Reading Online Novel

The State of the Art


The ride's a little bumpy on the famous Road of


'My God, what's happening!' Sammil Mc9 cried,

waking up.

The cart he and his companion had hitched a ride

on was shaking violently.

Mc9 put his grubby hands on the plank of rotten

wood which formed one of the cart's sides and

looked down at the legendary Road, wondering

what had caused the cart's previously merely

uncomfortable rattling to become a series of bone-

jarring crashes.He expected to discover that they

had lost a wheel, or that the snooze-prone carter

had let the vehicle wander right off the Road into a

boulder-field, but he saw neither of these things.He

stared, goggle-eyed, at the Road surface for a

moment, then collapsed back inside the cart.

'Golly,' he said to himself, 'I didn't know the

Empire ever had enemies with heads that

big.Retribution from beyond the grave, that's what

this is.' He looked forward; the cart's senile driver

was still asleep, despite the vehicle's frenzied

bouncing.Beyond him, the lop-eared old quadruped

between the shafts was having some difficulty

finding its footing on the oversized skulls forming

that part of the Road, which led Mc9 let his eyes

follow the thin white line into the distance to the


It lay on the horizon of the moor, a shimmering

blur.Most of the fabled megalopolis was still

below the horizon, but its sharp, glittering towers

were unmistakable, even through the blue and

shifting haze.Mc9 grinned as he saw it, then

watched the silent, struggling horse-thing as it

clopped and skidded its way along the Road; it

was sweating heavily, and beset by a small cloud

of flies buzzing around its ear-flapping head like

bothersome electrons around some reluctant


The old carter woke up and lashed inaccurately at

the nag between the shafts, then nodded back into

his slumber.Mc9 looked away and gazed out over

the moor.

Usually the moor was a cold and desolate place,

wrapped in wind and rain, but today it was

blisteringly hot; the air reeked of marsh gases and

the heath was sprinkled with tiny bright

flowers.Mc9 sank back into the straw again,

scratching and squirming as the cart bucked and

heaved about him.He tried shifting the bundles of

straw and the heaps of dried dung into more

comfortable configurations, but failed.He was just

thinking that the journey would seem very long, and

be uncomfortable indeed if this outrageous

juddering went on, when the crashes died away

and the cart went back to its more normal rattling

and squeaking. 'Thank goodness they didn't hold

out too long,' Mc9 muttered to himself, and lay

down again, closing his eyes.

he was driving a haycart down a leafy lane.Birds

were chirping, the wine was cool, money weighed

in his pocket

He wasn't quite asleep when his companion -

whose name, despite their long association, Mc9

had never bothered to find out - surfaced from

beneath the straw and dung beside him and said,


'Eh?What?' Mc9 said, startled.

'What retribution?'

'Oh,' Mc9 said, rubbing his face and grimacing as

he squinted at the sun, high in the blue-green sky.

'The retribution inflicted upon us as Subjects of the

Reign, by the deceased Enemies of the Beloved


The small companion, whose spectacular

grubbiness was only partially obscured by a

covering of debatably less filthy straw, blinked

furiously and shook his head. 'No me mean, what

retribution mean?'

'I just told you,' Mc9 complained. 'Getting back at


'Oh,' said the companion, and sat mulling this over

while Mc9 drifted off to sleep again.

there were three young milkmaids walking ahead

of his haycart; he drew level and they accepted a

ride.He reached down to

His companion dug him in the ribs. 'Like when me

take too many bedclothes and you kick I out of bed,

or me drink your wine and you make I drink three

guts of laxative beer, or when you pregnanted that

governor's daughter and him set the Strategic Debt

Collectors on you, or someplace doesn't pay all its

taxes and Its Majesty orders the first born of every

family have their Birth Certificates endorsed, or?'

Mc9, who was well used to his companion

employing the verbal equivalent of a

Reconnaissance By Fire, held up one hand to stem

this flood of examples.His companion continued

mumbling away despite the hand over his

mouth.Finally the mumbling stopped.

'Yes,' Mc9 told him. 'That's right.' He took his hand


'Or is it like when -?'

'Hey,' Mc9 said brightly. 'How about I tell you a


'Oh, a story,' beamed his companion, clutching at Mc9's sleeve in anticipation. 'A story would be'

his grimy features contorted like a drying mudflat

as he struggled to find a suitable adjective. ' Nice.'

'OK.Let go my sleeve and pass me the wine to wet