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The Sheikh’s Accidental Heir(15)

By:Leslie North

Melanie went, grateful to head back to the kitchen. Once there, Sid voiced the question Melanie had been thinking, “Are those two going to get married or kill each other?”

After Melanie and her staff had left, Ahmed stood and towered over Nasiji. They still had the wedding planner with them, so the show must go on. “I thought you wished an impressive menu?”

“You suggested this caterer. And what is wrong with a more traditional wedding?” Nasiji’s voice hit a whine that almost had Ahmed walking from the room. How the woman managed to be a scold without ever scolding was a wonder. He now pitied the man who would ever wed her, for she would rule him without ever raising her voice.

But he had a role to play here.

“I know I did,” he said. He’d used this wedding as an excuse to bring Melanie to him. He hadn’t expected that jolt of attraction to shake him so strongly. He hadn’t thought he would instantly want her in his arms. She’d felt so good, so right. He wanted that again.

But he had this damnable role to play.

He cut the air with a hand—a gesture his father adored. “I will go ask if she can prepare more traditional dishes.”

“Not too traditional,” Nasiji said, her voice hitting that note that had his skin wanting to crawl off his body. “I do not want us to appear backward to the world.”

Ahmed heard the wedding planner mutter, “Traditional but not too traditional.” The woman wiped a hand over her forehead. Well, she was being well paid—wedding or no.

Nasiji stood, her robes swirling around her ankles. “The caterer has traveled around the world to take this job. We can’t possibly send her back now. She is doing something many women here will only ever dream of doing—running a company.” She looked at the wedding planner. “We’ll hire her and work with her on the menu.”

Ahmed raised both eyebrows. “I don’t remember agreeing with you.”

“Ah, so you would like to tell her that she’s wasted her time here?”

Ahmed glanced at the wedding planner. He couldn’t remember the woman’s name, but he knew she would report back to his father. The woman’s face had paled. He looked back at Nasiji and frowned. “Whatever you wish.”

Nasiji smiled. “I knew you’d come to your senses.”

Ahmed headed for the kitchen. He would at least see Melanie again.

And he had to figure out some time to speak with her in private.


Ahmed strode into the kitchen as if he owned the place—which, he sort of did, or at least his father did. Melanie’s staff froze, and she turned to face him. Was he going to fire her?

The tasting hadn’t gone as expected. She’d been hoping a couple of dishes would be discarded and a few chosen. Instead, she had no idea what to do for this wedding.

Traditional, but not too traditional. What did that even mean?

Glancing around, Ahmed saw her and came to her. He offered up that charming smile of his, and Melanie instantly went on guard. “You and your staff will stay at the palace. You will have access to the gym, pool, library and of course the kitchen. A car and driver is at your disposal. I trust you will be comfortable.”

Melanie was waiting for the catch. What was the idea here? Was Ahmed expecting to have her be in a bedroom next to his? “A hotel will be—”

“Too far.” He took her hand. “I hope you will join me for dinner.”

She tried to pull away, but he had a firm grip on her fingers. She tugged. He frowned and held on and leaned closer. “We need to speak.”

She gave up. He was right about that. “Thank you,” she said and kept the words flat. She was not going to help him cheat on his wife. Not before the wedding and not after.

Ahmed gave her another charming smile that had her pulse kicking up.

Tugging, Melanie got her hand back and turned to her staff. “All right,” she said, clapping her hands. “Let’s get to it.”

With Ahmed gone, she and her staff set to cleaning up and Melanie let herself think about the job she’d accepted. Why had Ahmed brought her here? What did he want to talk to her about? What was going to happen between them? Should she just quit?

But she couldn’t do that. It would leave her company’s reputation in shreds to bail on a job like this. But how was she going to keep Ahmed at arm’s length? The man had charm enough to get any woman in his bed.

She straightened and rubbed at her lower back, which was aching. She’d just have to cope. She’d been in worse spots, after all.

Sid, Terry and Angie finished up. They were eager to see their rooms, hit the pool and maybe take the car and driver out to see the sights. Melanie glanced around. The kitchen was once again spotless. She gave them the go to head out, with a caution to get some sleep. “Tomorrow I’m working on new menus,” she warned them. They left with Sid and Terry grinning, and a serious nod from Angie.