked my lips. Kissing? Yes. And more. So much more. “Yes.”

Oddly, being in a public restroom made me bold. It wasn’t like Carter was going to throw me down on the tile and rut into me. That wasn’t his style. And so, I told him the truth. Admitted that I wanted him. What did I have to lose? At this point, it wasn’t like I could lose my job, since I'd already given notice. I would no longer be an employee of Buchanan Industries in five work days. Five more days in the same building with Carter.

He lowered his lips and I closed my eyes, waiting. Waiting.

The kiss never came and I opened my eyes to find him staring, watching me with rapt attention. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Emma.”

Carter crushed his lips to mine—finally—and I opened for him, for his thrusting tongue and complete domination. My body sang under his touch, as if I’d waited a lifetime for just this one kiss.

His body pressed forward, his hard erection pushing into my stomach. But I didn’t want him there, I needed him lower.

Feeling bold, I wrapped my arms around his head and kissed him with a year of pent up desire. I lifted my left leg and wrapped it around his hip, trying to get his hard cock where I needed it, rubbing my clit.

With a groan, he lowered a hand to my leg and traced his way up my thigh. I’d put on the thigh high stockings with a brand new garter belt I’d bought, just for tonight. For the stranger I'd planned to seduce. But now, I was thrilled to know I'd put them on for Carter.