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The Sheikh’s Accidental Heir(23)

By:Leslie North

“I’m being well paid, aren’t I? Both to get it done and put it off.”

He glanced at her and frowned, uncertain what she was talking about. But she cut off a slice of one of the cakes and held it up between her thumb and forefingers. “Honey spice angel food? Devil’s food just seemed too obvious a choice.”

“Whatever it is, I will always want a taste if you offer.” He took her wrist and pulled her fingers to his lips. Pressing the tip of his tongue to the edge of her thumb, he licked, and guided her hand to his lips, leaving her no choice but to allow him to take her finger and the cake into his mouth. He bit into the cake’s sweetness, and then sucked her finger, watching her eyes dilate.

Letting go of her hand, he saw her pull away. He smiled. “It is just the way I like it.”

He saw her throat work, but she did not step away from him. His mouth went dry. She tilted her head to one side. “This is impossible, you know.”

Ahmed put his hands on her waist. “What I know is that we fit together.”

She shook her head. “We had a fling, that’s all. A couple of days.”

“And why can we not have more?”

Melanie reached up and brushed her fingers over his lips. “Because…you’re a prince, and this Cinderella works for a living and has a company to run.”

Growling, he pulled her against him. “You can feel my desire for you.” He rocked his hips against her. She gave a low moan, and her eyes slid half closed.

Ahmed lifted one hand and buried his fingers in her hair. “I want you so much.” Leaning close, he kissed the corner of her mouth and then her neck, just where her collar hung open.

With a shove, she pushed him away. “Ahmed, you’re getting married and we’re not…not going to screw around in the kitchen.”

Reluctantly, he let go of her. “And after this wedding is no more?”

“After… I’ll be heading to New York, and I’ll have to work damn hard to clean up my company’s reputation. It’s only your money I want.” Melanie snapped the words out at him, aiming them like knives. “I’ll make sure you have the time to blow it up—but then I’m gone.”

He shook his head. “What are you talking about? The time to blow it up?”

She parted her lips as if to say something, turned pale and suddenly slapped a hand over her mouth. Turning, she darted to the bathroom. He heard sounds of retching. Following her, he found her leaning over the sink. The room smelled of vomit, and Melanie was shaking.

“That does it. You are seeing the palace doctor. Now.”

She started to shake her head, but he simply swept her up in his arms.


“No, I am not hearing any more protests.”

“I was going to ask what happens if I throw up all over you.”

He glanced at her. “Then you throw up. Try at least to aim for one of the potted plants.” Thankfully, she did not throw up, and Ahmed carried her into the office of the palace physician.

Dr. Hashim glanced up from his computer and came immediately to the couch where Ahmed had settled Melanie. Ahmed explained how Melanie had been throwing up.

Hashim had been the palace doctor for as long as Ahmed could remember. Portly now, his head balding, he looked his age, but his black eyes were as sharp as ever and he told Ahmed to wait outside. Ahmed paced the corridor. At last, Hashim opened the door and gestured for Ahmed to enter again. Melanie was buttoning up her shirt and still looking pale.

Glancing from Melanie to Hashim, Ahmed asked, “What is it? Flu? Food poisoning?”

“Oh, something far more serious,” Dr. Hashim said. He rubbed a hand over his balding head. “As I have told her, she should start vitamins. It is early yet, but I see no reason she should not have a healthy baby.”

Ahmed’s legs threatened to buckle. He put a hand out and caught himself on the wall. He glanced at Melanie. She was not looking at him, but was staring at the floor. Ahmed looked at Hashim again. “Could you give us a minute?”

Dr. Hashim nodded and left. Ahmed walked over to stand in front of Melanie. “I meant to tell you—the condom, that last time—it broke.”

She glanced up at him, her mouth set. “Great. Now you tell me.”

He swallowed hard. A lump seemed stuck in his throat. “Do you…will you fly home and…and…” His words fled.

Melanie stared up at him. Her eyes seemed to harden into emeralds that flashed fire. “And what? Take care of it? Get an abortion? Get rid of this…complication? News flash—it’s my body, my baby, and—” She cut off her words and sucked in a breath. “And I’ll decide.”