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The Teacher and the Virgin(25)

By:Jessa James

There was no fucking way Emma was giving her virginity to some random fucker at a bar. She wanted cock? I had one she could take full advantage of. But it wasn't just one night I wanted. I wanted all her nights. I’d stayed away because she was pure, because I didn’t want to risk ruining her with my base needs. And because I knew she had plans, was just finishing her degree. I was trying to be a god-damned gentleman and wait until she was ready.

That was over. If she was ready to give her body away, she damn well was going to give it to me and no one else. I wanted Emma. Her body was mine. Her smile was mine. That luscious mouth was mine to fuck. Her virginity, mine to take. I wouldn’t share her. I couldn’t stand by and watch her give herself to some random stranger all too eager to fuck her and forget her.

She deserved better than that and I was going to make sure she got it.

Forever. Yes, Emma was going to be mine tonight. After that, she wouldn't have any doubts about who she belonged to.

But first, I had to convince her that I wasn’t playing around. I’d take her out to dinner and hold doors, that’s what I’d do. I’d seduce her, make her scream with every orgasm, fill her wet pussy with my big, hard cock. I’d send her roses every fucking day and kiss her until she couldn’t breathe. Eventually, I’d put my ring on her finger and my baby in her womb. I’d claim her every way a man could claim his woman.

I was done trying to be noble, trying to protect her from my darkness. If she was ready for more, I was going to give it to her. Me. No one else.

She was mine, she just didn’t know it yet.

Chapter Two

Emma Sanders

I adjusted the strap of my new pink bra and looked at myself in the mirror. The pink lace and satin did an amazing job hoisting up my large breasts. The line of cleavage the demi bra created was impressive. I just had to hope that the guy who I took home tonight liked boobs. Big, soft round boobs that were so sensitive to the touch that I shuddered every time I accidentally bumped into my boss's brother. Carter.

I took a deep breath, tried to calm my racing heart. Every time I thought about what I was going to do tonight, I freaked. So, yeah, maybe picking up a random guy at a bar, bringing him home and letting him pop my cherry wasn’t the smartest idea I’d ever had. But I was desperate. No one wanted to date an uptight, twenty-four year old virgin. The men I’d told thought I was super-religious and looking for an engagement ring, or cold as ice, rigid and untouchable.

I was going to fuck whatever hottie I could find at the bar. I wasn’t going to ask, or tell him I was a virgin. Hell no. That would derail the entire thing. I didn’t want him to know about my unfortunate state until his cock was buried deep and the deed done.

If he knew, he’d leave me untouched. Hot and horny and desperate to be fucked. But something about the V card scared off my would-be lovers.

I wasn't anything special. How could I be? I was still holding my V card. If I'd been sexy enough, attractive enough, hot enough, I'd have dates every weekend. But no. I couldn’t seduce a man because I’d never taken one to bed. I didn’t know how to act sexy, or to tempt a lover to my bed. Those invisible signals couples gave each other? I knew they existed, but had no clue how to participate.

If I didn't resolve this virginity problem, I'd turn into an old cat lady. A spinster cat lady with a cobweb covered vagina. When I told that guy Jim, my date to the office Christmas party, that I'd never had sex before, his mouth had fallen open and he'd been afraid to touch me. He'd said I was a unicorn.

A unicorn. No one wanted to fuck a unicorn. At least not Jim since he’d run for the door faster than I could track him.

Seemed no man wanted to deal with a virgin. It wasn’t like I was saving myself for someone special, I’d just never met a guy I wanted badly enough to spread my legs and let him take me.

Except Carter Buchanan. But he was so far out of my league, even thinking his name was a joke of epic proportions. He was a walking cliché, tall dark and handsome. His dark brown hair just reached his collar in the back and I stared at the soft waves when he wasn’t looking, imagined running my hands through his hair. His dark eyes were intense. Every time he looked at me, I felt like he could read my mind or something. Carter was sexy, successful. A freaking billionaire Buchanan, a member of the most famous, richest, hottest group of bachelors in all of Colorado. And my Ford's brother.

Sure, I worked with him and delivered reports and files to his office, but Carter Buchanan barely even knew I was alive, and it was time to stop pining for something I could never have.

Condensation still coated the mirror from my scorching hot shower. I wiped the mirror with the hand towel and touched up my lipstick before walking back into my bedroom to grab my dress.