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The Teacher and the Virgin(24)

By:Jessa James

“It’s five, Mr. Buchanan. Unless there’s something else you need from our office, I’m going to call it a day.”

I swallowed hard. Need? Yeah, there was something else I needed, but I wasn’t going to take it here, in my office, with her skirt flipped up over her luscious ass and her head down on my desk.

At least, not yet. That would come later. When she knew who she belonged to. When her body knew it was mine.

“That's fine, Emma. Are you hitting the town with the rest of the staff for their usual Thursday night at Frankie’s Bar?” The place was upscale, expensive, and offered exotic drinks like chocolate martinis. And it was only two blocks from the office. So, yeah, the bar had been a haunt of the Buchanan staff for years.

Her cheeks turned pink and she bit her lip, but she also raised her head in surprise and met my gaze. I felt that bright, innocent stare down to my toes.

I imagined those big, round eyes sizing some stranger up at a bar. Accepting his offer to buy her a drink. Agreeing to go home with him. Taking off that tight fucking skirt and wrapping her legs around his waist.


I had to turn away, afraid she’d see the rage building in my head, buzzing like a hornets’ nest. No one was fucking touching her. No one but me.

After counting to ten, I looked back up.

She grinned, picking at the corner of the notepad and papers she held in front of her chest. “Yes. Everyone’s meeting there after work. How did you know about Frankie’s? I’ve never seen you there before.”

Standing slowly, I walked around the edge of my desk and stopped inches from her. More than anything, I wanted to pull her into my arms and forbid her from entering that meat market. I knew all too well just how many young, arrogant pricks would be there waiting to get their hands on a soft, curvy virgin like my Emma. They’d be dressed in their suits, hair slicked back, throwing hundred dollar bills on the bar to try to impress the ladies, trying to impress Emma.

Eyes growing wider, she watched me approach, but held her ground. That was my girl. I loved that spunk, that fucking fire. She’d never backed down, not once in all the months she’d worked for the Buchanans.

Unable to resist touching her, I lifted my hand to her shoulder in what I hoped wouldn’t come off as an asshole move. She glanced down at my hand, confused, I was sure, because I'd never touched her before, but she didn’t shrug me off.

I waited patiently for her to raise her gaze to mine. “I’ve never been invited.”

“What?” Shock clouded her eyes, but she quickly blinked it away. “How? I mean, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I don’t…that’s not…I—”

She was so damn beautiful when she stuttered, and her obvious concern for my emotional well-being was adorable.

Leaning forward, I placed a chaste kiss on her cheek before stepping away. “Don’t worry about me, Emma.”

She gasped at the surprise contact, then bit her lip and stifled the sound. Her cheek was warm and silky soft beneath my lips. I wanted more, to find out if she was so damn soft everywhere else. And her scent…

“No,” she replied. “I think you should come. Get to know everyone better. Maybe they wouldn’t be so sc—”

Emma stopped herself just in time and I threw back my head with laughter. “Scared?”

Her blush was a deep, dark pink and I longed to trace the color all the way down her neck and under that blouse, discover if her breasts were as flushed as her face.

“I’m sorry.” She sighed. “Look, I’m not usually such a mess. I don’t normally—”

“Tell me the truth?” I cut her off.

She raised a brow, but met my gaze squarely. “I tell you the truth, but I don't tell tales.”

“That’s because you’re smart.”

It was her turn to laugh. “Apparently, not around you.” Her gaze drifted lower, to my mouth, my lips, just for a moment, but I saw it, and I knew I would have her. Soon.

I squeezed her shoulder and reluctantly, let her go. “Go on, Emma. It’s been a helluva week. You better go before they think I trapped you here for the weekend.”

Trapped, under me. On top of me. Bent over my desk.

It was like my cock had taken over my head.

“See you next week.” Emma walked out of my office without looking back, her soft blond hair swinging over her shoulders, her curvy ass sashaying as she left me standing there alone, like a dick.

I nearly ran after her. Instead, I fisted my hands in my pockets and told my cock to fucking stand down. Nothing was happening until later.

Nothing but me convincing Emma that I was the right man for her, the only man for her.