Reading Online Novel

The Reluctant Duke (A Seabrook Family Saga)(51)

As her tongue danced with his, a knot formed low in her belly and something shattered throughout her body, sending her into sweet bliss. If Thomas had not kissed her screams away the whole house would have heard.

That disconcerting thought of discovery brought her back to her senses too late.

“What the bloody hell are you doing?” Sebastian yelled as he shoved Thomas away from her. Then his shocked eyes fell on Emma’s exposed breasts.

“You whore. You refuse my advances but fall like a doxy into my brother’s arms to seek your pleasure.”

Emma clutched her dress to her breasts and stared, tears streaming down her cheeks at her shame and the hate she witnessed in Sebastian’s eyes.

“Sebastian, it is not what you think,” Thomas bellowed, as Sebastian’s fist connected with his chin, sending the duke reeling back against a chair. He righted himself and dove for his brother’s waist, and they both fell to the ground.

“Stop it, stop it.” Emma sobbed as she tried to pull them apart. Her bodice dropped once again, exposing her breasts; both men stopped and gaped as her.

“Damn you both to hell,” she cried as she clutched her dress.

Sebastian rose up first and pointed a trembling finger at her. “You fooled me. You fooled everyone in this house into thinking you were an innocent. You probably whored yourself out to my brother and Myles on the trip across the Atlantic.”

Emma gasped, almost succumbing to the agonizing pain gripping her heart. The room began to tilt. Words failed her when Wentworth shouted, “Do not talk to her like that. She is innocent. This was my fault. She had no idea what I was doing to her. You’d better beg her forgiveness.”

Sebastian snorted in disbelief. “Why should I? I asked her to marry me less than half an hour ago. I came in here moments later and . . . found . . . her nearly naked with your hand up her skirt. What am I supposed to think? She’s the one that owes me an apology.” He stalked to the doors and then turned back. “If you want this little episode kept quiet, I expect my demands to be met. You must write the Prince Regent and reject my commission, on my behalf. I am booking passage to America on the first ship I can find. Send word to your people at Hamilton Oil and tell them I will be taking over for you there.

“And I expect more than a modest salary…and housing. It is the least you can do for your untitled brother. And if it were not for…” He cast daggers at Emma with his eyes. “If not for her father’s fortune you would be broke and have nothing to offer anyone except your lofty title and your bad manners. I will pack and be gone within the hour, and, God willing, I will never set eyes on either one of you again.” He stormed out.

Thomas, pale as death, walked behind her and buttoned up her dress. “I am sorry I embarrassed you in front of my brother.” Once the last button was fastened he turned her in his arms. “Emma, I can’t believe I’m going to do this minutes after Sebastian did, but I am.” He dropped down on one knee. “Will you marry me?”

Emma could not believe her eyes and ears. If only she could be sure he truly wanted her as his wife and meant the words.

In her heart she was not convinced he did. She gave the only answer she could…


“No.” Thomas’s nostrils flared. “No?”

She made no response.

“Fine,” he resumed. “If that’s your choice, this situation can’t continue. I think the best thing for both of us is for me to marry you off as quickly as possible. Spare us both the torture of living in the same house. Maybe tonight will be your lucky night.”


Before Thomas could say any more hurtful things Emma fled the library and sought solace in her bedchamber. Left alone with her shredded heart, Emma sank down onto her bed, buried her face in her hands, and rocked back and forth, sobbing for the two men she loved. One as a friend she’d lost for good, and one she had hoped to spend all eternity with and now certainly knew she could not––no matter his proposal.

“Papa,” she cried. “I need you. I want to go home. Please, Papa.”


“What do you mean, you are moving out?” The dowager duchess hurried to keep up with Sebastian as he followed his trunks down the stairs. On her heels were Amelia and Bella, both looking frantic.

“Just what I said, Mother,” Sebastian snapped as he entered the foyer. “Wentworth has been most generous in offering me the chance to make my own fortune running Hamilton Oil, and I accepted. I leave today. A merchant ship sails for America on this evening’s tide, and I plan to leave with it.”