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The Sheikh’s Accidental Heir(26)

By:Leslie North

Melanie stared at him, unsure how to respond. Could she trust him? But he was the father of her child. How could she not at least give him a chance? She nodded and said, “Okay, what’s the plan?”


Ahmed took Melanie with him to confront his father. This was not going to be easy, but it must be done. The child changed everything. This was a huge risk—he knew he was facing the loss of everything. If this went wrong, he would lose Melanie and the baby. He would have to face prison if his father lost his temper. But it was a chance. He had to take it.

They came across Nasiji near the front door—in a dress that must have come from Paris. With her olive skin, green eyes and long, black hair, she was startling.

She also looked startled.

Her eyes widened, and she glanced from Ahmed to Melanie.

Ahmed glanced at the luggage near her feet. “Going somewhere?” Nasiji’s cheeks darkened, and Ahmed smiled. “You’ve been preparing your escape from here, haven’t you? Getting your own plans in place.”

She lifted her chin. “What, I was supposed to trust you would get us out of this marriage?” She glanced at Melanie. “You should be warned. Ahmed is best at looking after himself.”

Ahmed’s face warmed, but Melanie stepped up to Nasiji. “In New York, a girl learns a few things—like how to spot a good guy. You should have trusted Ahmed.”

Nasiji’s face darkened even more. The front door opened, and a man stepped in. Ahmed stiffened. “Who are you?”

The man gave a low bow. He dressed in traditional robes and curiously light-amber eyes. Ahmed heard Melanie suck in a breath and mutter, “You.”

The man stepped closer to Nasiji. “Are you ready?”

Nasiji gave a short nod. “Yes, Jamul.”

Ahmed stepped forward. “Just who are you, and why are you making off with Nasiji?”

Nasiji faced him. “You have no more business in my affairs. And this is the son of my father’s cousin.”

Ahmed frowned. “The old man you don’t want to marry—but you do want to run off with his son?”

Jamul grinned. “It has taken me long enough to convince her it is a good idea. And now we must go.”

In a low voice, Melanie muttered, “Guess this means our deal is off?”

Jamul glanced at her. “I think you are in Ahmed’s care.”

Ahmed glanced from her to Jamul, but Melanie merely shrugged and Jamul was too busy picking up Nasiji’s luggage. He huffed out a breath. “I will see if I can keep my father’s attention long enough for you to get to the airport.”

“I have a yacht waiting,” Jamul said.

Nasiji turned and started for the door, but she came back, stood on tiptoe and kissed Ahmed’s cheek. “I am sorry I could not wait for you to be my hero and save me from a marriage I did not want.”

Ahmed gave her a small smile and caught her hand. “Where is your burka? Did you leave it?”

She shook her head and gestured to the smallest of her luggage. Taking the bag from Jamul, Ahmed gave it to Melanie. “Here. Take this with you. Just in case. And then wait for me in your room.”

Her lips parted, and he knew she was about to ask questions or protest. So he kissed her quickly and said, “Please, Melanie.”

She let out a breath, but she took the case. “I’ve got a feeling whatever you’re planning is not going to go well.”

He shrugged and then looked at Jamul. Taking Nasiji’s hand, he put it in Jamul’s free hand. “Beat her if she gives you trouble—and she will.”

Jamul grinned. “Oh, no. I know how to treasure a pearl beyond price.”

The two headed out the front door. Ahmed glanced at Melanie and took her hand. “And now I must not only tell my father that I am marrying you since you carry my child, but that Nasiji has fled the country rather than marry me.”

Melanie wrinkled her nose. “We haven’t settled anything yet, and I am not just marrying you because it’s your child. But…well, good luck with your dad.”

She gave him a kiss on the cheek and headed for her room.

Outside his father’s office, the security guards gave Ahmed brief nods. His father’s door stood open, and Ahmed stepped in. He saw no need to delay what was necessary, so he simply said, “Father, I am not marrying Nasiji. I am marrying the woman who carries my child.”

The sultan looked up from his paperwork and sat back in his chair. “Are you drunk this early in the day?”

Ahmed stepped in and shut the door behind him. “You told Khalid he had to choose his own wife. Why are you so determined to dictate who I’m to marry?”

“Yes, I told your oldest brother to find his own bride, and you see the mess his American reporter made of that.”